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QUOTE (God Loves The Infantry @ Nov 5, 2011 -> 05:50 PM)
These people are savages.


If you're not already seeing that this is a movement of the most despicable scum, people who are violently intolerant, criminal and disruptive of the lives of normal Americans, then you're just delusional.


Taking a fringe idiots and convicting everyone seems a little extreme.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Nov 5, 2011 -> 05:33 PM)
Most of them are LaRouchies and they were all asked to LEAVE, not embraced by the rest.


Where is the membership applications? Who decides who is, and who is not, part of these movements? Tea Party or Occupy?

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QUOTE (God Loves The Infantry @ Nov 5, 2011 -> 05:50 PM)
These people are savages.


If you're not already seeing that this is a movement of the most despicable scum, people who are violently intolerant, criminal and disruptive of the lives of normal Americans, then you're just delusional.


Speaking of despicable scum, people who are violently intolerant, criminal and disruptive of the lives of normal Americans, we can add guys like the 5th Stryker Brigade of Fort Lewis, Washington, who are charged with the wanton murder of Afghan civilians in Kandahar last spring, or Army Lt. William Calley, or Capt. Daniel Nilsson, or Kevin Lee Flippin, or CMDR Jay Wyle, or . . .


I'll point out that what all these people have in common is being at the fringes of the groups they are associated with, and rejected by good and just people everywhere. I would not paint the entire organizations with the same brush.



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QUOTE (Tex @ Nov 5, 2011 -> 06:31 PM)
Speaking of despicable scum, people who are violently intolerant, criminal and disruptive of the lives of normal Americans, we can add guys like the 5th Stryker Brigade of Fort Lewis, Washington, who are charged with the wanton murder of Afghan civilians in Kandahar last spring, or Army Lt. William Calley, or Capt. Daniel Nilsson, or Kevin Lee Flippin, or CMDR Jay Wyle, or . . .


I'll point out that what all these people have in common is being at the fringes of the groups they are associated with, and rejected by good and just people everywhere. I would not paint the entire organizations with the same brush.


Maybe it's just poor syntax on your part, but the 5th Stryker Brigade has roughly 4,000 Soldiers. And what, five of them, turned out to be murderous douchebags? Anyway, yeah, f*** them. They're not Soldiers and I'd gladly be the executioner for all of them. And for Calley. I don't know anything about the last three, but if they're anything like the first two examples, then f*** them too. I'll denounce the s*** out of people who disgrace the uniform. I wear this uniform with pride and I have no tolerance for people who would use it as a way to murder innocent people. Let the Taliban and the Palestinians celebrate murder and terrorism from those within their ranks; let us punish it when we find it amongst us. It just shows who's superior here.


So that's just it. Where are the denouncements from OWS' main camp about the riots in Oakland and the idiocy in DC last night and the drug use and the rapes? If nobody denounces it and says that's not what they're about, how am I supposed to know that there are indeed good people in the movement? They risk being judged by their craziest elements. And so far, to be honest, I haven't seen a protester who does come across as sensible or reasonable or even likeable. Even the ones who aren't simply vulgar and clownish come off as tragically uninformed.

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QUOTE (God Loves The Infantry @ Nov 5, 2011 -> 07:49 PM)
Maybe it's just poor syntax on your part, but the 5th Stryker Brigade has roughly 4,000 Soldiers. And what, five of them, turned out to be murderous douchebags? Anyway, yeah, f*** them. They're not Soldiers and I'd gladly be the executioner for all of them. And for Calley. I don't know anything about the last three, but if they're anything like the first two examples, then f*** them too. I'll denounce the s*** out of people who disgrace the uniform. I wear this uniform with pride and I have no tolerance for people who would use it as a way to murder innocent people. Let the Taliban and the Palestinians celebrate murder and terrorism from those within their ranks; let us punish it when we find it amongst us. It just shows who's superior here.


