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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Jul 26, 2013 -> 11:26 AM)
I don't think so. Self defense is a legally recognized justification and excuse for a killing. A technicality is someone getting off because a cop forgot to tag evidence properly. Or a FedEx guy not delivering a sample within a 30 minute time period or whatever the story was with Braun.


In general its admitted that Zimmerman killed Martin. The reason he got off is because "technically" what he did is allowed under the law.


If that isnt a "technicality" then the word has no meaning anymore.


Now if youre saying that the difference is motive, and that Zimmerman has allegedly good motives whereas Braun was a cheater, that would be a good reason for arguing that they arent comparable. Because the analogy would be if Braun was taking a supplement because he thought it would save his life, but that supplement was banned.

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jul 26, 2013 -> 11:30 AM)
People believe that if Zimmerman truly is not legally guilty, then something is wrong with the law because his course of actions should not have been 100% legal. A not guilty verdict doesn't mean people have to drop those feelings.


So direct your anger towards the legislators that can change the law, not the guy who legally did nothing wrong.

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QUOTE (pettie4sox @ Jul 26, 2013 -> 11:36 AM)
LMAO.... what?


I mean Zimmerman dug his own grave so now he'll have to lie in it. I guess my thing is, why is he trying these publicity stunts? He should be staying out of the public eye so it'll blow over at some point. No one will really change their opinion of him even if he saved 20 babies out of a burning building.


See what you started Balta? 9/11 was an inside job too.


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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Jul 26, 2013 -> 12:39 PM)
So direct your anger towards the legislators that can change the law, not the guy who legally did nothing wrong.

No one made him carry a gun. In a just society that alone would earn him scorn.

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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Jul 26, 2013 -> 11:41 AM)
See what you started Balta? 9/11 was an inside job too.


Jenks I was talking about how is lawyer wanted the people he saved to give a statement to the media. That in itself is a publicity stunt. If he just saved them and went about his way, that would have been a better response. The sheer fact that he's just trying to get positive publicity is sad considering it will do no good. That's all I was trying to say.

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QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Jul 26, 2013 -> 11:39 AM)
In general its admitted that Zimmerman killed Martin. The reason he got off is because "technically" what he did is allowed under the law.


If that isnt a "technicality" then the word has no meaning anymore.


Now if youre saying that the difference is motive, and that Zimmerman has allegedly good motives whereas Braun was a cheater, that would be a good reason for arguing that they arent comparable. Because the analogy would be if Braun was taking a supplement because he thought it would save his life, but that supplement was banned.


When people are found not guilty by reason of an affirmative defense, we don't say they got off on a technicality. That word is used when there's been a screw up somewhere along the line and someone gets off for reasons other than an actual determination of the law and facts at issue in the case.

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QUOTE (pettie4sox @ Jul 26, 2013 -> 11:45 AM)
Jenks I was talking about how is lawyer wanted the people he saved to give a statement to the media. That in itself is a publicity stunt. If he just saved them and went about his way, that would have been a better response. The sheer fact that he's just trying to get positive publicity is sad considering it will do no good. That's all I was trying to say.


I didn't see anything about the lawyers doing that, but who knows if Zimmerman told them to do that. More likely it's the attorneys trying to keep their names in the press.

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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Jul 26, 2013 -> 11:50 AM)
I didn't see anything about the lawyers doing that, but who knows if Zimmerman told them to do that. More likely it's the attorneys trying to keep their names in the press.


I actually agree that the lawyers said, "Hey GZ this is a perfect opportunity to boost your status!" GZ probably wants to be disappear for the time being until things cool down.

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QUOTE (pettie4sox @ Jul 26, 2013 -> 12:52 PM)
Man I would love to see a poll of which states that GZ would be convicted or acquitted with the evidence that was presented.

It's really impossible to know, because the jury was tasked with the SYG standard in its instructions. It's hard to know how the jury would vote if they weren't given that instruction.


