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Rex Kickass

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Nov 17, 2011 -> 10:50 PM)
Do they really think this HELPS them somehow?


All that did was draw an angry reaction from me. Had I been caught in that, I'd have been beyond mad, and I feel sorry for anyone that was. Up until that point, the Chicago protests hadn't drawn my ire...but this story made me right from the get go when I previously talked about how protests devolve into nothing more than a public interruption.


Now their message is as good as dead to me. They've become nothing more than a nuisance and I hope they're treated as such.

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I like how the danger to the police from the protesters here is so immediate that the policeman calmly steps over the protestors before unleashing the mace.



And it's nice when the explanation appears laughable based on the video.

"I can't speak for the thought process for the officer," Morain noted about the use of pepper spray. She said that the officers were essentially trapped (the videos suggest otherwise) and had to transport several of the arrested students. "The pepper spray was used because they needed to get out of there," she said, emphasizing that the students were repeatedly warned before the spray was deployed.
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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Nov 19, 2011 -> 12:48 PM)
I like how the danger to the police from the protesters here is so immediate that the policeman calmly steps over the protestors before unleashing the mace.



And it's nice when the explanation appears laughable based on the video.


welcome to Obama's America. He can't have people protesting the entites that give him the most bribes, err campaign contributions.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Nov 19, 2011 -> 10:48 AM)
I like how the danger to the police from the protesters here is so immediate that the policeman calmly steps over the protestors before unleashing the mace.




And it's nice when the explanation appears laughable based on the video.


Unreal. Where are we? China?

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Nov 21, 2011 -> 06:20 AM)
Some ordinances were violated, so clearly any and police use of force is justified.

No, clearly they should have enforced the laws right off the bat before things got to the point they are at now. By trying to coddle them because some politicians in charge sympathized with them they made things worse.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Nov 21, 2011 -> 07:01 AM)
No, clearly they should have enforced the laws right off the bat before things got to the point they are at now. By trying to coddle them because some politicians in charge sympathized with them they made things worse.



Exactly, screw the first amendment and 200+ years of court rulings that almost always have sided with demonstartors when the government cracks down.

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QUOTE (Tex @ Nov 21, 2011 -> 07:15 AM)
Exactly, screw the first amendment and 200+ years of court rulings that almost always have sided with demonstartors when the government cracks down.

Yeah, no need to follow the laws, they mean well. I didn't see such unflinching support when Tea Parties tried to hold rallies. I saw governmental obstacles all the way, insurance requirements, bonds posted, permits to be paid for and so on. There are ways to protest, and they broke all those rules along the way. PLay by the rules and protest all you want.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Nov 21, 2011 -> 07:39 AM)
Yeah, no need to follow the laws, they mean well. I didn't see such unflinching support when Tea Parties tried to hold rallies. I saw governmental obstacles all the way, insurance requirements, bonds posted, permits to be paid for and so on. There are ways to protest, and they broke all those rules along the way. PLay by the rules and protest all you want.


Which is the whole point. The only reason people are paying attention, is because now they are enticing violence and sympathy. This was already fading into obscurity, which is why it has been taken to this level now.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Nov 21, 2011 -> 07:40 AM)
Which is the whole point. The only reason people are paying attention, is because now they are enticing violence and sympathy. This was already fading into obscurity, which is why it has been taken to this level now.

There is some truth to this. No one was paying attention in the first place until nypd pepper sprayed people for no reason.


However, it seems disingenous to claim that these sport of violent actions from the police were enticed. Watch that video and tell me what those protestors did to entice that officer into his actions, or the other recent event where police started violently beating a line of protestors. You can say that such violent authoritarian responses are to be expected, but that is an indictment, not a justification.

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If you want to buy into the theory that randomly across the nation that completely separate forces just keep spontaneously breaking into acts of violence, based on narrow cross-section videos, have at it. I'm not buying it. It is much easier to understand that one movement is using the same playbook at all of these different places to get the same response, especially when it benefits occupy way more than it benefits the authorities.

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In the specific case at UC Davis, while those students 100% deserved to be arrested... I have to say, I cannot find any way to justify the OC spray. Just wasn't called for, it was an unnecessary escalation.


That said, the idea some of the lefties are pushing that this is any sort of real equivalency...


QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Nov 19, 2011 -> 04:26 PM)


...is about on par with referring to *insert hated Dem or GOP'er here* as Hitler. Just laughably over the top.


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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Nov 21, 2011 -> 07:50 AM)
If you want to buy into the theory that randomly across the nation that completely separate forces just keep spontaneously breaking into acts of violence, based on narrow cross-section videos, have at it. I'm not buying it. It is much easier to understand that one movement is using the same playbook at all of these different places to get the same response, especially when it benefits occupy way more than it benefits the authorities.

Violent police over-reaction isn't novel to #ows, and one of the big criticisms of the movement is a lack of organization. Can you explain what would justify these actions?

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Nov 21, 2011 -> 08:10 AM)
Violent police over-reaction isn't novel to #ows, and one of the big criticisms of the movement is a lack of organization. Can you explain what would justify these actions?


Are you really now accepting the right wing criticisms of occupy?

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Nov 21, 2011 -> 08:13 AM)
Are you really now accepting the right wing criticisms of occupy?


And just for reference's sake, it has been a long time since I bought the whole "disorganized" thing. The purple shirts down their organizing traffic and protesters like they did during the May Day rally in 06 kinda killed that idea.



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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Nov 21, 2011 -> 08:13 AM)
Are you really now accepting the right wing criticisms of occupy?

I don't see it as a valid 'criticism' of the message but it's a valid statement of fact. There is no national organization or structure to the movement such that you can excuse police actions as some sort of justified reaction to #ows tactics.

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