So that's just it. Where are the denouncements from OWS' main camp about the riots in Oakland and the idiocy in DC last night and the drug use and the rapes? If nobody denounces it and says that's not what they're about, how am I supposed to know that there are indeed good people in the movement? They risk being judged by their craziest elements. And so far, to be honest, I haven't seen a protester who does come across as sensible or reasonable or even likeable. Even the ones who aren't simply vulgar and clownish come off as tragically uninformed.


I've agreed with some of your points in this thread, but you are very, very angry.

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QUOTE (God Loves The Infantry @ Nov 4, 2011 -> 08:37 PM)
They can go out there and protest all they want. But they can't demand any of my hard earned wealth while not contributing on their own. I've seen enough of this protest to know a large majority of them are just the "have nots" being pissy at the "haves". If they left it at simply ending corporate welfare, I'm game. After all, that's true capitalism! Let the good businesses win and the bad ones fail. I'm down with that. But they are carrying a lot of baggage, ranging from ideas that I will never agree with to actions that I despise. And for those reasons, I will never join them.




QUOTE (God Loves The Infantry @ Nov 5, 2011 -> 08:08 PM)
You haven't figured out that's sort of my whole schtick by now?



Edited by Quinarvy
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QUOTE (Quinarvy @ Nov 5, 2011 -> 07:11 PM)


Well, anger aside, that's my foremost thought on these protests. The base complaint is valid (although sometimes misdirected), the proposed solutions aren't, and a lot of the behavior is completely dishonorable.


And this leaves me as no big fan of these guys.

Edited by God Loves The Infantry
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QUOTE (God Loves The Infantry @ Nov 5, 2011 -> 08:08 PM)


Bonus question- Do these turds who whine about cameras coming through their camps and taking pictures of their messes realize they are on public property? Probably not.

I hope that f***ing scumbag got thrown in jail. What a disgrace. They think that corporate america is the problem when they themselves are just as culpable. Destroying any truth that occupy speaks with this and many other nonsensical things that are proposed/done.

Edited by cws0591
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QUOTE (cws0591 @ Nov 5, 2011 -> 07:27 PM)
Destroying any truth that occupy speaks with this and many other nonsensical things that are proposed/done.


Like the chick I linked to earlier who demanded that people be allowed to print their own money. And of course, the "human microphone" mindlessly echoed the idiotic statement. It might not be everyone, but stupid stuff like that gives the movement a bad name. Not that I mind.

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QUOTE (God Loves The Infantry @ Nov 5, 2011 -> 09:38 PM)
Like the chick I linked to earlier who demanded that people be allowed to print their own money. And of course, the "human microphone" mindlessly echoed the idiotic statement. It might not be everyone, but stupid stuff like that gives the movement a bad name. Not that I mind.

The Human Microphone is going to repeat whatever the "Speaker" says, it's making it so that the person can be heard. The silly looking finger thing is how they vote. If you dont' have a mic setup and electric, that one actually makes sense.


And if we want to put "Crazy statements on currency issues" from each side up, I think the Conservative movement will definitely hold its ground. Fiat money, gold standard return, etc.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Nov 5, 2011 -> 07:42 PM)
The Human Microphone is going to repeat whatever the "Speaker" says, it's making it so that the person can be heard. The silly looking finger thing is how they vote. If you dont' have a mic setup and electric, that one actually makes sense.


And if we want to put "Crazy statements on currency issues" from each side up, I think the Conservative movement will definitely hold its ground. Fiat money, gold standard return, etc.


Yeah, except the chick was holding a bullhorn off to the side. And I get that the human mic simply repeats things. Which is stupid, if you ask me (they sound like mindless drones). Frankly, if I was participating in a similar setup, and someone said something that stupid, I'd just keep my mouth shut. And down twinkles? Ha. They wonder why we laugh at them.


I'm honestly not big on the currency issue. But I do know enough to know that simply printing your own money isn't going to work. Hell, if it did, we could just print ourselves out of debt! Are you really claiming that conservative positions on this one are crazier than the idea of just massive counterfeiting?

