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Line Ups- Sox & Angels 8/12/03


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I was impressed with Cotts' stuff.  He threw harder than previewed, his change is way off his fast ball.  His curve looked good n TV but he didn't get it over often.  Don't write this guy off.

I'm certainly not writing this guy off. I'm sure he'll be good in the future, but I'm just saying he didn't have it tonight. As far as his heat goes, it looked pretty hard. Gun said it was only 89, but it looked better than that.

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All of you f***ing sicken me. This guy is a KID, 23 god damn years old, and you people have the gall to call him a "mother f***er", "cocksucker", and a "bastard". Do me a favor, get your ass doing something even remotely significant wo what Neal is doing, then talk. I doubt any of you have had the amount of adrenaline flowing in your entire f***ing lifetime than what Neal has going right now. He was nervous, give the kid a break. Would you feel any more confident with Danny Wright or Mike Porzio on the mound?


All the Neal bashers are a complete joke.

Yes, personally I'd rather see Wright out there, because he has experience.



Also, Harden hasn't seemed to have to much trouble, niether has Jimmy f***ING Gobble of KC, for God's sake.

Because he faced Tampa Bay twice? Just maybe? Thank God all of you scumbags don't manage this team or any player, because their confidence would be in the s***ter before they hit the 2nd inning.

The Angels are 6-15 their last 21 games. They are not exactly an offensive juggernaut. Cotts walks 7 in 2.1 innings. Quit defending him. Like someone posted earlier, he's not ready, maybe next year, but not now in a division race. There was a question about his control all along, and he's done nothing to smash those concerns.

Then why did the Angels light up Colon last night? Answer that.

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All you guys that are bashing Cotts right now have f***ing door knobs for brains. Everybody was all over him and wanted him to start. Everybody hated Danny Wright, and wanted Cotts up here. Now you guys are taking the side of Wright. You never would have done that before. Relax for crying out loud. The Sox are still winning. JM knew when to take him out, for once. Wright pitched well, and look we have the lead. You can't want Cotts up and then call him a cocksucker and other crap just because he sucked. Remember, hindsight is 20/20.

I agree with you. I said once Cotts was too wild for the Bigs Yet and the so Experts here said he'll be fine. Know he gets called names. Just like Colon lastnight. Now what happens we burned a f***ing option on the guy.. NICE!!!!


Ohh and all the name calling and we're winning

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this start doesn't really change what i thought of cotts. he was wild yes, but he got out of some jams. we all knew about the walks beforehand, he's just gonna have to work on it.

Thats exactly what I'm saying...its no big shocker that Cotts walks ALOT of guys...but the people on here are acting like they expected a complete reversal of fortune, in his 1st start, in MLB on the ROAD!!

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All of you f***ing sicken me. This guy is a KID, 23 god damn years old, and you people have the gall to call him a "mother f***er", "cocksucker", and a "bastard". Do me a favor, get your ass doing something even remotely significant wo what Neal is doing, then talk. I doubt any of you have had the amount of adrenaline flowing in your entire f***ing lifetime than what Neal has going right now. He was nervous, give the kid a break. Would you feel any more confident with Danny Wright or Mike Porzio on the mound?


All the Neal bashers are a complete joke.

Yes, personally I'd rather see Wright out there, because he has experience.



Also, Harden hasn't seemed to have to much trouble, niether has Jimmy f***ING Gobble of KC, for God's sake.

Because he faced Tampa Bay twice? Just maybe? Thank God all of you scumbags don't manage this team or any player, because their confidence would be in the s***ter before they hit the 2nd inning.

Woah, what's with the personal insults? As far as me putting their confidence in the s***ter, you're dead wrong. I wouldn't say this to him.



But, now, my problem with you is you can't admit he pitched very poorly tonight, jitters or no jitters.

Personal insults?




No one deserves to be called a bastard, even a 23 year old who's trying his f***ing best to win.

Ok, I can't call a guy who walks the first FOUR men in an inning a bastard, but it's perfectly OK for you to call me a "f***ing moron?" That's not right. Man, you act like he's your brother.

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I agree with you. I said once Cotts was too wild for the Bigs Yet and the so Experts here said he'll be fine. Know he gets called names. Just like Colon lastnight. Now what happens we burned a f***ing option on the guy.. NICE!!!!


Ohh and all the name calling and we're winning

he will just need to stay down until he is ready. A year in triple A should help.


