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Penn State horror story

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QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Jul 13, 2012 -> 08:44 AM)
Bill James(yes, THAT Bill James) feels like the Freeh report exonerated Paterno.


the story is on deadspin, my s***ty phone won't post the link

Yes I'll steal this to pad my post count, thank you Kyle.

The Freeh reports states quite explicitly and at least six times (a) that the 1998 incident did NOT involve any criminal conduct—on the part of Sandusky or anyone else—and (b) that Paterno had forced the resignation of Sandusky before the 1998 incident occurred.


The 1998 incident was perceived AT THE TIME to involve no criminal conduct. The May 3, 1998 incident was very, very, very thoroughly investigated by at least four different agencies (University police, state police, and two different child welfare agencies), all four of which issued written reports stating that no criminal event had occurred. In retrospect, since the actions were part of a pattern of criminal conduct, it may be said that they were criminal conduct in and of themselves, but no one saw that at the time.


In any case, what EXACTLY is it that Paterno should have done? Fire him again? It is preposterous to argue, in my view, that PATERNO should have taken action after all of the people who were legally charged to take action had thoroughly examined the case and decided that no action was appropriate.

Of course, the concept that the reason they decided no action was appropriate was that the 4+ of them were involved in a criminal conspiracy to make sure that no legal action would be taken...doesn't cross his mind.
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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jul 13, 2012 -> 08:40 AM)
I understand they have to wait on the legal cases to work their way through...but I can't fathom how the NCAA could take no action in response to this.

Here's the current NCAA statement:

"Like everyone else, we are reviewing the final report for the first time today. As President Emmert wrote in his November 17th letter to Penn State President Rodney Erickson and reiterated this week, the university has four key questions, concerning compliance with institutional control and ethics policies, to which it now needs to respond. Penn State's response to the letter will inform our next steps, including whether or not to take further action. We expect Penn State's continued cooperation in our examination of these issues."
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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jul 13, 2012 -> 07:49 AM)
Yes I'll steal this to pad my post count, thank you Kyle.

Of course, the concept that the reason they decided no action was appropriate was that the 4+ of them were involved in a criminal conspiracy to make sure that no legal action would be taken...doesn't cross his mind.


you have a lot of stealing to do to catch up to SS2K5. You should change to a line by line seperate post reply format as well

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QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Jul 13, 2012 -> 08:01 AM)
you have a lot of stealing to do to catch up to SS2K5. You should change to a line by line seperate post reply format as well

He just needs to post every single tweet he sees to even hold pace.

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QUOTE (Soxfest @ Jul 16, 2012 -> 12:03 PM)



Paterno family cares only about Joe Pa's image...............give it up they just will not accept the truth.

I heard they are also interested in helping OJ find the "real killer"



Also, 3 more abuse victims come forward from the 70's and 80's





Methinks the Paterno and PSU family need to STFU because as more info comes out they will have a foot buried in their mouth and one in their ass.

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At least JoePa's dead. We have to sit here and listen to Jay Paterno be annoying, ignorant and ridiculous every day.


They can all go to hell. You should have just laid low and let his death get your family off the hook. Welcome back to the line of fire, I hope you get absolutely crucified the rest of your lives. And they should take down the statue immediately and toss it through your front window.

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QUOTE (IlliniKrush @ Jul 17, 2012 -> 04:36 AM)
At least JoePa's dead. We have to sit here and listen to Jay Paterno be annoying, ignorant and ridiculous every day.


They can all go to hell. You should have just laid low and let his death get your family off the hook. Welcome back to the line of fire, I hope you get absolutely crucified the rest of your lives. And they should take down the statue immediately and toss it through your front window.


Is there any way the family could be right? Is this Freeh guy prejudiced with his conclusions? I did think it was mighty damning when the AD said to somebody, "What is the update? Joe is asking about it and very curious." That to me was the zinger. That Joe knew and did nothing. I bet Joe never mentioned it to Sandusky once, never even confronted his longtime coworker and friend and said, "Is any of this s*** true? Are you a danger to children???"

But I was just wondering if there's any way this Freeh guy knows for sure. Or if there's still benefit of doubt.


My other question is: Seriously, should the statue be removed right now? I think it should be taken down. I see the student group changed it's name today from Paternoville or something to Nittanyville or something.


My feeling is Sandusky is scum and will be murdered in jail. Also that Paterno never once even confronted Sandusky on any of this.