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QUOTE (God Loves The Infantry @ Nov 5, 2011 -> 08:22 PM)
Well, anger aside, that's my foremost thought on these protests. The base complaint is valid (although sometimes misdirected), the proposed solutions aren't, and a lot of the behavior is completely dishonorable.


And this leaves me as no big fan of these guys.


Back in my hometown, it's been organized by; an ex-con who is mad that he can't get a job because of that, a kid that sat next to me in 4th grade in the honors program who dropped out of high school, and a high school junior pot-head, who, while a nice kid, knows nothing about how society is run.


When they endorsed dropping a government and going with self governance and couldn't fathom how that doesn't work. The dropout said he was going to "attack the politicians son but dont want to hurt his feelings u can thk me l8r."


I went into a rant about how forming a sentence is a better step. Also, school board members are now politicians?


It's amazing the people they get...dropouts, stoners, and people who just do s*** to rebel. And I'm not generalizing...I went to school with an overwhelming majority of them.


Not saying that all of the protests are like that, I doubt many are. But it's hard to say that they haven't colored my vision of the whole movement.

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Who is in charge of any movement like this? Who is there to denounce them? OK, I denounce them! You denounced them, so I guess people are denouncing them. Where there are crowds, there are idiots. This movement in particular attracts some really idiots. And those are the ones making headlines because they are committing crimes. There are people cooping this for their own agendas. I can sit here and match you post for post where people in outstanding organizations do some pretty despicable things. That doesn't mean every soldier, cop, teacher, tea partier, etc are bad. There are many more Americans who agree with some of the protesters who can't be at the protests.

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QUOTE (Quinarvy @ Nov 5, 2011 -> 08:25 PM)
Back in my hometown, it's been organized by; an ex-con who is mad that he can't get a job because of that, a kid that sat next to me in 4th grade in the honors program who dropped out of high school, and a high school junior pot-head, who, while a nice kid, knows nothing about how society is run.


Speaking of how societies are run, I really like the way they try to form their own little society, as if they'd be able to cure all these supposed ills, like corporate greed. Yet they almost instantly stumble into the exact same sort of problems themselves. They raise an assload of money and the drummers want their fair share to maintain their equipment, but everyone else is annoyed with the drummers constantly playing so instead they institute a drummers tax. And then there's the thieves that are pissing some occupiers off. And apparently some of the kitchen staff at Zuccotti Park is upset that homeless people and others who don't really contribute to the cause are eating all the food. So their utopian society is already levying taxes and making moves against the freeloaders and thieves. Soon, they won't be protesting against America's 1% anymore; they'll just be protesting the 1% of themselves!

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QUOTE (Tex @ Nov 5, 2011 -> 09:36 PM)
Who is in charge of any movement like this? Who is there to denounce them? OK, I denounce them! You denounced them, so I guess people are denouncing them. Where there are crowds, there are idiots. This movement in particular attracts some really idiots. And those are the ones making headlines because they are committing crimes. There are people cooping this for their own agendas. I can sit here and match you post for post where people in outstanding organizations do some pretty despicable things. That doesn't mean every soldier, cop, teacher, tea partier, etc are bad. There are many more Americans who agree with some of the protesters who can't be at the protests.


I'm talking about the protest back in my hometown, it's a small town Occupy protest.


They are idiots.


And I said they unfairly color my opinion of the movement as a whole and that I don't believe the majority, or even close, apply to that stigma.


Tex, I like you and generally agree with you, but read those points man.

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QUOTE (Tex @ Nov 5, 2011 -> 08:36 PM)
Who is in charge of any movement like this? Who is there to denounce them? OK, I denounce them! You denounced them, so I guess people are denouncing them. Where there are crowds, there are idiots. This movement in particular attracts some really idiots. And those are the ones making headlines because they are committing crimes. There are people cooping this for their own agendas. I can sit here and match you post for post where people in outstanding organizations do some pretty despicable things. That doesn't mean every soldier, cop, teacher, tea partier, etc are bad. There are many more Americans who agree with some of the protesters who can't be at the protests.