Not to start another thread but what is the update on stewart.

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Thats exactly what I'm saying...its no big shocker that Cotts walks ALOT of guys...but the people on here are acting like they expected a complete reversal of fortune, in his 1st start, in MLB on the ROAD!!

I wasn't expecting A Rich Harden type outing. But at the same time, I wasn't expecting him to be lifted in the 3rd inning after walking SEVEN men.

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All of you f***ing sicken me. This guy is a KID, 23 god damn years old, and you people have the gall to call him a "mother f***er", "cocksucker", and a "bastard". Do me a favor, get your ass doing something even remotely significant wo what Neal is doing, then talk. I doubt any of you have had the amount of adrenaline flowing in your entire f***ing lifetime than what Neal has going right now. He was nervous, give the kid a break. Would you feel any more confident with Danny Wright or Mike Porzio on the mound?


All the Neal bashers are a complete joke.

Yes, personally I'd rather see Wright out there, because he has experience.



Also, Harden hasn't seemed to have to much trouble, niether has Jimmy f***ING Gobble of KC, for God's sake.

Because he faced Tampa Bay twice? Just maybe? Thank God all of you scumbags don't manage this team or any player, because their confidence would be in the s***ter before they hit the 2nd inning.

The Angels are 6-15 their last 21 games. They are not exactly an offensive juggernaut. Cotts walks 7 in 2.1 innings. Quit defending him. Like someone posted earlier, he's not ready, maybe next year, but not now in a division race. There was a question about his control all along, and he's done nothing to smash those concerns.

Then why did the Angels light up Colon last night? Answer that.

Even the Cubs score runs every now and then. Tampa scored something like 32 runs in a 3 game series with Boston. This guy Gobble is pretty impressive. To say he faced Tampa twice is the reason for his success is a joke. The way Cotts pitched tonight, he wouldn't have been effective against anyone. He has to go back in the minors and learn to throw strikes.

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Mark Prior


Kerry Wood


Mark Mulder


Barry Zito


Rich harden - Not bad


Dontrelle Willis

How many of those guys had great ML debuts?


The fact remains that you can't buy or sell a player based on 1 start. I'd give him one more chance. If he struggled because of jitters, then the stuff he showed in the 1st and to get out of the 2nd will certainly help the Sox. I think he deserves another chance, whether it's out of the pen or as a starter. If he gets another start and it's the same thing, then send him back down, otherwise he has the stuff to really help us. Granted, it's just stuff. Garland had it and it took him a while to become a good pitcher. All I'm saying is give him another chance in some form.

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Frank walks, 1st and 2nd one out for maggs........Am i the only one still watching the game or are all of you still fuming about cotts.

Yes I stopped thinking about defending Cotts and just started paying attention to the game. I am still sickened though by peoples reactions to Cotts big time struggles.

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Mark Prior


Kerry Wood


Mark Mulder


Barry Zito


Rich harden - Not bad


Dontrelle Willis

How many of those guys had great ML debuts?


The fact remains that you can't buy or sell a player based on 1 start. I'd give him one more chance. If he struggled because of jitters, then the stuff he showed in the 1st and to get out of the 2nd will certainly help the Sox. I think he deserves another chance, whether it's out of the pen or as a starter. If he gets another start and it's the same thing, then send him back down, otherwise he has the stuff to really help us. Granted, it's just stuff. Garland had it and it took him a while to become a good pitcher. All I'm saying is give him another chance in some form.

I am sorry I wouldn't do it this year in a pennant drive. That's just me. The kid will have a nice future just not this year.


Waiver wire- KW should have his phone on

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Mark Prior


Kerry Wood


Mark Mulder


Barry Zito


Rich harden - Not bad


Dontrelle Willis

How many of those guys had great ML debuts?


The fact remains that you can't buy or sell a player based on 1 start. I'd give him one more chance. If he struggled because of jitters, then the stuff he showed in the 1st and to get out of the 2nd will certainly help the Sox. I think he deserves another chance, whether it's out of the pen or as a starter. If he gets another start and it's the same thing, then send him back down, otherwise he has the stuff to really help us. Granted, it's just stuff. Garland had it and it took him a while to become a good pitcher. All I'm saying is give him another chance in some form.

I don't think its jitters. I'm sure he was nervous, as anyone would be, but I think he got over that quickly. He would have had his jitters at the beginning. He got progressively wilder as the game went along.

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