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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Sep 6, 2012 -> 08:57 AM)
Democrats do when they assign Bush the blame for the 2001 recession which started 6 weeks after he took office.

ask anyone here if they blame Bush for that. and frankly, i'm sure that gets lost anyway in the myriad of other things he f***ed up. lol


again, dodge and deflect. it's all you do!

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QUOTE (Reddy @ Sep 6, 2012 -> 09:29 AM)
ask anyone here if they blame Bush for that. and frankly, i'm sure that gets lost anyway in the myriad of other things he f***ed up. lol


again, dodge and deflect. it's all you do!


You got your question answered, you just didn't like the answer.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Sep 6, 2012 -> 09:31 AM)
You got your question answered, you just didn't like the answer.

haha no i didn't. you answered my question with "YEAH WELL.... you guys did it too, so there!" and you stuck your metaphorical 5 year old tongue out at me.

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QUOTE (Reddy @ Sep 6, 2012 -> 09:41 AM)
haha no i didn't. you answered my question with "YEAH WELL.... you guys did it too, so there!" and you stuck your metaphorical 5 year old tongue out at me.


It is a common political technique used by both parties. Translation, yes people do it all of the time, and on much shorter time scales than 6 months. If you want a technical explanation; gauging the velocity of money in the US economy it is commonly accepted thought that most stimulus style activity takes between 6 months and a year to be substantively felt in the greater economy. The US economy has a pretty high velocity of money because of the complete lack of a savings rate in this country, plus the increasing dependence on direct funding from the various government entities. Instead of having to wait for money to bounce from secondary to tertiary sources and beyond, more and more people have government as their primary source of funding, thus reducing the time it takes for many people to receive a stimulative benefit. Velocities do usually slow with recession as people are more reluctant to spend fearing worse results are around the corner, and we did see that in this recession.


Six months, while on the early end of the chart, isn't out of the question to start seeing results from.





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QUOTE (Reddy @ Sep 6, 2012 -> 08:56 AM)
I'm pretty sure Chrysler is a brand again right? Please explain to us how the auto industry was not fixed.


secondly, you're going to hold THIS president accountable for the job situation the first 6 months to a year he was in office? because if so, you are even more ignorant about how politics works than I thought. (remember from your social studies classes in middle school: the president has to have the support of congress to get things done!)



Just want the same metrics used in measuring. Net jobs created since BO in office is 300,000. Why do you say 4 million? because it starts from the summer of 2010 low point? GMAFB. The narrative is lovely, really. But who is lying? GM fixed? Where did the gov't sell the rest of their stock and how much did we lose on it? How is ALLY doing? How is GM Europe doing? How much did GM steal from the taxpayers by writing off futures profits against past losses? Yeah all fixed. :bang

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Sep 6, 2012 -> 08:58 AM)
Depends on how you define fixed. Sales haven't recovered to the pre-recession levels, but they have been steadily recovering overall. Blue bars mark recessions.



(I do like how the manufactured debt ceiling crisis actually shows up in there)

Wonder what that chart would look like if you removed Ford sales, since they didn't take any of Uncle Sugar's money. Or does Obama get credit for 'fixing' them, too?

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QUOTE (Cknolls @ Sep 6, 2012 -> 11:03 AM)
Just want the same metrics used in measuring. Net jobs created since BO in office is 300,000. Why do you say 4 million? because it starts from the summer of 2010 low point? GMAFB. The narrative is lovely, really. But who is lying? GM fixed? Where did the gov't sell the rest of their stock and how much did we lose on it? How is ALLY doing? How is GM Europe doing? How much did GM steal from the taxpayers by writing off futures profits against past losses? Yeah all fixed. :bang

Just wait until they change it to 'jobs created or saved'. Yeah, right.

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QUOTE (kev211 @ Sep 6, 2012 -> 05:15 AM)
What I am saying is Obama can't help it if the Republican Party sticks with their stance of the only goal being removing Obama from office. They literally stated that was their #1 goal and refused to work with him to make him look as bad as possible so he wouldn't get re elected. I'm not going to find the quotes but Clinton gave it in his speech tonight. The #1 goal of the republican party the last 4 years has been to make sure Obama doesn't get relected when it should of been lets work with him to fix this mess.


That's not Obama's fault that's a party being hateful and refusing to work with the leader of their country.


Oops. Looks like Obama has not wanted to cooperate with the Repubs as well. Sounds like the impasse is his fault as well. Guess there usually are two sides to every story. Read this.



And Woodward gives huge evidence the Obama White House has no leader and is a joke. Let's face facts. The bottom line: Obama is a better choice than Romney but Obama is a joke of a President.



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QUOTE (greg775 @ Sep 6, 2012 -> 06:38 PM)
Oops. Looks like Obama has not wanted to cooperate with the Repubs as well. Sounds like the impasse is his fault as well. Guess there usually are two sides to every story. Read this.





Their example of Obama not cooperating with Republicans is a deal in which he compromised so much that it pissed Democrats off and yet Republicans still refused to agree...and that's both sides being at fault?