I get what you're saying. Don't generalize. Don't assume they're all bad because I still don't know all of them. I get that point. That still doesn't mean I can't make a decent argument that this movement, whether it was rotten from the start or simply coopted by the worst of the worst, is bad for America. I don't think it's going to induce any positive change and it's only going to sour the current state of affairs. And at worst, it's going to get people killed. Think about it...would you tell me not to call the Nazi Party an evil organization just because Oskar Schindler was a member? You wouldn't make that argument. There can be bad movements that have a few, or even many, good people. It doesn't mean their ultimate effect isn't a destructive one.

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I am not defending the idiots, and there are many. But most are just there for the spectacle and like mentioned earlier are professional bums. But to dismiss the other half as also being idiots and rapists, and God knows what else is a gross over generalization. The past couple decades have shown corporate America at its worse. Starting with outsourcing even low paying jobs overseas, mismanaging their companies to the point where the American tax payers had to bail them out of destroy the economy, while giving their top executives salaries well beyond even an ace pitcher. The high unemployment rate is a huge stress. I know some very good people who were out of work for over two years. Some enjoyed the vacation at our expense, some were desperate for a job. Then companies admit to placing working applicants ahead of the out of work!? Yeah, I understand the frustration against corporations, especially in the financial services industry.

Edited by Tex
My post was written at the same time as the one above it.
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QUOTE (God Loves The Infantry @ Nov 5, 2011 -> 09:48 PM)
I get what you're saying. Don't generalize. Don't assume they're all bad because I still don't know all of them. I get that point. That still doesn't mean I can't make a decent argument that this movement, whether it was rotten from the start or simply coopted by the worst of the worst, is bad for America. I don't think it's going to induce any positive change and it's only going to sour the current state of affairs. And at worst, it's going to get people killed. Think about it...would you tell me not to call the Nazi Party an evil organization just because Oskar Schindler was a member? You wouldn't make that argument. There can be bad movements that have a few, or even many, good people. It doesn't mean their ultimate effect isn't a destructive one.



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QUOTE (Tex @ Nov 5, 2011 -> 09:36 PM)
Who is in charge of any movement like this? Who is there to denounce them? .

Tex, they can't hide behind their supposed lack of leadership. They have 'executive committees' and a power structure like the very corporations they despise, they just don't make it public and try to make a display of 'inclusion', while trying to silence dissention in the ranks. SOMEBODY is taking in the money and deciding what to do with it. People keep trying top smear the Tea Party for a few nuts, yet when a whole group goes rampaging thru a town, we just supposed to take is as an exception?

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Nov 5, 2011 -> 10:02 PM)
Tex, they can't hide behind their supposed lack of leadership. They have 'executive committees' and a power structure like the very corporations they despise, they just don't make it public and try to make a display of 'inclusion', while trying to silence dissention in the ranks. SOMEBODY is taking in the money and deciding what to do with it. People keep trying top smear the Tea Party for a few nuts, yet when a whole group goes rampaging thru a town, we just supposed to take is as an exception?


Bravo. :headbang

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Nov 5, 2011 -> 10:02 PM)
Tex, they can't hide behind their supposed lack of leadership. They have 'executive committees' and a power structure like the very corporations they despise, they just don't make it public and try to make a display of 'inclusion', while trying to silence dissention in the ranks. SOMEBODY is taking in the money and deciding what to do with it. People keep trying top smear the Tea Party for a few nuts, yet when a whole group goes rampaging thru a town, we just supposed to take is as an exception?


Do what you want. Point to the wackos at Occupy protests and say that's the real movement and pick out the best tea party types and say that's the true tea party. That is really easy because it fits your political beliefs and view of the world. I try to apply the same to both. I ignore the ignorant and publicity seekers in both groups.

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QUOTE (Tex @ Nov 6, 2011 -> 06:10 AM)
Do what you want. Point to the wackos at Occupy protests and say that's the real movement and pick out the best tea party types and say that's the true tea party. That is really easy because it fits your political beliefs and view of the world. I try to apply the same to both. I ignore the ignorant and publicity seekers in both groups.



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