My final feeling is Penn State made a HORRENDOUS f***ing decision, a horrendous lapse of judgment in allowing Sandusky access to the facilities after he was removed or after he resigned. I mean why would a healthy guy like that leave coaching at a young age, in a successful program? Probably because he had to quit cause of abuse allegations. To let the guy have access to the facilities was probably the worst decision I've ever heard of ... ever.

Edited by greg775
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QUOTE (greg775 @ Jul 16, 2012 -> 11:55 PM)
Is there any way the family could be right? Is this Freeh guy prejudiced with his conclusions? I did think it was mighty damning when the AD said to somebody, "What is the update? Joe is asking about it and very curious." That to me was the zinger. That Joe knew and did nothing. I bet Joe never mentioned it to Sandusky once, never even confronted his longtime coworker and friend and said, "Is any of this s*** true? Are you a danger to children???"

But I was just wondering if there's any way this Freeh guy knows for sure. Or if there's still benefit of doubt.


My other question is: Seriously, should the statue be removed right now? I think it should be taken down. I see the student group changed it's name today from Paternoville or something to Nittanyville or something.


My feeling is Sandusky is scum and will be murdered in jail. Also that Paterno never once even confronted Sandusky on any of this.


My final feeling is Penn State made a HORRENDOUS f***ing decision, a horrendous lapse of judgment in allowing Sandusky access to the facilities after he was removed or after he resigned. I mean why would a healthy guy like that leave coaching at a young age, in a successful program? Probably because he had to quit cause of abuse allegations. To let the guy have access to the facilities was probably the worst decision I've ever heard of ... ever.

About what, JoePa having no knowledge of anything going on? JoePa said himself he wish he would have done more (with the benefit of hindsight, LOL).


All this s*** is a bunch of noise. They are just going to fight tooth and nail to try to protect his already ruined name.

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QUOTE (IlliniKrush @ Jul 16, 2012 -> 11:36 PM)
At least JoePa's dead. We have to sit here and listen to Jay Paterno be annoying, ignorant and ridiculous every day.


They can all go to hell. You should have just laid low and let his death get your family off the hook. Welcome back to the line of fire, I hope you get absolutely crucified the rest of your lives. And they should take down the statue immediately and toss it through your front window.

I heart this post.


It's crazy how quickly things change. Just a year ago, Joe Paterno was a historic football coach, and the old man everyone outside of PSU thought of having overstayed his welcome - and he was the guy who ran off the field while crapping his old pants.


Now, his reputation is rightly ruined (again, to anyone outside of Pennsylvania). F*ck Paterno and his idiot family. Jay should be apologizing to all the victims and separating himself from his father, but he's doing the opposite.

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QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ Jul 17, 2012 -> 10:07 AM)
Someone is flying a plane over State College with a banner that says: "TAKE THE STATUE DOWN OR WE WILL"

I read this too fast the first time, thought it said "stadium" instead of "statue." Now that'd be something.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Jul 16, 2012 -> 11:55 PM)
Is there any way the family could be right? Is this Freeh guy prejudiced with his conclusions?

He got THAT much info without the power of the courts behind him, and he was technically supposed to be independent and unbiased. There was alot of damning evidence in there even handwritten notes by Joe talking about how Sandusky having kids is a liability. Now with kids from the 80's coming out, I suspect we will know even more about what these guys knew. I know for a fact that as the courts and feds dig deeper into this his reputation as well as the university's will get much worse.


The fans arent helping however, check out deadspin and the comments of the PSU faithful when Paternoville changed its name. Wowza.

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Decision on statue within 72 hours. They'd be incredibly stupid not to take it down, but again, this is Penn St we're talking about.


Also, I can't stand hearing the "the statue stands for the good he did" bulls***. NOTHING he did will ever come close to outweighing the fact that he helped contribute to child rape. He will be remembered as someone who protected a child molester to save his precious football program, and rightly so. Nothing he did before that means a damn thing, sorry. This wasn't a one time mistake - this was going on for many years and he just let it continue to go on.

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Glad it's down. Go assemble elsewhere, idiots.


2 other things:


NCAA to announce sanctions Monday. http://espn.go.com/college-football/story/...caa-source-says


Another stupid f***ing quote from the Paterno family:


The Paterno family issued a statement only hours later saying the statue's removal "does not serve the victims of Jerry Sandusky's horrible crimes or help heal the Penn State community."

Edited by IlliniKrush
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