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Trayvon Martin


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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Apr 3, 2012 -> 10:49 PM)
50 year old white man beaten with a hammer by two black teens and left for dead in the street 6 miles from Sanford, FL. Currently hanging on, barely. No word from Al 'Let's escalate this baby!' Sharpton or Jessie.



I can't believe the cops let those 2 black teens go without even charging them with a crime!


Oh, they're in jail with multiple felony charges?

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Apr 3, 2012 -> 05:49 PM)
50 year old white man beaten with a hammer by two black teens and left for dead in the street 6 miles from Sanford, FL. Currently hanging on, barely. No word from Al 'Let's escalate this baby!' Sharpton or Jessie.



and no media coverage. imagine that



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QUOTE (CrimsonWeltall @ Apr 3, 2012 -> 05:52 PM)
I can't believe the cops let those 2 black teens go without even charging them with a crime!


Oh, they're in jail with multiple felony charges?

Yeah, kinda hard to claim you stole his car for self defense, when he is laying on the ground with is head split open.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Apr 3, 2012 -> 05:55 PM)
Yeah, kinda hard to claim you stole his car for self defense, when he is laying on the ground with is head split open.


that could have been Zimmerman's fate, had he not been armed.

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According to Alpha and Genius this is about race.


So it stands to reason that they are upset because a white person was attacked and the black person was not arrested. How can we live in a society when criminals like Martin are allowed to roam free? Thankfully we have heroic citizens like Zimmerman who saved society from criminal acts of Martin. The real question is, why is Martin not being charged posthumously, should he not stand trial for his crimes?! What has America come to, when a black teenager can walk through a gated community unarmed and not be arrested?


I definitely can see that the Sanford police have gone out of there way not to charge Martin with a crime.


Im thinking of doing a million white man march. Were all the white men can get together and protest this outrage.



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QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Apr 3, 2012 -> 06:07 PM)
According to Alpha and Genius this is about race.


So it stands to reason that they are upset because a white person was attacked and the black person was not arrested. How can we live in a society when criminals like Martin are allowed to roam free? Thankfully we have heroic citizens like Zimmerman who saved society from criminal acts of Martin. The real question is, why is Martin not being charged posthumously, should he not stand trial for his crimes?! What has America come to, when a black teenager can walk through a gated community unarmed and not be arrested?


I definitely can see that the Sanford police have gone out of there way not to charge Martin with a crime.


Im thinking of doing a million white man march. Were all the white men can get together and protest this outrage.





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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Apr 3, 2012 -> 05:49 PM)
50 year old white man beaten with a hammer by two black teens and left for dead in the street 6 miles from Sanford, FL. Currently hanging on, barely. No word from Al 'Let's escalate this baby!' Sharpton or Jessie.


Thank you for displaying by how much you miss the point.

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QUOTE (mr_genius @ Apr 3, 2012 -> 12:15 PM)
imagine the jury that is on that trial.


NBC news would plaster their names and addresses on every news cast, suggesting that possibly a "bounty" should be placed on their heads if they do not convict.

Bill O'Rielly working at NBC? I did not know that.

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QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Apr 3, 2012 -> 05:07 PM)
According to Alpha and Genius this is about race.


So it stands to reason that they are upset because a white person was attacked and the black person was not arrested. How can we live in a society when criminals like Martin are allowed to roam free? Thankfully we have heroic citizens like Zimmerman who saved society from criminal acts of Martin. The real question is, why is Martin not being charged posthumously, should he not stand trial for his crimes?! What has America come to, when a black teenager can walk through a gated community unarmed and not be arrested?


I definitely can see that the Sanford police have gone out of there way not to charge Martin with a crime.


Im thinking of doing a million white man march. Were all the white men can get together and protest this outrage.



I'm with you, but I'm Hispanic so I'll organize the Million Hispanic Man March, we stand alongside our white brothers against scary black youths in hoodies armed with Skittles...the horror!!

