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There is a worm in my brain....


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So for as far back as i can recall, I have had an issue with hearing a snippet of a song, or a song on the way to work, something made me recall a specific song etc. and all day long afterwards, that song goes on repeat in my head while I work. I cant listen to music while I work, so I basically hear the same verse in my head, all day long. Sometimes it is commercial music, sometimes kids songs from my sons shows, sometimes good stuff that i actually like. It kind of drives me nuts.


So I figured it would be a fun release to post what song is driving me nuts at the moment, and hopefully others will jump in and offer their own theme songs of the day



Today, it is Megadeth "Symphony of Destruction"

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This weekend I was heading to Virginia's Day Salon (not as nice as it sounds) to get a haircut. I always get Billy Joel's "Good Die Young" stuck in my brain. "But Virginia they didn't give you quite enough information . . . " I started laughing when we were there and I heard it on their radio.






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