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QUOTE (CrimsonWeltall @ Sep 6, 2012 -> 06:52 PM)


Their example of Obama not cooperating with Republicans is a deal in which he compromised so much that it pissed Democrats off and yet Republicans still refused to agree...and that's both sides being at fault?


I thought it gave pretty good evidence of Obama not wanting to work with the other side at all.

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QUOTE (Reddy @ Sep 6, 2012 -> 09:29 AM)
ask anyone here if they blame Bush for that. and frankly, i'm sure that gets lost anyway in the myriad of other things he f***ed up. lol


again, dodge and deflect. it's all you do!


Which is what you just did.


We get it, the democrats are always right, because your a democrat.


Comparing Obamas performance to Bush's is like comparing s*** to...s***. Both sides created all the s*** YOU want to blame Bush for, and both sides created all the s*** the people you're screaming at want to blame Obama for.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Sep 6, 2012 -> 01:43 PM)
Wonder what that chart would look like if you removed Ford sales, since they didn't take any of Uncle Sugar's money. Or does Obama get credit for 'fixing' them, too?

Ford's sales basically parallel the other auto manufacturers, they plummet in 2008 after the economy was destroyed.


And of course, if you want to ask whether Ford was helped by the bailouts, you could always go to the statements of its CEO:

Roberts: Why should taxpayers give you any of their hard-earned money?


Mulally: Well, I think the compelling argument is that the automobile industry is just absolutely essential to the United States’ economy. We are in an economic situation now, with the credit crisis and the financial and the banking issues, that we really, more than ever, the automobile industry needs to be part of the solution. And the only thing that we’re asking for is to set up a bridge loan mechanism so that if the economy continues to deteriorate in the near term, that we could access that so we could continue to invest in the products that people really do want and value and help be part of this economic recovery.

Ford shares too much of its supply chain with the other manufacturers. If the other manufacturers went down, even if Ford was in decent shape, it would wind up with the same catastrophe. If not, then Mulally made the worst decision in business history in supporting the bailouts, because Ford could have taken over the entire U.S. auto market by letting GM and Chrysler fall.
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QUOTE (greg775 @ Sep 6, 2012 -> 01:57 PM)
I thought it gave pretty good evidence of Obama not wanting to work with the other side at all.


Obama is willing and eager to make significant changes to New Deal and Great Society programs that Democrats hold dear, like Social Security and Medicare. This pissed off a good amount of his liberal base. Every single Republican candidate, on the other hand, said they would reject a deal that was 10-1 cuts and tax increases to address the deficit.


The media loves to play the dumb "both sides!" argument, but it really isn't true. Again, Mitch McConnell, the Republican leader in the Senate, plainly stated that Republicans' goal was to defeat Obama. He said this several years ago and they've stuck by it. The debt ceiling debacle last summer was just the most obvious version of that.

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If your not watching the CNN feed, Mark Kelly the husband of Gabrielle Giffords is talking about a new pac where they will only give money to Democrats who are willing to work with Republicans.


Whether or not its true, can people at least agree that these are the type of statements we want to see? That we prefer people who want to help and work through problems, to Gorver Norquist?


That seems like a reasonable place to start, that both sides pledge they are going to try to be productive, instead of try to f*** things up purposefully?

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QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Sep 6, 2012 -> 08:00 PM)
If your not watching the CNN feed, Mark Kelly the husband of Gabrielle Giffords is talking about a new pac where they will only give money to Democrats who are willing to work with Republicans.


Whether or not its true, can people at least agree that these are the type of statements we want to see? That we prefer people who want to help and work through problems, to Gorver Norquist?


That seems like a reasonable place to start, that both sides pledge they are going to try to be productive, instead of try to f*** things up purposefully?

It's a great kernel of an idea, but it all comes back to the same place as campaign promises: How are they going to hold the politicians accountable when they don't work across the aisle?

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QUOTE (farmteam @ Sep 6, 2012 -> 08:02 PM)
It's a great kernel of an idea, but it all comes back to the same place as campaign promises: How are they going to hold the politicians accountable when they don't work across the aisle?


Take the money and support a challenger at the next election, see Grover Norquist tax pledge.


You do what I say, you keep getting my money and I make sure that you get re-elected. You screw me, I bury you.

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QUOTE (Reddy @ Sep 5, 2012 -> 08:10 AM)
as StrangeSox said, a president can't do a thing unless congress supports him. Congress Republicans tried to undermine him at every turn. How can you say he didn't get things done? 1) The GOP didn't let him, and 2) he's gotten things done.


- I'm going to have health insurance thanks to him

- I've had health insurance the last couple years thanks to him

- I've had an easier time paying back my student loans because of him

- He got Osama bin Laden

- He came out in support of gay marriage

- He has stopped the economic plummet, and has started the long, slow climb to recovery



He's also done some things I don't like, like continuing to expand the power of the presidency (something ALL presidents, not just Dems do)


But to say he hasn't accomplished anything is just not true.


Weak f***ing s***. You know why? WTF did YOU do? Oh, that's right, nothing. See the point? Probably not. And that makes it saddest of all.

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