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For the love of White Sox baseball!!!


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It seems as if a lot of you guys are jumping off the edge of a cliff here!!!


YES we lost yesterday...YES it didn't look too pretty...YES we've had some downright embarrassing moments to this season.


But consider this...


We HAVE made up 5.5 games since the All Star break. We're currently only 1.5 games back on the 12th of August, giving us just over 1 1/2 months left this season. I know that the strengths of schedule don't favor us; however, strenght of schedule has absolutely no implications on what will actually pan out. Teams like Tampa and Detroit can beat the likes of a Minnesota or KC. That's why they play the games instead of allowing the game to be played on paper.


There's still a lot of baseball left to be played, and we still have seven games against both the Twins and Royals. We are far from being 'done' this season. Let's have some faith in our team!

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Love the optimism, Heather! :cheers


I have faith. There's a lot of time left, and, like you said, the strength of schedule isn't in our favor, but don't we have abetter record against better teams?


I don't mind people jumping off the cliffs. It kinda makes it fun once in a while.

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It seems as if a lot of you guys are jumping off the edge of a cliff here!!!


YES we lost yesterday...YES it didn't look too pretty...YES we've had some downright embarrassing moments to this season.


But consider this...


We HAVE made up 5.5 games since the All Star break.  We're currently only 1.5 games back on the 12th of August, giving us just over 1 1/2 months left this season.  I know that the strengths of schedule don't favor us; however, strenght of schedule has absolutely no implications on what will actually pan out.  Teams like Tampa and Detroit can beat the likes of a Minnesota or KC.  That's why they play the games instead of allowing the game to be played on paper.


There's still a lot of baseball left to be played, and we still have seven games against both the Twins and Royals.  We are far from being 'done' this season.  Let's have some faith in our team!


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This loss hurt, but name me one f***ing team who doesn't lose games? It seems like every time we lose a game, some people on here think it's Armageddon. Like Heather said, we're only 1.5 out. Hell, the Yankees are only 3.5 from not even making the playoffs! If you would have said at the All-Star game, that in excactly 4 weeks, we'd only be 1.5 out, who here wouldn't have accepted that?


Yes, it's a b**** that we lost last night, but nothing that can't be overcame. I'm just happy to see that Frank got some actual BASEHITS last night. And what's more, they came AWAY form Comiskey. That's a good thing. Now, Ramon Ortiz is a gopher ball specialist, so I think we've got a big night ahead of us. I just hope that Cotts is for real.

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It seems as if a lot of you guys are jumping off the edge of a cliff here!!!


YES we lost yesterday...YES it didn't look too pretty...YES we've had some downright embarrassing moments to this season.


But consider this...


We HAVE made up 5.5 games since the All Star break.  We're currently only 1.5 games back on the 12th of August, giving us just over 1 1/2 months left this season.  I know that the strengths of schedule don't favor us; however, strenght of schedule has absolutely no implications on what will actually pan out.  Teams like Tampa and Detroit can beat the likes of a Minnesota or KC.  That's why they play the games instead of allowing the game to be played on paper.


There's still a lot of baseball left to be played, and we still have seven games against both the Twins and Royals.  We are far from being 'done' this season.  Let's have some faith in our team!

Absolutely agreed :cheers

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Being optimistic is fine, but after 20 years of following this team being realistic is the much smarter way to go and it saves you a lot of heartache down the road. The core of this team has yet to show the heart and soul of a winner. Yes it was nice they went down battling last night but the fact is they should of never been that far behind, or behind period for that matter. This team has a lot to prove yet, and it's mostly to themselves. They have to play every game here on out with passion and executuion. Beat these sub.500 ballclubs like they should, that is if they are truly worthy of being division winners.

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I'm always optimistic, but I've been a Sox fan too long not to be a realist. This was just 1 out 162, no big deal. We'll got a good streak going here, and we'll keep it going. No need to panic when we lose one or no need to execute somebody for making an error or having a bad game, either.

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