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Penn State horror story

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Yes soxbadger, people always believe people in power at face value. We are so incredibly wrong.


JoePa, as stated a million times, may not have done any illegal action, but sometimes that does not matter. A child molester was running rampant in his program. You should take a PR class.

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QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Nov 10, 2011 -> 11:07 AM)
Id say Patenro and Co. If some one sees a rape that is so terrible, they report it to the police. They dont go home, call their dad, and then tell the coach.


So in your estimation, either McQueary lied, or the rape he witnessed wasnt nearly as terrible as we all think

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A child molester was running rampant on PSU campus. Joe Pa reported it to PSU.


The people who are responsible are PSU, if you are going to fire Paterno, you need to burn that school to the ground as well. The real criminals are the President etc, the ones who had a duty to report but failed to report. Had they simply followed the law, we arent here today.


As for a PR class, this is the most brilliant PR move by PSU. They fire a coach who they already wanted to get rid of, and that means they made the right decision?


What about the fact they knew about this for months (if not years) and didnt terminate Paterno? They still havent terminated the GA.


Its entirely a PR move. And the sad part is that media is eating it up. They arent asking the hard questions, HOW DID PSU LET THIS HAPPEN?




Firing Paterno, not firing Paterno, wont make any difference for the children. You have to compartmentalize if you want to deal with terrible things. You want to save children, burn down PSU. Show every other school in the nation that if your President fails to follow the law, that the school goes down with the ship.


That will change things. Paterno being fired changes nothing.


I have yet to hear why PSU shouldnt be taking the brunt of the blame here.


So I guess maybe Im more a champion for the innocents than you are, because I want there to be real justice, for the true criminals. I dont care about scapegoats, that is just to obscure the real truth there.


And that truth is that Penn State primarily failed these children, not Joe Paterno.

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It doesnt matter, if Paterno is being fired for not reporting it to the police (the only allegation any of you who support his firing have yet to make), then McQuery should have been terminated months, if not years ago.


Not just failing to report it to the police, but failing to take other steps to prevent this from continuing in the form of letting the guy remain involved with the program.


The simple fact is that no one was going to get fired if the media didnt paint Paterno out as some monster. The facts, well, they are entirely unclear. Joe Pa, President and everyone else say McQuery didnt tell them specifics and never once mentioned rape. McQuery says otherwise.


Sometimes people take the right action for the wrong reason. That doesn't mean it's not still the right action. If you hate Hitler because he had a moustache, you're an idiot, but it's still a good thing that you hate Hitler.


If anyone thinks Paterno being destroyed will make people report more child molesting cases, I believe you are wrong. The simple fact that I take from this,is had Paterno completely dismissed it and lied, we wouldnt be here today.


I believe it will make more people report child molesting cases, and it's really easy for you to go making that claim since we'll likely never see statistics telling us the percentage of child sex crimes that were reported because of awareness caused by the Sandusky-Paterno scandal.

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My guess is that when mcquery went to Paterno, he told him that he saw something strange, but he wasnt exactly sure what it is.


My next guess is that as this investigation began to blow up, Mcquery changed his story to protect his ass.


If you notice, he hasnt been fired, even though he was arguably the first line of defense and an eye witness.




You do know in a grand jury, you dont get to cross examine the witness, right?


That is how you attack credibility. If I go in a grand jury and make up a story that I saw you raping kids, Im going to sound extremely credible. It doesnt mean its true, because when your attorney gets to cross me in the trial, hell tear me apart.

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He reported it to PSU 9 years ago. Continues to see person on campus, for 9 years. Still a danger to kids, throughout that time.


Soxbadger, if you were manager in an office where someone told you he saw X raping a kid in the office, and you told HR. And nothing. And he's still employed. Yes, I would damn well say YOU should be FIRED for your role it what turns out to be a systemic failure. Not that you should get thrown in jail, but all who were tainted by this travesty should no longer be employed.

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QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Nov 10, 2011 -> 11:30 AM)
Firing Paterno, not firing Paterno, wont make any difference for the children.

