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I always feel like the marketing for Rockstar games dwarf the actual games themselves. GTA IV was good, not great. Red Dead was really good but the Mexico portion (about one third of the total game) was just terrible, and then LA Noire basically sucked. Probably in the minority on this though.

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Nov 14, 2012 -> 01:24 PM)
red dead was awesome, but I got bored with LA Noire about half way through the game.


Yeah LA Noire didnt do anything for me, i thought it was going to be a lot cooler than it was, with the Film Noir Detective concept the end result really should have been epic. Im excited for the new GTA, rumors say that the map is going to be bigger than all previous installations of the game COMBINED. They really need to bring back the RPG type system from San Andreas where you level up your weapon proficiency, and can eat your way to being 400 pounds or work out your way to being a sexy walking muscle.

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QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Nov 14, 2012 -> 01:37 PM)
I think what we all just want is a GTA MMORPG where its just a city of mayhem and killing people.


Some are speculating that the three main character setup would allow for story mode co-op. That would be epic.


I think part of it is their games seem to be getting more serious/realistic, which is getting away from what made them fun. I loved San Andreas, and you were always doing goofy missions like stealing a jetpack from a miltary base or attacking delivery trucks with weaponized RC planes or dressing up like a gimp before beating a target to death with a giant sex toy. RDR and GTAIV both suffered from a few too many generic mob guys/outlaws and repetitive gameplay where you basically hide behind cover and slowly pick off bad guys (that was a bit more of a problem in RDR, I thought GTAIV did a better job of sending guys at you from multiple directions).

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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Nov 14, 2012 -> 04:48 PM)


I'm excited for Watch Dogs. Basically it's GTA + Assassins Creed set in Chicago. Too bad it'll be out in 2-3 years on the next consoles.


Yeah, Watch Dogs looks phenomenal.


Red Dead Redemption may be the best game on this current generation of consoles, seriously.


LA Noire was a really cool idea, but I agree that it started to get boring.


I love all the GTA games, but I usually find the side missions lacking.

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QUOTE (DrunkBomber @ Nov 14, 2012 -> 06:39 PM)
I know Im in the minority but I like LA Noire a lot more than RDR. I actually wasnt that big a fan of RDR, too much time spent going from one place to another, it got boring at times.


That's a flaw in GTA too, which is why if it becomes more RPG based it'll be more fun. Just doing missions and driving places is fun for a while, but it's not sustainable.


My issue with LA Noire was that you did the exact same thing for every case. Walk around, look at clues, push a button, read, walk around, pick up a beer bottle, get angry that the beer bottle meant nothing, blah blah. Occasionally you'd hit a good action sequence but that was about it.

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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Nov 15, 2012 -> 11:06 AM)
That's a flaw in GTA too, which is why if it becomes more RPG based it'll be more fun. Just doing missions and driving places is fun for a while, but it's not sustainable.


My issue with LA Noire was that you did the exact same thing for every case. Walk around, look at clues, push a button, read, walk around, pick up a beer bottle, get angry that the beer bottle meant nothing, blah blah. Occasionally you'd hit a good action sequence but that was about it.

Ya it was just easier in LA Noire and GTA than RDR because there were cars instead of horses who you had to monitor their speed before they got too tired.

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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Nov 14, 2012 -> 01:22 PM)
I always feel like the marketing for Rockstar games dwarf the actual games themselves. GTA IV was good, not great. Red Dead was really good but the Mexico portion (about one third of the total game) was just terrible, and then LA Noire basically sucked. Probably in the minority on this though.

I really liked L.A. Noire...


And oh, am I the only one who is surprised that Black Ops II is getting really good reviews from just about everyone? Looks like Activision finally decided to change something.

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The problem with Rockstar games is that the actual gameplay is clunky. The characters just don't move with fluidity. I've been playing Borderlands 2. I turned it on yesterday, and the disk had laser burn. My GF must have bumped the XBOX. :angry: Anyway, I threw in Red Dead to play it again, and it was laughably bad.


I'm pretty far into Borderlands 2, I think. I do all side missions before the story missions and I'm a LVL 32 Zero right now. I'll probably just pick up another copy at Game Stop, power through the story mode and return it within the week. Then, it's either Dishonored or ACIII. Is ACIII different than the others? I picked up Revelations at launch, played about 5 hours and returned it. I just stopped caring about the story. 4 games of basically the same thing was too much for me. Is it even worth it for me to pick up 3?

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QUOTE (TaylorStSox @ Nov 17, 2012 -> 01:42 PM)
The problem with Rockstar games is that the actual gameplay is clunky. The characters just don't move with fluidity. I've been playing Borderlands 2. I turned it on yesterday, and the disk had laser burn. My GF must have bumped the XBOX. :angry: Anyway, I threw in Red Dead to play it again, and it was laughably bad.


I'm pretty far into Borderlands 2, I think. I do all side missions before the story missions and I'm a LVL 32 Zero right now. I'll probably just pick up another copy at Game Stop, power through the story mode and return it within the week. Then, it's either Dishonored or ACIII. Is ACIII different than the others? I picked up Revelations at launch, played about 5 hours and returned it. I just stopped caring about the story. 4 games of basically the same thing was too much for me. Is it even worth it for me to pick up 3?


I think AC3 is the best of the series. I think story wise it's more interesting simply because it deals with history that I am more familiar with (as are you, I'm sure). I actually was counting down the months until the Boston Tea Party, and Paul Revere's ride, and now I am getting close to Washington's Christmas travel down the Delaware, etc.


Also, going hunting is real fun.

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