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QUOTE (iamshack @ Jan 23, 2012 -> 03:15 PM)


Hockey joke




I dont know if I am happy or miffed about this. The guy worked under Angelo and Hatley for 6 years. This guy knows the Bears FO, this isnt the "new blood" hire we all were looking for.


However, he is known for his college scouting background, so that is a plus

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Hmm, I was definitely pulling for Licht or Ross.


During Emery's tenure running the college scouting department in Atlanta, the Falcons' notable draft picks included quarterback Matt Ryan, guard Justin Blalock, wide receiver Roddy White and wide receiver Laurent Robinson.


In 2010, the Chiefs used the No. 5 overall selection to take safety Eric Berry, who became the first Kansas City rookie to be named to the Pro Bowl since Hall of Fame linebacker Derrick Thomas in 1989.


Two of Emery's peers in the NFL scouting fraternity described him as a "grinder" who "refuses to be outworked."

OL, WR, S - 3 positions the Bears have struggled a lot with recently.

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QUOTE (SoxFan1 @ Jan 23, 2012 -> 04:36 PM)



Bears are not on the verge of signing Phil Emery to be their GM, source says. Not saying it won't happen.



Nothing going to happen soon.

Sounds like the Bears are trying to save some pennies on his salary....:)

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SANTA CLARA, Calif. — San Francisco 49ers wide receiver Kyle Williams didn't hide away from the media today as the team started to clean out their lockers. Williams stood in front of his locker and addressed the media.


Q: Who did you talk to after the game?


WILLIAMS: My teammates, my teammates. And I couldn’t be happier with the support they’ve given me. If anything, they’ve let me know that they have my back, it’s not all on me and not to think about that. I’m very fortunate for the teammates that I have.


Q: There was an image of you on the ground after the fumble. Can you share your thoughts?


WILLIAMS: It’s one of those feelings you don’t ever want to feel on the football field – to give it up on the situation like that. It’s painful. We’re very passionate about what we do. We’re passionate about getting to the Super Bowl. To be that close and not get it is painful, but hopefully we’re going to get through it as a team and we’ll be back.


Q: You’ve had a lot of support from teammates?


WILLIAMS: Yeah, I’ve got the best teammates in the world.


Q: How do bounce back from this?


WILLIAMS: You just bounce back and move through it. It’s one of those things you have to learn from. You have to take full responsibility for it, which I do. It’s something a mistake on and I’ll move through it. I promise you that.


Q: Did you talk with your dad or anybody within the White Sox?


WILLIAMS: I talked to my dad, not the White Sox organization, but I talk to my dad every day. I talk to him and we agreed that it’s something you learn from and get better from. You stand up and take responsibility as a man and you move through it


Q: He said you had a dislocated shoulder. Was that true?


WILLIAMS: In football, everybody is going to be dinged up here and there. If what he said was that it was the cause for any of the mistakes that were made, that’s not it. I take full responsibility for the mistake that I did make. You have to play with what you got. I was dinged up. Everybody was dinged up. That’s just football. Nobody is going to be 100-percent. I was going fine. It’s just something that happened.


Q: Hear from anybody you didn’t expect?

WILLIAMS: A couple guys around the league reached out from around the league that were supportive of me, which I didn’t expect. But it was nice to see, it was nice to hear. Again, it’s something that’s going to help me moving forward.


Q: Who were those players?

WILLIAMS: I’m not going to say.


Q: Your name was blowing up on Twitter. How do you deal with that?

WILLIAMS: You know what? I really didn’t pay attention to Twitter. All I got was the feedback I needed was family and friends, the guys in the locker room. That was really all I needed because that’s really all that matters when you come down to it, the guys who are wearing the same jersey as me and the family and friends who were close by.


Q: You could have not talked to the media for month and months.Why talk to us today?

WILLIAMS: It’s one of those things you have to take accountability for. Everybody is responsible for what they do on the field and off the field. It’s something that I was responsible for and I made a mistake and it’s time to own up to it and move forward.


Q: In a sense, were you trying to do too much on that play?

WILLIAMS: I don’t think so. When you’re out there, you want to make a play. You want to make a play for your team. We weren’t exactly moving forward. It was one of those things where we needed something to spark us. I feel comfortable. I wouldn’t go back and change it. Ten times out of 10, I wouldn’t change it. It was one of those things where I was just trying to make something happen and the other guy on the other team, he made something happen. It’s an unfortunate circumstance, but he made the play and I didn’t.


Q: Did you try to shift the ball from your right to your left when that happened?

WILLIAMS: Yeah, I was just trying to get it into my right hand. He just made a good play. He got his hand in there and he poked it out.


Q: On the first one, did you know that the ball hit you?

WILLIAMS: I didn’t think it hit me. I still don’t think it hit me.


Q: Your dad is in pro sports. Did say anything particularly comforting?

WILLIAMS: He just kept it real with me. We’ll keep that conversation between us. It’s just one of those things where he definitely had my back from since this whole thing started. He’s going to continue to do so.


Q: Does this make you even more ready to start next year?

WILLIAMS: Yeah, I can’t wait to get back to work, get back to work with these guys in this locker room and move forward and learn from it.



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"Q: He said you had a dislocated shoulder. Was that true?


WILLIAMS: In football, everybody is going to be dinged up here and there. If what he said was that it was the cause for any of the mistakes that were made, that’s not it. I take full responsibility for the mistake that I did make. You have to play with what you got. I was dinged up. Everybody was dinged up. That’s just football. Nobody is going to be 100-percent. I was going fine. It’s just something that happened."



That's a great answer. :headbang

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Kyle showed a lot of class in the interview..


It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat- Theodore Roosevelt.


Keep your head up Kyle..

Edited by SOXOBAMA
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Q: Would you take a hometown discount to stay?


CARLOS ROGERS: “Hometown discount? I would take a team discount. Hometown discount – I think that’s real low (laughs). But just consider the team first. I definitely will. Like I told them, I like this from the owner to the general manager to everybody that’s in this organization. I like everything about this organization – all the players, the trainers. This ain’t about me coming out and saying, ‘Now I’m free, let’s get the check.’ I’m thinking about this team, and this is where I want to be.”


Great news for the 49ers..

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QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Jan 23, 2012 -> 08:16 PM)
There is a rumor floating around that if Tice stays with the Bears that the Bears are going to hire Bob Bostad for the offensive line. He just left Wisconsin to be hired by Pitt.

I believe it was reported the Beats would hire him then 12 hours later that report was denied.

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QUOTE (farmteam @ Jan 23, 2012 -> 08:14 PM)
Kudos to Kyle Williams both for actually making himself available to the media, and the way he conducted himself during the interview itself.


He took interview lessons from Professor Emeritus Guillen

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