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Trayvon Martin


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I feel like we have opposite understandings of each other's posts. I was astonished because I interpreted your post to mean "all of the violence is from gangs and you just can't fix that" and I thought that was a horrible way to look at it. Now you're accusing me of saying that, which I don't mean to say. A good strategy to dealing with gangs (obviously, we don't have a magic solution for this) would be a tremendous way to reduce violent crimes. I would love to focus on the gang problem, because its root causes are likely less varied than the rest of the population that is violent. However, we're still dealing with a huge portion of violent crime that is not gang related.


I do think that one of the most efficient things we can do is something about our horrible income inequality - see here -http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_income_equality. The countries that are safer than us almost always have less income inequality than us, though as you would point out, there are other predictors. You cannot oppressively achieve more equality and you don't necessarily want perfect equality; you just want it to be MORE equal. Strong social programs and progressive taxation can achieve this. Not systematically disadvantaging certain races of people could help us catch up in this regard too.


For some perspective, we have more "intentional homicides" than pretty much any first world country and a lot of places we would consider s***holes. Take the UK, Canada, Germany, and Spain. They are different enough places so if you hate one thing about one, you might not find that weakness in another. Spain, for instance, has a very decentralized government. Their UNODC murder rates - Spain (.8), Germany (.8), UK (1.2), Canada (1.6)




USA? 4.8. We're worse than double the murder rate of these countries. Suppose half the murders are caused by gangs in our country and none are caused by gangs in any other country. If we magically eliminate these gang murders, we are looking at 2.4/2.5. We're still significantly above these other countries and we're still in some shifty company with that 2.4/2.5 rating -- Libya, Iran, Israel, Kuwait, Lebanon, etc.


So not only are we facing a very violent gang problem, the non-gang population murders beyond a first-world rate, too. The countries who are doing better than us aren't the 1984 dystopias that you say I like. We have a murder problem and more specifically, we have a gun problem. The gun problem is made worse by our poverty problems. And our poverty problems are made worse by our often regressive tax system and our race problem. These aren't the costs of freedom. It's the cost of bad, lazy, and selfish governance.


You cannot go anywhere in London without being filmed. The Watchful Eye. Its basically 1984, they get spied on in the UK more than we do.


In any case, I dont get in the business of comparing the US to other countries. It's just stupid, you really want to go as far as to say the US is as violent a place as Lebanon? Stats have this habit of blinding our common sense, particularly when you're comparing countries' on opposite sides of the world.


Sorry for misunderstanding your original post.


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There are a Couple reports out suggesting that Zimmeman's auto rescue story isn't legit, that he only showed up after the responding officer, a friend of his, called him and said e should come out for the positive press.


Do you think the people he saved give a f*** how he ended up there?

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QUOTE (HickoryHuskers @ Jul 25, 2013 -> 08:10 PM)
Do you think the people he saved give a f*** how he ended up there?


If Balta is correct, he wouldn't have saved them. Those people have said they don't want to be associated with him as it is

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QUOTE (Jake @ Jul 25, 2013 -> 09:14 PM)
If Balta is correct, he wouldn't have saved them. Those people have said they don't want to be associated with him as it is

If that interpretation is right and I don't know it is, he showed up after everyone was safe and the police were already on the scene (after a policeman on te scene friend of his called him), did a photo op with a fire extinguisher he didn't use, then departed.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jul 25, 2013 -> 07:53 PM)
There are a Couple reports out suggesting that Zimmeman's auto rescue story isn't legit, that he only showed up after the responding officer, a friend of his, called him and said e should come out for the positive press.

Wow. if any conservative posted anything even remotely as crazy as that as evidence for ANYTHING, you would be all over it like flies on s***. "Officer Patrick Rehder’s cell phone records reveal a text or call to George Zimmerman right after the 5:47 PM crash was called in". OK, how did this site supposedly get these records, and where ARE they? OMG, the cop supported Zimmerman thru the trial, and hates welfare cheats, he MUST be racist. And of course the family doesn't want to praise Zimmerman, at least publicly. Heaven forbid some racist asshat sees that and tried to harass them as well for making George look good. And what the f*** is up with this: "We still need the public’s help in identifying the names of the six female jurors, especially B37. A lot of curious readers out there would like to see what they look like. So if you know that your neighbor was one of them, send their name & pic in for a large reward" Seriously? They want the jurors to get threats as well? f***ing crazies. Get the info at least from ABC or Huffpo. Name a source, show phone records or you are just making s*** up.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Jul 25, 2013 -> 11:05 PM)
Wow. if any conservative posted anything even remotely as crazy as that as evidence for ANYTHING, you would be all over it like flies on s***. "Officer Patrick Rehder’s cell phone records reveal a text or call to George Zimmerman right after the 5:47 PM crash was called in". OK, how did this site supposedly get these records, and where ARE they? OMG, the cop supported Zimmerman thru the trial, and hates welfare cheats, he MUST be racist. And of course the family doesn't want to praise Zimmerman, at least publicly. Heaven forbid some racist asshat sees that and tried to harass them as well for making George look good. And what the f*** is up with this: "We still need the public’s help in identifying the names of the six female jurors, especially B37. A lot of curious readers out there would like to see what they look like. So if you know that your neighbor was one of them, send their name & pic in for a large reward" Seriously? They want the jurors to get threats as well? f***ing crazies. Get the info at least from ABC or Huffpo. Name a source, show phone records or you are just making s*** up.


