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Bustering the Pet Thread


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QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Feb 9, 2012 -> 12:25 PM)
As for the question at hand. Cats and dogs are, for the most part, meant to be domesticated. For generations they've been raised in captivity, and when you see a stray, it's sad. They don't have the same instincts as say wolves and rabbits to fend for themselves (at least, to my understanding).

Sure, they can survive, and I know there are cats out there who do a fine job living outdoors without human help (I don't know about dogs, not saying they don't), but they have been domesticated over the years and fending for themselves is something you don't expect.


I see a homeless guy and I just assume he's a whackjob, or he boozed himself out of house and home. I am certain that I am wrong at LEAST 87% of the time, but that's what I assume. Also, cats and dogs might attack, but they likely won't have knives and they certainly don't have the cognitive ability of a crazed, drunken, homeless human!

There are still plenty of instincts remaining...it's just that when you see stray animals, you see them in your neighborhood, or in an urban area, where their instincts and evolutionary biology are pretty useless.

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QUOTE (iamshack @ Feb 9, 2012 -> 01:11 PM)
There are still plenty of instincts remaining...it's just that when you see stray animals, you see them in your neighborhood, or in an urban area, where their instincts and evolutionary biology are pretty useless.



I think that really depends on breed and family history. Those 25th generation purse-pooches can't have much instinct beyond which elevator to press or which limo offers the best ride.

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QUOTE (Tex @ Feb 9, 2012 -> 02:56 PM)
I think that really depends on breed and family history. Those 25th generation purse-pooches can't have much instinct beyond which elevator to press or which limo offers the best ride.

Thus, we let them run the world.

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QUOTE (Tex @ Feb 9, 2012 -> 03:13 PM)
That would be cats

You've once again mistaken the modern age for ancient Egypt. In this era, we worship those who are better off than us. They are the job creators. Everything must be done to keep them happy, or we all shall suffer.

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QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Feb 9, 2012 -> 12:21 PM)
Cats are very careful creatures, the chances of catching a stray one are pretty remote.


We've had 4 different cats show up at our house since we've lived there. One we gave up to animal control and one was an outdoor cat who just disappeared one day. He only stuck around for a couple of months. The other two we still have.


All the other cats we've ever had were from people that were giving them away for one reason or another.

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