It's also impossible to guess how that trial would have gone if the prosecution had made manslaughter its focus. The manslaughter description the judge gave to the jury seemed pretty incomprehensible.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jul 26, 2013 -> 12:00 PM)
It's really impossible to know, because the jury was tasked with the SYG standard in its instructions. It's hard to know how the jury would vote if they weren't given that instruction.


It's also impossible to guess how that trial would have gone if the prosecution had made manslaughter its focus. The manslaughter description the judge gave to the jury seemed pretty incomprehensible.


I believe all but a handful of states got rid of their duty to retreat requirements. So, unless you've got some emotional/revenge seeking jurors, he should be found not guilty in most states.


And I don't think the manslaughter issue was that big of a deal. Self-defense and stand your ground stuff trumps any murder charge.

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Even the jurors have come out and said they wish they could've found him guilty but couldn't because of the way the laws are written.


In a vacuum, without taking into account how he got into the situation, it's possible that he was in fear of his life at the exact instant he fired the gun.


I just don't know if that's how the law should be interpreted.

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QUOTE (pettie4sox @ Jul 26, 2013 -> 10:23 AM)
You know what's sad about Zimmerman? He thinks that he'll be able to live a normal life after the media circus. Even him saving a family won't absolve him of taint that covers him. He should just get the heck out of America and start over in some other country.


yea right. in 2 years the media will be in mania mode over some other 'racist' sensationalist story. Zim will be totally forgotten. the dips*** class will have totally forgotten about him.

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QUOTE (mr_genius @ Jul 26, 2013 -> 08:09 PM)
yea right. in 2 years the media will be in mania mode over some other 'racist' sensationalist story. Zim will be totally forgotten. the dips*** class will have totally forgotten about him.

In 2 years he'll be trying to figure out how to pay for the wrongful death verdict.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jul 26, 2013 -> 07:11 PM)
In 2 years he'll be trying to figure out how to pay for the wrongful death verdict.


like OJ? he lives in Florida lol. His millions of dollars from his NBC suit will be in a mansion.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jul 26, 2013 -> 07:17 PM)
Yeah, I know. A group from Ohio just sent him $12000 to buy new guns with. He killed the right (color) person.


should have charged him with manslaughter and convicted him. Rather than 2nd degree murder trying to prove he had "hate in his heart" and he was a racist. you going to prove beyond a reasonable doubt he killed with intention due to racism? that is where you guys f***ed up.

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QUOTE (mr_genius @ Jul 26, 2013 -> 07:24 PM)
should have charged him with manslaughter and convicted him. Rather than 2nd degree murder trying to prove he had "hate in his heart" and he was a racist. you going to prove beyond a reasonable doubt he killed with intention due to racism? that is where you guys f***ed up.


What do you mean you guys? You mean the Florida prosecutors?

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QUOTE (mr_genius @ Jul 26, 2013 -> 08:12 PM)
like OJ? he lives in Florida lol. His millions of dollars from his NBC suit will be in a mansion.




A good chance he'll win that case too. All Zimmerman has to do in a civil suit is prove evidence that he was in reasonable fear being killed or gravely injured. And if Zimmerman was to win a civil suit, the Martin family would then have to fork over money to Zimmerman.



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QUOTE (zenryan @ Jul 29, 2013 -> 11:07 PM)
A good chance he'll win that case too. All Zimmerman has to do in a civil suit is prove evidence that he was in reasonable fear being killed or gravely injured. And if Zimmerman was to win a civil suit, the Martin family would then have to fork over money to Zimmerman.




Unless Florida is completely different than most jurisdictions I do not believe there is a "loser pays" law. So unless you think there is some sort of counterclaim its likely Zimmerman would merely be the defendant and the best case would be summary judgment based on the law that has been previously cited in this thread that suggests Zimmerman may not have civil liability if he was found to be using self defense.

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