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The Official Thread for Joe Cowley and his Agenda.

Jack Parkman

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Apr 30, 2012 -> 03:02 PM)
If Cowley is suspended that is stupid.

He's a f***ing sportswriter.

Sportswriter's travel a lot and have opinions.

People who dissent can call him out and put their opinion on twitter as well.

He calls flite attendants ugly? Big f***ing deal. They can come back and say passengers who sleep with their mouths open like sportswriters are uglier.

He rips the female pilot? Why can't somebody just come back and call him sexist and make their point? Somebody could point out that a lot of the medical personnel who treated him over his medical problem were uh, FEMALES. Intelligent, brilliant females. Fight back instead of being politically correct.

Why should he be fired for bad humor???

If he threatens somebody's life and MEANS IT ... fine.

he did notthing really wrong but represent himself like a sexist jerk.

Those he offended can blast back, but fire him??? Grow up world.


No one has mentioned the Ron Washington "Huggy Bear" tweets. I replied to those with "that's not racist at all". He responded 4 times to me starting off by saying since I'm a woman, I'm to dumb to understand and culminating with an dissertation of why he's not racist. I was not that offended but felt he should at least realize that most of the world would find his tweets racist. I know his act so I wasn't offended.


I don't think firing for his recent tweets is that far off; but it's nothing new so it would be hypocritical for the ST to take that action simply because there is now a national audience.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Apr 30, 2012 -> 03:36 PM)
2.) Thanks. You word it better than me.


1.) By citing Rush, I mean this should have a similar outcome.

Apologize as Rush did to the individual person and voila ... it's OVA. Problem solved.

Nothing else Joe said was anything but bad humor.


So much time was wasted telling you the ramifications of Rush's actions on his own pocketbook and airtime, so I won't waste anymore.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Apr 30, 2012 -> 02:38 PM)
Kinda like the Marlins talking about Ozzie's history at his hiring, and then suspending for doing exactly what he has always done?

Yes, and I made the same comment about them when that happened...something to the effect of "what the hell did they expect when they hired him?"


I'd like to see the Sun-Times suffer here moreso than Cowley. They are well-aware of Cowley's gig, just as they were of Mariotti's. They enabled and encouraged him to act like a buffoon to create attention to himself and to bring larger audiences to their product. They've been reaping the benefits of his buffoonery for months and months now, and of course, only now that he's offended the wrong person, will they distance themselves from him and feign outrage.


This is now the second columnist they have encouraged to behave like the sports columnist version of Andrew Dice Clay. They should be forced to face the repercussions, not be allowed to spit Cowley out and hire the next obnoxious caveman in waiting.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Apr 30, 2012 -> 04:36 PM)
2.) Thanks. You word it better than me.


1.) By citing Rush, I mean this should have a similar outcome.

Apologize as Rush did to the individual person and voila ... it's OVA. Problem solved.

Nothing else Joe said was anything but bad humor.

Rush also lost literally millions of dollars in advertising revenue from companies that didnt' want to associate with him afterwards, which is an entirely reasonable corporate response


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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Apr 30, 2012 -> 03:12 PM)
You're joking. You have to be. Seriously, try saying s*** like that in your workplace, and see how that goes over.


Its not about pussified, and everyone here but you and Marty realizes that its Joe who needs to grow up. And talk about being "pussified" - the guy can't say s*** like that to anyone in person of course, he's too afraid to, so he posts it via social media and he's gone before they know about it. Now that is "pussified".



Those who use the term pussified is a great example of Cowley's target audience. He claims it's satire, but his followers aren't in on the supposed joke.

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QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Apr 30, 2012 -> 08:43 PM)
So much time was wasted telling you the ramifications of Rush's actions on his own pocketbook and airtime, so I won't waste anymore.



QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Apr 30, 2012 -> 08:43 PM)
Rush also lost literally millions of dollars in advertising revenue from companies that didnt' want to associate with him afterwards, which is an entirely reasonable corporate response


1.) Wasted? I read your comments and appreciated them. You didn't change my mind so it's all "wasted" time? Nice.

2.) I realize that, but he's still in business and not hurting for sponsors.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Apr 30, 2012 -> 04:54 PM)
1.) Wasted? I read your comments and appreciated them. You didn't change my mind so it's all "wasted" time? Nice.

