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Giffords to Resign


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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Jan 27, 2012 -> 01:24 PM)
So if they shot and killed her, should we replace her, or would that be a 'win' for the terrorists?


Perhaps it is time to have some kind of stand-in for when someone can't do the job due to an illness or injury. A person absent form congress for an extended period of time is simply NOT doing the job they were elected to do, which is represent. Not saying it is their fault, but still if you can't do the job, why should the voters get shorted because you can't vote?


I wish I had not used the word "win". How about this, I am defining a win as the terrorists getting what they want. So yes, if she was killed, they would get what they wanted and I would call that a win for them. Not that we are terrorists, but didn't we consider it a win when Bin Laden was killed? When Hussein was removed from office and hanged, wasn't that a win?


The choice is between two bad situations. I just hate giving criminals what they want. I balance that higher than the district being without representation while the person recovers or their term expires. You value the representation higher than giving criminals what they want. I don't disagree that you have a very valid point. Again, this isn't right versus wrong to me, it is bad versus bad. No good came out of this, and never could, no matter what decision she made. It isn't a 100-0 kind of balance, more of a 55-45 balance to me. I am sympathetic to the notion that the district deserves representation, which is why I believe she did the correct thing in resigning. But again, I would respect her decision to hold onto office while she recovers or her term expires and take solace in the fact the criminal/nutjob/terrorist did not get what he wanted.


In my mind the only way this guy doesn't get what he wanted (wins) is if she stays in office *and* recovers from her injuries to the point she can effectively represent her district.

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