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QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Jun 11, 2012 -> 10:34 AM)
Major New Evidence in Sandusky Case


Full blown cover up, because it wouldn't be fair to expose Sandusky.




Everyone. Hang.

Seriously, everyone go away for the rest of your lives.


Ridiculous...love how they described it as not "humane" to get authorities involved. You know what's not humane? Molesting little boys.

Edited by IlliniKrush
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Letter from Sandusky to a child.


"I know that I have made my share of mistakes. However, I hope that I will be able to say that I cared. There has been love in my heart.

"My wish is that you care and that you have love in your heart. Love never ends. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. I believe that it can overcome all things.

"Love Jerry"


fry him.

One letter was titled, "The BJ story," that told of a man named "Jer," who "didn't want those rides to end" with his young friend.
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QUOTE (RockRaines @ Jun 12, 2012 -> 12:52 PM)
Just the two victims that have spoken up so far is enough for a conviction, their stories are f***ing crazy and the defense is having a hard time disproving anything.


Yeah, their testimony has been hard to follow, just because of how f***ing awful it is to hear. McQueary is testifying now, will be interesting to see exactly what he says under oath.

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QUOTE (Tex @ Jun 12, 2012 -> 11:01 PM)
The only part of the article that kind of bothered me was he kept mentioning how the lines were rehearsed and like movie script or something.


If something like that happens to you, and it festers, and you spend years thinking about it and what you would like to say, i'm sure it get's rehearsed in your head over and over without even trying to think about it

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QUOTE (ChiSox_Sonix @ Jun 13, 2012 -> 08:40 AM)
If something like that happens to you, and it festers, and you spend years thinking about it and what you would like to say, i'm sure it get's rehearsed in your head over and over without even trying to think about it

That and any prosecutor who hasn't practiced with key witnesses deserves to lose their job.

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everything i have read of Amendola makes me think this guy is in way over his head. He continually asks questions that he doesnt know the answers to, gets facts and dates wrong, and generally looks unprepared.

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QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Jun 13, 2012 -> 09:58 AM)
everything i have read of Amendola makes me think this guy is in way over his head. He continually asks questions that he doesnt know the answers to, gets facts and dates wrong, and generally looks unprepared.

That's Sandusky's defense attorney right? I think we had that part figured out when he let Sandusky talk to Bob Costas on TV.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jun 13, 2012 -> 09:00 AM)
That's Sandusky's defense attorney right? I think we had that part figured out when he let Sandusky talk to Bob Costas on TV.


I know that was bizarre, but at the same time Casey Anthony's attorney did some really bizarre things too and he ended up getting her out of jail. Not so sure the same thing will be happening with Sandusky

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QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Jun 13, 2012 -> 09:02 AM)
I know that was bizarre, but at the same time Casey Anthony's attorney did some really bizarre things too and he ended up getting her out of jail. Not so sure the same thing will be happening with Sandusky

Too many witnesses with much better stories than he though as well as pretty clear cut evidence. I think the defense was going to try and nit pick details out of their stories to disprove them but the evidence at least supports the overall relationship which validates their accounts.

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Something hit home here for Lavar Arrington, realizing he knew one of the kids.

One witness, identified as Victim 4 by the grand jury, mentioned me multiple times. He spoke of wearing my jersey and having his photo taken with me. It again brought to mind his name, which originally had come to me when news of this scandal first broke.


Everything that has happened has aged me a few years, as I’m sure it has many others. But now my sadness and disappointment are growing as I realize that I knew this young man fairly well but didn’t grasp the full extent of what he was going through.


He’s 28 now, but I can recall seeing him around all the time when he was a kid, and I built a relationship with him. I always enjoyed interacting with kids. As time went on, I knew he looked up to me and was a big fan, and I made a point of stopping to talk with him. I’d ask him the usual questions: ‘How are you?’ ‘How’s school?’ He always seemed mad or kind of distant. I remember distinctly asking him: “Why are you always walking around all mad, like a tough guy?”


My preconceived notion was that he was part of Sandusky’s Second Mile foundation, so he must live in a troubled home, and I chalked it up to that. I would just tell him to smile every once in a while or laugh, that it would make him feel better. I guess with everything that I had going on, it certainly wasn’t a priority for me to try to figure him out. I saw him at the 1999 Alamo Bowl and shared a couple laughs. I left school for the draft and that was that.

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From onwardstate.com:


Karl Rominger was in charge of the cross-examination. He asked John McQueary, “Do you recall testifying at a preliminary hearing at the Dauphin County Courthouse?” This was in reference to the December 16, 2011 hearing for Tim Curley and Gary Schultz.


McQueary responded, “No.”


Rominger said that he had sworn written testimony that says McQueary was there on that day, and showed the documents to McQueary.


McQueary again denied being there, and then asked, “Where is this courthouse? I testified in front of a Grand Jury, but not this.”


Rominger explained that it was located in Harrisburg.


“I was not in that courthouse, to my knowledge,” McQueary testified. This came as a shock to everyone in the courtroom — audible mumbles could be heard as McQueary repeatedly denied his attendance — because McQueary did in fact testify at that hearing. His incomplete memory was surprising to everyone, and Rominger seemed to be in disbelief at the denial.


It is an absolute truth that John McQueary was in the courtroom in Harrisburg on December 16, and he denied it three times under oath, even when he saw a copy of his testimony.


This could no doubt be marked as a victory for the defense, as it could be read as a serious knock in John McQueary’s credibility and memory recall. At the very least, it shows that his memory might not be reliable enough to recall an event seven months ago, let alone 11 years ago.

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For this trial its irrelevant.


From the beginning I thought McQueary was not being 100% forthright about the situation. This may be an issue if none of the victims stepped forward, but when youve got X witnesses who are all going to say Sandusky messed with them, its really going to be hard for a jury to believe that they were all lying, especially with the strange hand written messages from Sandsuky.


Plus its unlikely Sandusky takes the stand, so there really is going to be little defense. Mainly just that these kids are making it up and it didnt happen.



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