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Trayvon Martin


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QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Sep 9, 2013 -> 02:57 PM)
There will be some hilarious irony if he ends up convicted for threatening his wife.


Although I dont really trust this lady.


Still, if you're Zimmerman go live in a hole for a few years to avoid this exact kind of situation.

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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Sep 9, 2013 -> 03:06 PM)
Still, if you're Zimmerman go live in a hole for a few years to avoid this exact kind of situation.


I really thought he'd lay low but he seems to like this 15 minutes of fame s***. It's really not good for his image when he's getting pulled over for speeding and touring gun factories. People can't help but to think that's a giant f*** you to the Martin family.

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Sounds like no gun was involved in the incident and they're not going to bring charges. I bet there's something up with his wife. She lied earlier about how much money they made, so not exactly a model citizen.


More black on white hate crime in New York:




Still cracks me up that in a story about hate crimes they can't say that the suspect is black in their description, even when they provide a picture. (And yes I realize this is the Post, but still. This nonsense journalism happens everywhere, including Chicago).

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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Sep 10, 2013 -> 09:53 AM)
Sounds like no gun was involved in the incident and they're not going to bring charges. I bet there's something up with his wife. She lied earlier about how much money they made, so not exactly a model citizen.


More black on white hate crime in New York:




Still cracks me up that in a story about hate crimes they can't say that the suspect is black in their description, even when they provide a picture. (And yes I realize this is the Post, but still. This nonsense journalism happens everywhere, including Chicago).



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The estranged wife of George Zimmerman opted not to press charges against her husband Monday after police in Florida responded to her sobbing 911 call reporting he had punched her father and was threatening them with a gun.



The police couldn't find a gun or any evidence of any kind of physical altercation like she claimed, which included smashing an ipad and punching the father.

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Sounds like no gun was involved in the incident and they're not going to bring charges. I bet there's something up with his wife. She lied earlier about how much money they made, so not exactly a model citizen.


More black on white hate crime in New York:




Still cracks me up that in a story about hate crimes they can't say that the suspect is black in their description, even when they provide a picture. (And yes I realize this is the Post, but still. This nonsense journalism happens everywhere, including Chicago).

Its an epidemic, it was bad before Zimmerman walked and now its getting worse.


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QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Sep 10, 2013 -> 09:43 PM)
Its an epidemic, it was bad before Zimmerman walked and now its getting worse.

If that's an epidemic, white on white crime is a horrible nationwide pandemic. Based on DOJ statistics only about 13% of crimes against whites are done by black people, the overwhelming majority are by other whites. (Link)


You should be terrified if you see a white person near you. Did you know they even rig the laws to let crazy people carry guns?

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Sep 10, 2013 -> 08:47 PM)
If that's an epidemic, white on white crime is a horrible nationwide pandemic. Based on DOJ statistics only about 13% of crimes against whites are done by black people, the overwhelming majority are by other whites. (Link)


You should be terrified if you see a white person near you. Did you know they even rig the laws to let crazy people carry guns?


What's the stat for White on Black?

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QUOTE (pettie4sox @ Sep 11, 2013 -> 12:12 PM)
What's the stat for White on Black?

Just about as rare. Over 90% of crimes against African Americans are committed by African Americans.


Basically all that's reflecting is how rare crimes against people you're unfamiliar with actually are.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Sep 11, 2013 -> 12:30 PM)
Just about as rare. Over 90% of crimes against African Americans are committed by African Americans.


Basically all that's reflecting is how rare crimes against people you're unfamiliar with actually are.


out of curiousity are those rates or are those gross numbers?

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Sep 11, 2013 -> 12:51 PM)
No, gross numbers.


That changes the scope, a lot. Even though whites are about 78% of the population, they only commit 10% (according to your stats) against blacks. Blacks commit 13% of crimes against whites, while only 13% of the population.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Sep 11, 2013 -> 12:58 PM)
That changes the scope, a lot. Even though whites are about 78% of the population, they only commit 10% (according to your stats) against blacks. Blacks commit 13% of crimes against whites, while only 13% of the population.