That website definitely stunk of bulls***

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jul 25, 2013 -> 07:53 PM)
There are a Couple reports out suggesting that Zimmeman's auto rescue story isn't legit, that he only showed up after the responding officer, a friend of his, called him and said e should come out for the positive press.


from the article:


NONE of their brothers & sisters have mentioned anything online about their siblings crash like “Thank god for my sister & her husband, Sadie & Matthew’s safety“. No mention whatsoever. Strange?


no it's not strange. they probably told people not to mention it so they don't starting get death threats/people trying to actually kill them for being associated with George Zimmerman.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jul 25, 2013 -> 07:53 PM)
There are a Couple reports out suggesting that Zimmeman's auto rescue story isn't legit, that he only showed up after the responding officer, a friend of his, called him and said e should come out for the positive press.



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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Jul 26, 2013 -> 12:05 AM)
Wow. if any conservative posted anything even remotely as crazy as that as evidence for ANYTHING, you would be all over it like flies on s***. "Officer Patrick Rehder’s cell phone records reveal a text or call to George Zimmerman right after the 5:47 PM crash was called in". OK, how did this site supposedly get these records, and where ARE they? OMG, the cop supported Zimmerman thru the trial, and hates welfare cheats, he MUST be racist. And of course the family doesn't want to praise Zimmerman, at least publicly. Heaven forbid some racist asshat sees that and tried to harass them as well for making George look good. And what the f*** is up with this: "We still need the public’s help in identifying the names of the six female jurors, especially B37. A lot of curious readers out there would like to see what they look like. So if you know that your neighbor was one of them, send their name & pic in for a large reward" Seriously? They want the jurors to get threats as well? f***ing crazies. Get the info at least from ABC or Huffpo. Name a source, show phone records or you are just making s*** up.

Yeah the website did kinda look like the equivalent of an Alex Jones conspiracy theory website when I saw it. That doesn't mean it's not still... um weird I guess that this story comes out a few days after the verdict.

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You know what's sad about Zimmerman? He thinks that he'll be able to live a normal life after the media circus. Even him saving a family won't absolve him of taint that covers him. He should just get the heck out of America and start over in some other country.

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QUOTE (pettie4sox @ Jul 26, 2013 -> 10:23 AM)
You know what's sad about Zimmerman? He thinks that he'll be able to live a normal life after the media circus. Even him saving a family won't absolve him of taint that covers him. He should just get the heck out of America and start over in some other country.


Which is just f***ing sad. The dude was found not guilty. There is more love in this country for the boston bomber than George Zimmerman.

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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Jul 26, 2013 -> 11:44 AM)
Which is just f***ing sad. The dude was found not guilty. There is more love in this country for the boston bomber than George Zimmerman.

Well that's just a completely hyperbolic statement.

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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Jul 26, 2013 -> 11:14 AM)
I don't think the situations are really comparable. Zimmerman didn't get off on a technicality like Braun.


Isnt self defense ultimately a "technicality".


And I dont really feel sad for Zimmerman, why would I? He shot and killed someone, you live with the consequences of your actions.


Id feel sad for Zimmerman if he was driving his pregnant wife to the emergency room and accidentally ran over and killed Martin while he was speeding.


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QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Jul 26, 2013 -> 11:20 AM)
Isnt self defense ultimately a "technicality".


And I dont really feel sad for Zimmerman, why would I? He shot and killed someone, you live with the consequences of your actions.


Id feel sad for Zimmerman if he was driving his pregnant wife to the emergency room and accidentally ran over and killed Martin while he was speeding.


I don't think so. Self defense is a legally recognized justification and excuse for a killing. A technicality is someone getting off because a cop forgot to tag evidence properly. Or a FedEx guy not delivering a sample within a 30 minute time period or whatever the story was with Braun.

Edited by Jenksismybitch
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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Jul 26, 2013 -> 11:14 AM)
I don't think the situations are really comparable. Zimmerman didn't get off on a technicality like Braun.

People believe that if Zimmerman truly is not legally guilty, then something is wrong with the law because his course of actions should not have been 100% legal. A not guilty verdict doesn't mean people have to drop those feelings.

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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Jul 26, 2013 -> 10:44 AM)
Which is just f***ing sad. The dude was found not guilty. There is more love in this country for the boston bomber than George Zimmerman.


LMAO.... what?


I mean Zimmerman dug his own grave so now he'll have to lie in it. I guess my thing is, why is he trying these publicity stunts? He should be staying out of the public eye so it'll blow over at some point. No one will really change their opinion of him even if he saved 20 babies out of a burning building.

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QUOTE (lostfan @ Jul 26, 2013 -> 10:46 AM)
Yeah the website did kinda look like the equivalent of an Alex Jones conspiracy theory website when I saw it. That doesn't mean it's not still... um weird I guess that this story comes out a few days after the verdict.

I found a couple different places which had picked the story up (no mainstream outlets) but decided to track it back to the original source and share that.

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