You're right, it won't. However, what could have made a difference for the children would have been if Paterno gave a damn about innocent kids being raped. He didn't, he gets fired. Pretty simple.


QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Nov 10, 2011 -> 11:30 AM)
So I guess maybe Im more a champion for the innocents than you are, because I want there to be real justice, for the true criminals. I dont care about scapegoats, that is just to obscure the real truth there.


And that truth is that Penn State primarily failed these children, not Joe Paterno.

You're a champion of jack s***. Joe Paterno is part of the reason PSU failed. Those in charge are being removed, and he certainly is part of that. He knew of continued abuse of children, and decided it wasn't his problem and kept on coaching. He didn't care.

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QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Nov 10, 2011 -> 11:16 AM)
Soxbadger. Champion of the people and the accused.


I'd rather there had been a champion of innocent boys in this case.

For being such a smart lawyer he fails to see that we aren't discussing guilt during a criminal trial, but only the grounds for termination of an employee. Technically he violated the PSU employee code of conduct and also an NCAA violation. But hey, not everyone can be a lawyer.

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QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Nov 10, 2011 -> 11:30 AM)
And that truth is that Penn State primarily failed these children, not Joe Paterno.


Which is why Spanier, Curley, Schultz, and Paterno have lost their Jobs, which you continue to gloss over. Every single one of those guys was a link in a failed chain of command.



Look, we all know the media is focusing on JoePa. He is the focal point of the university, he has been for 50 something years. That doesnt mean he is the only one who got blamed here, he is just the biggest name here. Nobody knows who the f*** Spanier, Curley and Schultz are. And I totally agree, McQueary should not be coaching at Penn state anymore.

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Paterno isnt the president, the President could have banned Sandusky. The President did further interviews with the GA and then did nothing.


Paterno is a football coach, his job is to report the action and let the appropriate people handle it.


Correct me if Im wrong, but in 2002 Sandusky was not even part of Paterno's staff?

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QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Nov 10, 2011 -> 11:33 AM)


My guess is that when mcquery went to Paterno, he told him that he saw something strange, but he wasnt exactly sure what it is.



your guess is wrong. He gave a graphic description of what he saw. He wasnt vague about it. HE SAID HE SAW SANDUSKY HAVING SEX WITH A YOUNG BOY.

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QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Nov 10, 2011 -> 11:35 AM)


Paterno isnt the president, the President could have banned Sandusky. The President did further interviews with the GA and then did nothing.


Paterno is a football coach, his job is to report the action and let the appropriate people handle it.


Correct me if Im wrong, but in 2002 Sandusky was not even part of Paterno's staff?

If you heard one of your colleagues had been seen raping a 10 year old boy, would you feel morally obligated to tell the police? Or force your superiors to tell the police?


Don't you think that warrants a investigation?

Edited by MAX
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If you look at it from a purely football reason (I know) Penn State would have always had trouble moving forward with JoePa in charge with his connections to this scandal. There was likely no way that he'd be able to recruit, as well as this remaining a huge distraction around the football program during any of his remaining time there. I really don't see a way that they couldn't fire him.

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Clearly, and sadly, Sandusky was forced to retire in 1999 by JoePa and PSU to keep this story from being a problem for them. "Jerry, buddy, you gotta stop diddling these kids; we can't have that around campus. You need to retire."


Cover it up, save the program.


Jerry keeps diddling, because he's sick as s***. "Jerry, you're still doing it? Jesus, man. Well, keep those kids off our campus."


Cover it up, save the program.


Jerry keeps diddling, because he's sick as s***. "Jerry's at practice again with one of his kids. Sh*t."


Cover it up, save the program.


PSU and JoePa did nothing, because they didn't want anything to get out. I actually think things could be much, much worse for JoePa and Co. right now, and probably should be. In my mind, their negligence is entirely criminal.

Edited by Steve9347
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No Kyle, thats what Mcquery says today.