I am trying to follow you because I think you are making a good point, but I think the flaw is while you are adjusting for the number of criminals, don't you have to also adjust for the number of victims?


Let's toss some numbers at it and see what it says.


Suggesting there are 100 people in the US, of the 78 white people, 7.8 will commit crimes against 13 black people.


Of the 13 blacks, 1.5 will commit crimes against 78 white people.


And this stat really doesn't tell us who commits more crimes, just which is group is more willing to cross racial lines to commit those crimes.

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QUOTE (Tex @ Sep 11, 2013 -> 02:13 PM)
I am trying to follow you because I think you are making a good point, but I think the flaw is while you are adjusting for the number of criminals, don't you have to also adjust for the number of victims?


Let's toss some numbers at it and see what it says.


Suggesting there are 100 people in the US, of the 78 white people, 7.8 will commit crimes against 13 black people.


Of the 13 blacks, 1.5 will commit crimes against 78 white people.


And this stat really doesn't tell us who commits more crimes, just which is group is more willing to cross racial lines to commit those crimes.

Which is of course what Duke keeps saying, that there's suddenly a new Martin-killing inspired epidemic of across-racial-line violence, and that's why he needs his guns, because of the blacks.


Which is of course bull.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Sep 11, 2013 -> 01:58 PM)
That changes the scope, a lot. Even though whites are about 78% of the population, they only commit 10% (according to your stats) against blacks. Blacks commit 13% of crimes against whites, while only 13% of the population.

Was never trying to argue that they commit crimes in general at the same rate, clearly that isn't the case and you don't need to break down the data to that point to show it. African American communities have higher rates of poverty, lead exposure, and consquently do commit crimes at a higher rate.


However, most of those crimes stay within their communities.

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QUOTE (Tex @ Sep 11, 2013 -> 01:13 PM)
I am trying to follow you because I think you are making a good point, but I think the flaw is while you are adjusting for the number of criminals, don't you have to also adjust for the number of victims?


Let's toss some numbers at it and see what it says.


Suggesting there are 100 people in the US, of the 78 white people, 7.8 will commit crimes against 13 black people.


Of the 13 blacks, 1.5 will commit crimes against 78 white people.


And this stat really doesn't tell us who commits more crimes, just which is group is more willing to cross racial lines to commit those crimes.


I would think statistically, if a group makes up a certain percentage, they would commit that percentage of crimes across the board. IE, if whites are 78% of the population, they should be responsible for 78% of crimes versus whites, 78% of crimes versus blacks, etc.


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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Sep 11, 2013 -> 01:24 PM)
Was never trying to argue that they commit crimes in general at the same rate, clearly that isn't the case and you don't need to break down the data to that point to show it. African American communities have higher rates of poverty, lead exposure, and consquently do commit crimes at a higher rate.


However, most of those crimes stay within their communities.


But statistically WAY more likely to not say within their community.

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Poverty, a negative atmosphere, and bad parenting... If you mix all these together, what do you get? A criminal breeding environment. If there were as many whites in poverty as blacks along with those other factors, I guarantee the crime rate would be similar.


Years of social and economic problems has made the situation what it is. Most importantly, bad decisions by individuals.


So no one should be surprised as to who commits crimes and why. I hate when people act obtuse and pretend the problems of this country are so black and white. It's just not that simple.



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QUOTE (pettie4sox @ Sep 11, 2013 -> 02:41 PM)
Poverty, a negative atmosphere, and bad parenting... If you mix all these together, what do you get? A criminal breeding environment. If there were as many whites in poverty as blacks along with those other factors, I guarantee the crime rate would be similar.


Years of social and economic problems has made the situation what it is. Most importantly, bad decisions by individuals.


So no one should be surprised as to who commits crimes and why. I hate when people act obtuse and pretend the problems of this country are so black and white. It's just not that simple.



IIRC, there are WAY more whites in poverty than blacks in terms of total numbers.

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