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Unmanned Border Crossing may reopen


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I have been to this spot on numerous trips to Big Bend. The remoteness is on a scale most people cannot imagine. I really do not see any security concerns. There is absolutely no way to "blend in" once you have crossed. I will be there this New Years. We already have these in remote spots along the Canadian border.

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QUOTE (Tex @ Dec 12, 2011 -> 01:47 PM)
I have. Awesome book. It pains me that they crossed so unprepared. Any first year Boy Scout would have survived that trip.


My wife had him for a border lit class at UIC. Supposedly they were in the process of making a movie, but I never heard much about it.

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Dec 12, 2011 -> 01:55 PM)
My wife had him for a border lit class at UIC. Supposedly they were in the process of making a movie, but I never heard much about it.


The impression I received was he started out as the Border Patrol were evil and the illegals were sympathetic victims. By the end of the book he seemed to at least see things as a 50-50 kind of thing. And most Border Patrol officers I have met are pretty compassionate folks. They get frustrated and pissed off at times, but are trying to save lives.

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