You dont know its true, for all we know McQuery told Paterno "Its not a big deal" and is now covering his own ass.


Everyone just wants to jump at the worst possible story, but Ive yet to see the transcript of McQuerys testimony.


Has anyone here seen the transcript? Because the Complaint is not testimony.

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"I can give you a rumor and I can give you something I think might happen,"

"I hear there's a rumor that there will be a more shocking development from the Second Mile Foundation -- and hold on to your stomachs, boys, this is gross, I will use the only language I can -- that Jerry Sandusky and Second Mile were pimping out young boys to rich donors. That was being investigated by two prominent columnists even as I speak."


"I normally abhor giving RUMORS credence," Madden wrote. "But whole Sandusky scandal started out as a RUMOR. It gets deeper and more disgusting all the time. One of state's top columnists investigating. That adds credence. I am NOT rumor's original source. [Why does] Sandusky deserve benefit of doubt?"

Madden also spoke more definitively on Dennis and Callahan to the cover-up efforts at the school and beyond that he expects will be made public soon.

"The other thing I think that may eventually become uncovered, and I talked about this in my original article back in April, is that I think they'll find out that Jerry Sandusky was told that he had to retire in exchange for a cover-up," Madden said. "If you look at the timeline, that makes perfect sense, doesn't it?

"My opinion is when Sandusky quit, everybody knew -- not just at Penn State," Madden added. "I think it was a very poorly kept secret about college football in general, and that is why he never coached in college football again and retired at the relatively young age of 55. [That's] young for a coach, certainly."

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We dont know what Paterno was told.


He has yet to be given a chance to say what he was told.


All I am saying is that Paterno at least deserves a chance to give his side of the story and why he took those actions, before we rush to judgment.


Im not saying that at the end of the fact finding I wont agree he should be fired, Im just saying that we dont have all the facts, so how can we be sure?

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QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Nov 10, 2011 -> 11:39 AM)
No Kyle, thats what Mcquery says today.


You dont know its true, for all we know McQuery told Paterno "Its not a big deal" and is now covering his own ass.


Everyone just wants to jump at the worst possible story, but Ive yet to see the transcript of McQuerys testimony.


Has anyone here seen the transcript? Because the Complaint is not testimony.


Fine, your guesses are better than the testimony. You win

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QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Nov 10, 2011 -> 11:41 AM)


We dont know what Paterno was told.


He has yet to be given a chance to say what he was told.


All I am saying is that Paterno at least deserves a chance to give his side of the story and why he took those actions, before we rush to judgment.


Im not saying that at the end of the fact finding I wont agree he should be fired, Im just saying that we dont have all the facts, so how can we be sure?

How do you know that he wasn't given a chance by his superiors before being fired?

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QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Nov 10, 2011 -> 11:39 AM)
Clearly, and sadly, Sandusky was forced to retire in 1999 by JoePa and PSU to keep this story from being a problem for them. "Jerry, buddy, you gotta stop diddling these kids; we can't have that around campus. You need to retire."


Cover it up, save the program.


Jerry keeps diddling, because he's sick as s***. "Jerry, you're still doing it? Jesus, man. Well, keep those kids off our campus."


Cover it up, save the program.


Jerry keeps diddling, because he's sick as s***. "Jerry's at practice again with one of his kids. Sh*t."


Cover it up, save the program.


PSU and JoePa did nothing, because they didn't want anything to get out. I actually think things could be much, much worse for JoePa and Co. right now, and probably should be. In my mind, their negligence is entirely criminal.

JoePa learned about this in 1998 and 2002 and yet as a board member of the Charity, never told anyone associated with it until they found out about it in 2007. The coverup took alot of work.

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Have you read the testimony?


That is a serious question, because Ive been asking for 2 days to be linked to the transcript and so far no one has.




Youre correct I dont know. But I have yet to hear that Paterno was called in by the trustees to give his account. Which would seemingly be the first thing Id do if something like this happened regarding an employee of 50 years.

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