If we can't shoot suspicious black youths without fear of any reprecussions, that's not the America I want to live in.






Somehow in all this crazy racial crap, a young teenage boy was killed by some overzealous weirdo, forget race for a moment, the kid was unarmed, bothering no one and ended dead. I don't care what race he or the shooter was, that was a wrongful death anyway you cut it, that simple.

Edited by MexSoxFan#1
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QUOTE (MexSoxFan#1 @ Apr 4, 2012 -> 12:13 PM)
I'm with you, but I'm Hispanic so I'll organize the Million Hispanic Man March, we stand alongside our white brothers against scary black youths in hoodies armed with Skittles...the horror!!

If we can't shoot suspicious black youths without fear of any reprecussions, that's not the America I want to live in.






Somehow in all this crazy racial crap, a young teenage boy was killed by some overzealous weirdo, forget race for a moment, the kid was unarmed, bothering no one and ended dead. I don't care what race he or the shooter was, that was a wrongful death anyway you cut it, that simple.


What soxbadger does a great job of hitting on is that Zimmerman possibly being racist isn't the only or even the most important racial issue here.

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QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Apr 3, 2012 -> 06:07 PM)
According to Alpha and Genius this is about race.


So it stands to reason that they are upset because a white person was attacked and the black person was not arrested. How can we live in a society when criminals like Martin are allowed to roam free? Thankfully we have heroic citizens like Zimmerman who saved society from criminal acts of Martin. The real question is, why is Martin not being charged posthumously, should he not stand trial for his crimes?! What has America come to, when a black teenager can walk through a gated community unarmed and not be arrested?


I definitely can see that the Sanford police have gone out of there way not to charge Martin with a crime.


Im thinking of doing a million white man march. Were all the white men can get together and protest this outrage.



I didn't make it about race,Al, Jessie and the race-baiters did, every news outlet that jumped on pointing out race right away, and getting it wrong, Obama did when he interjected himself into this, every black politician that tries to 'keep it real' by wearing hoodies while addressing congress did, the racist Justice Department did when it butted in and so on.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Apr 4, 2012 -> 11:31 PM)
I didn't make it about race,Al, Jessie and the race-baiters did, every news outlet that jumped on pointing out race right away, and getting it wrong, Obama did when he interjected himself into this, every black politician that tries to 'keep it real' by wearing hoodies while addressing congress did, the racist Justice Department did when it butted in and so on.



So what should Obama have said, that would have been more appeasing?


If he made comments that showed no personal concern or connection to the case, they would have used it to bolster the argument that he was a cold, aloof, calculating bureaucrat who has trouble relating to everyday, middle class concerns and problems.


How is it to his advantage to say something polarizing? The African-American vote will go to him in November, one way or the other. So how does saying "Trayvon Martin could have been my son" help him politically? If his comments were so terrible, wouldn't more and more independent voters be turning away from him, rather than the exact opposite happening?


Americans wants their leaders to "feel" and to try to make personal connections and sense/logic out of troubling and divisive events. What he did was a lot better than Romney's comments, when he had the opportunity to distance himself from Rush Limbaugh, he absolutely refused to do so, giving him the verbal equivalent of a slap on the wrist.




Three theories about why Zimmerman isn't being prosecuted...that part about Orlando not even bothering to investigate "self defense" confrontations is absolutely SCARY


1. Florida's "Shoot First" gun law makes prosecution futile

Zimmerman says he acted in self-defense, which is "barely plausible" — but enough for him to avoid arrest under Florida's path-blazing "Stand Your Ground" gun law, says Emily Bazelon at Slate. The 2005 law allows permitted gun owners like Zimmerman to use lethal force on anybody, in any public space, if they reasonably believe it will "prevent imminent death or great bodily harm." Courts say the burden is on prosecutors to prove that the shooter was not acting in self-defense, so "some Orlando-area police agencies simply stopped investigating shootings involving self-defense claims," says Henry Pierson Curtis in the Orlando Sentinel. "In case after case during the past six years, Floridians who shot and killed unarmed opponents have not been prosecuted."