2.) I realize that, but he's still in business and not hurting for sponsors.

He's in business in no small part because he has a contract worth many hundreds of millions of dollars, so firing him would literally be impossible unless his show reaches the point where it is losing hundreds of millions of dollars. It's like cutting Alex Rios.


Joe Cowley does not have a contract worth millions of dollars, he's not worth millions of dollars to the paper, he's quite easily replaced, and the workplace lawsuits the Sun Times could be liable for could easily run into the millions of dollars if there are enough responses.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Apr 30, 2012 -> 03:54 PM)
1.) Wasted? I read your comments and appreciated them. You didn't change my mind so it's all "wasted" time? Nice.

2.) I realize that, but he's still in business and not hurting for sponsors.


So, because he got away with it(albeit lost money and sponsors), then in your eyes that makes it ok and anyone should be able to do it.


Yes. Wasted. You don't acknowledge the point that has been made over and over, and bring up the same argument.

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QUOTE (Jose Paniagua @ Apr 30, 2012 -> 04:02 PM)
There must be some posters here who both 1) hate Joe Cowley 2) employ that kind of sexist language on a regular basis



Said folks must have loads of inner conflict today!

Making sexist remarks over the internet to colleagues is grounds for termination no matter where you work these days. So I would say you havent scratched the surface of why its being discussed.

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QUOTE (RockRaines @ Apr 30, 2012 -> 04:05 PM)
Making sexist remarks over the internet to colleagues is grounds for termination no matter where you work these days. So I would say you havent scratched the surface of why its being discussed.

That's not true. There are some real backward s*** holes out there still. In my experience, a lot of illegals from mexico are living in the '50s when it comes to sexism.

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QUOTE (RockRaines @ Apr 30, 2012 -> 04:05 PM)
Making sexist remarks over the internet to colleagues is grounds for termination no matter where you work these days. So I would say you havent scratched the surface of why its being discussed.


I'm aware, there are many layers to all of this. It's just funny to me that people here will endlessly mention all the negative traits Cowley has, but then automatically assume they're innocent of all of them themselves.


Not aimed at you or anyone in particular at the moment.

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QUOTE (Jose Paniagua @ Apr 30, 2012 -> 04:02 PM)
There must be some posters here who both 1) hate Joe Cowley 2) employ that kind of sexist language on a regular basis



Said folks must have loads of inner conflict today!

This doesn't really compute. Said posters don't represent their employer on Soxtalk... at least not often.

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QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Apr 30, 2012 -> 04:11 PM)
This doesn't really compute. Said posters don't represent their employer on Soxtalk... at least not often.



Again, I'm not saying that anyone should be fired from their position at Soxtalk.


I'm saying there must be inner conflict. And if there isn't and it's replaced by blissful ignorance, that works too.

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QUOTE (Jose Paniagua @ Apr 30, 2012 -> 04:12 PM)
I'm saying there must be inner conflict. And if there isn't and it's replaced by blissful ignorance, that works too.

But again, those things really don't relate. I'm not one of these posters you speak of, as I respect women, but I don't think what Cowley said was something incredibly awful. However, he uses Twitter as a medium to feign popularity through the vessel he represents (in this case, CST). He said ridiculous things, and I don't think anyone would care had he not attacked a woman for her looks.

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QUOTE (MAX @ Apr 30, 2012 -> 04:21 PM)
You should really learn to think before you make misguided, foolish remarks.



OK, so enlighten me as to what you meant. I make the point that some people here condemn Cowley and then go on to make sexist or racist remarks, and then point out the part of your post that makes huge assumptions about the mindset of illegals, grouping them all together.


And the part you vehemently deny is where I said you 'condemn Cowley'? Got it.

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QUOTE (Jose Paniagua @ Apr 30, 2012 -> 04:31 PM)
OK, so enlighten me as to what you meant. I make the point that some people here condemn Cowley and then go on to make sexist or racist remarks, and then point out the part of your post that makes huge assumptions about the mindset of illegals, grouping them all together.


And the part you vehemently deny is where I said you 'condemn Cowley'? Got it.

Mexico and the US are culturally in different places with regard to sexism. What does that have to do with race, genius?

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