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QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Feb 1, 2013 -> 05:52 PM)
Well if Iran isnt going to do anything, then I see no reason why Israel would do anything.


Im pretty sure the US and Israel are happy with the status quo where they are able to do whatever they want.


But the entire premise was based on Iran threatening to get involved over Isarel striking Syria.



Actually, the first thing about Iran that was brought up was by you. It wasn't discussed until you brought it up, without noting any statement from Iran or anything, and that's the first time you added a link. I think confusion is warranted about why you'd randomly say, while discussing Syria, that "even liberals would be ok with decimating Iran", without adding the qualifier of "Iran carrying out this threat".

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Feb 1, 2013 -> 04:55 PM)
Actually, the first thing about Iran that was brought up was by you. It wasn't discussed until you brought it up, without noting any statement from Iran or anything, and that's the first time you added a link. I think confusion is warranted about why you'd randomly say, while discussing Syria, that "even liberals would be ok with decimating Iran", without adding the qualifier of "Iran carrying out this threat".


You must have missed the first part of the thread where people were saying that if the US got involved they would leave the US.


QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Feb 1, 2013 -> 02:33 PM)
This was likely at the US's behest. Israel gives us a very good base of operation and also cover for when we want bad things done to Iran.


The US will never stay out of the Middle East as long as there is an extremely important resource there.


And even then, I really dont like the idea of "isolationism". The last time the US went down the path of "staying out of other people's problems" we ended up still having to get involved.


The response was about "The US being pushed into war". The only way the US is being pushed into war, is if Iran actively engages Israel.


I thought the assumption was the only way the US would be in a "war" was if Iran actually attacked Israel. If that wasnt the case, my bad, but I thought since Jake's post, people were inferring war with Iran/Israel.

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QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Feb 1, 2013 -> 05:59 PM)
I thought the assumption was the only way the US would be in a "war" was if Iran actually attacked Israel. If that wasnt the case, my bad, but I thought since Jake's post, people were inferring war with Iran/Israel.

An entire party spent their primary campaign demanding war and occupation of Iran immediately.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Feb 1, 2013 -> 05:02 PM)
Yeah, in a conflict in Syria. Which is...not Iran.


Yeah I guess that part doesnt make sense to me.


Why would the US all of a sudden get majorly involved in Syria unless Iran was involved?


I just assumed that we were all talking about further escalation. Not that Israel and the US would wake up tomorrow and decide they wanted to kill Syria for the fun of it.

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QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Feb 1, 2013 -> 05:10 PM)
Yeah I guess that part doesnt make sense to me.


Why would the US all of a sudden get majorly involved in Syria unless Iran was involved?


I just assumed that we were all talking about further escalation. Not that Israel and the US would wake up tomorrow and decide they wanted to kill Syria for the fun of it.

For the same reasons we got involved in Libya or France got involved in Mali?

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Feb 1, 2013 -> 05:14 PM)
For the same reasons we got involved in Libya or France got involved in Mali?


But the US response in Libya was pretty quick, I believe within at least the first 6 months if not sooner. The conflict in Syria has been going on for a long time now.


Something significant would have to happen at this point before the US would get involved. IE Use of chemical weapons, attack on Israel.



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I guess I just assumed everyone was on the same page of reading the articles about Iran threatening Israel over the attack on Syria.


Since all of the conversation occurred right after that. Ill be clearer in the future, but it was about Iran escalating over Israel attacking Syria.

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Dear USA,


Do any and all involvement through the UN. We don't want an American invasion of another Middle Eastern country. Use those fancy drones of yours when applicable.



People that remember our other recent wars

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QUOTE (lostfan @ Mar 20, 2013 -> 04:03 PM)
This sounds like an awful lot of bulls***.

If chemical weapons are being used, the US will be involved.


Even I won't be able to disagree, and I'd disagree with most US military operations concepts.

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QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Mar 20, 2013 -> 11:36 PM)
I'd rather we not go involve ourselves in another rotten Middle Eastern s***hole. But we will.

if the sides have moved to chemical weapons, we have to step in. It's really that simple.

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if the sides have moved to chemical weapons, we have to step in. It's really that simple.

Why? Why is it our job to blow a bunch of money, resources and possibly American lives on these people?


If its violating international law get the French or British to go fix it. They're infinitely more responsible for the f***upedness of Syria than we are.

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QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Mar 20, 2013 -> 09:56 PM)
Why? Why is it our job to blow a bunch of money, resources and possibly American lives on these people?


If its violating international law get the French or British to go fix it. They're infinitely more responsible for the f***upedness of Syria than we are.


For once I agree with you

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I dont trust France and England to deal with things.


After WWII my people will never turn a blind eye again. Its not our job, its no ones job. Its up to each individual to determine where they stand.


Now that doesnt mean the US has to send ground troops, but it does mean that if we can simply spend money to help other people from being massacred, that I will gladly agree to send my tax dollars to that cause.



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Not sure you should be letting the US off the hook there, the State and Defense departments were really s***ty when it came to doing anything about the plight of the Jews. Treasury had to work as hard as they possibly could to get them to do anything, and even then, they couldn't be bothered to bomb the rail tracks leading into Auschwitz as they flew over the camp towards another target.

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Mar 21, 2013 -> 11:49 AM)
Not sure you should be letting the US off the hook there, the State and Defense departments were really s***ty when it came to doing anything about the plight of the Jews. Treasury had to work as hard as they possibly could to get them to do anything, and even then, they couldn't be bothered to bomb the rail tracks leading into Auschwitz as they flew over the camp towards another target.


Are you responding to me?


Because the entire point of my post was "AFTER WWII" meaning that because of the way that the world, including the US, handled WWII, I will never just idly sit by and hope for the best.


Im pretty familiar with how the US treated the Jews, I know about the boats they sent back. I know about the St. Louis, the immigration quotas.


Bombing the rails isnt even the tip of the iceberg. But yeah, that was the entire point of my post, never again will I let people sit idly by.

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Its not our responsibility. These people are head-over-heels for killing each other, they cant get enough of it. So what, we end this massacre. Then next year another rathole flares up, government starts slaughtering people, people start slaughtering government sympathizers, eventually one side does something catastrophically dumb (chem weapons, targeting civilians indiscriminately) and Officer America has solve another domestic dispute.


f*** em, they'll get sick of killing each other eventually if left to their own devices. Not our job to do it for them and American lives are not to be wasted to help them.

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