2. The local cops were negligent and sloppy

Blame "the slipshod manner in which the Sanford police conducted this investigation," treating the killing of an unarmed child with "the lax scrutiny generally reserved for a broken tail-light," says Ta-Nehisi Coates at The Atlantic. The police either lied or didn't know about Zimmerman's past run-in with the law, evident vigilanteism, and 46 calls to 911 since Jan. 1, says Adam Weinstein at Mother Jones. Then there's a witness' allegation that a Stanford cop told her to change her story to hearing Zimmerman — not Martin — call for help, Martin's mysteriously vanished cellphone, the police's inexplicable failure to test Zimmerman for drugs or alcohol, and the police department's troubling history of not prosecuting attacks on black people. No wonder the feds are stepping in.


3. Martin was black and Zimmerman isn't

"Activists have gravitated towards racism as the prime motive for the shooting," and it's hard to disagree, says Chauncey DeVega at Salon. And "common sense renders a clear judgement here: If a black man shot and killed a white kid for holding a bag of Skittles he would already be [in] jail." And remember, this wouldn't be a national story if the shooter were black, says Kathleen McKinley in the Houston Chronicle. "Where is the outrage for the young black males who are killed every day in this country?" Is their death less tragic "because other black males are killing them?"

Edited by caulfield12
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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Apr 4, 2012 -> 11:31 PM)
I didn't make it about race,Al, Jessie and the race-baiters did, every news outlet that jumped on pointing out race right away, and getting it wrong, Obama did when he interjected himself into this, every black politician that tries to 'keep it real' by wearing hoodies while addressing congress did, the racist Justice Department did when it butted in and so on.



the real racists are the blacks, of course!


Ps you still aren't getting the issues at play

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QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Apr 5, 2012 -> 12:36 AM)
So what should Obama have said, that would have been more appeasing?

How about something like "i understand the tensions and passions arising here, but until all the evidence is in, let's not make any rush to judgement. " By proclaiming that he could have been his son just plants him firmly on the side of those that want to make this about race. His comment 'personalizing' the issue did NOTHING to help it and instead only inflamed the race baiters even more. Why did he even have to say anything at all? Obama himself has said that he can't comment on everything, but he sure picks and chooses the ones he wants to comment on with a racial and/or political lens.



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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Apr 5, 2012 -> 06:12 AM)


the real racists are the blacks, of course!


Ps you still aren't getting the issues at play

I get the issues at play, Al, Jessie et al can't get past the single issue, which the media was all to happy to play up. You can't ignore all those players, much as we all wold probably like to, simply because YOU can see thru the racial crap.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Apr 5, 2012 -> 08:55 AM)
I get the issues at play, Al, Jessie et al can't get past the single issue, which the media was all to happy to play up. You can't ignore all those players, much as we all wold probably like to, simply because YOU can see thru the racial crap.

And people on the opposite side of the spectrum refuse to acknowledge that race might be a real, major issue, both here and in a lot of other places in the country.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Apr 5, 2012 -> 07:53 AM)
How about something like "i understand the tensions and passions arising here, but until all the evidence is in, let's not make any rush to judgement. " By proclaiming that he could have been his son just plants him firmly on the side of those that want to make this about race. His comment 'personalizing' the issue did NOTHING to help it and instead only inflamed the race baiters even more. Why did he even have to say anything at all? Obama himself has said that he can't comment on everything, but he sure picks and chooses the ones he wants to comment on with a racial and/or political lens.

It is at least somewhat about race. Those "race-baiters" call attention to it because some people refuse to acknowledge that institutional and personal racism are still real things.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Apr 5, 2012 -> 07:57 AM)
And people on the opposite side of the spectrum refuse to acknowledge that race might be a real, major issue, both here and in a lot of other places in the country.


It might be IS a real, major issue, but when the loudest voices are also the most obnoxious, the only message that gets across is that of the nut jobs on the both ends of the spectrum. It's no different than listening to radical religious nuts, like the Westburo Baptists (unless I'm confusing them, and if so I apologize). They undermine the very thing they're attempting to fight for because of their lunacy.


Sharpton and Jackson are nothing more than opportunists. They think their the next Malcom X's or King Jr's, but they're not...if anything, they are Malcom X BEFORE his awakening.

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QUOTE (Y2HH @ Apr 5, 2012 -> 09:19 AM)
It might be IS a real, major issue, but when the loudest voices are also the most obnoxious, the only message that gets across is that of the nut jobs on the both ends of the spectrum. It's no different than listening to radical religious nuts, like the Westburo Baptists (unless I'm confusing them, and if so I apologize). They undermine the very thing they're attempting to fight for because of their lunacy.

Sharpton and Jackson are nothing more than opportunists. They think their the next Malcom X's or King Jr's, but they're not...if anything, they are Malcom X BEFORE his awakening.

But no one is saying anything like this about, for example, the people who successfully pushed for expansion of Florida's gun laws. Those laws are insane, but people stopped paying attention to how insane it is to have people riding around in their trucks armed to the teeth starting fights (and dealing with the black suspicious looking people appropriately).

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Apr 5, 2012 -> 08:21 AM)
But no one is saying anything like this about, for example, the people who successfully pushed for expansion of Florida's gun laws. Those laws are insane, but people stopped paying attention to how insane it is to have people riding around in their trucks armed to the teeth starting fights (and dealing with the black suspicious looking people appropriately).


First, don't do that. Black people carry guns, and use them, too...the way you framed that, you're making gun carrying a race thing...and it has nothing to do with race. This is a rather shallow mindset.


Second, you just said no one is saying anything like this about, for example, gun carry laws...directly after you say something about it. So obviously, people are. If people weren't talking about the FL gun laws combined with their SYG rules...we wouldn't be having this conversation now. So, they kind of ARE talking about exactly that.

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QUOTE (Y2HH @ Apr 5, 2012 -> 09:26 AM)
First, don't do that. Black people carry guns, and use them, too...the way you framed that, you're making gun carrying a race thing...and it has nothing to do with race. This is a rather shallow mindset.


Second, you just said no one is saying anything like this about, for example, gun carry laws...directly after you say something about it. So obviously, people are. If people weren't talking about the FL gun laws combined with their SYG rules...we wouldn't be having this conversation now. So, they kind of ARE talking about exactly that.

People are talking about it, but they give appropriate respect to the position that "everyone in Florida is safer when vigilantes can drive around starting fights and shooting people, because then we avoid Katrina again!". They don't ridicule the position like you're doing with Jackson and Sharpton, they treat it with respect and then pass laws making it ok.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Apr 5, 2012 -> 08:30 AM)
People are talking about it, but they give appropriate respect to the position that "everyone in Florida is safer when vigilantes can drive around starting fights and shooting people, because then we avoid Katrina again!". They don't ridicule the position like you're doing with Jackson and Sharpton, they treat it with respect and then pass laws making it ok.


Like I said, idiots on both ends of the crazy spectrum. Believe me, there are just as many people that ridicule Sharpton/Jackson as there are that ridicule the gun crazies.


I'm not an anti-gun person...I have a FOID card, I've been trained to properly fire guns...but I don't own one, and really don't care for them. The issue with guns is they exist...they've been invented...and you cant uninvent them with laws. If we could, Chicago would have no gun hand gun crime right now...being we have some of the strictest gun laws in country, but that doesn't seem to be doing much. Same goes for "drug war" laws...a lot of good they've done, aside from creating a lucrative and lethal black market for cartels, gangs and dealers.

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