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The Official Thread for Joe Cowley and his Agenda.

Jack Parkman

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Greg, here's the thing....


Why would I copy a personal message from Rick Telander that doesn't support my position against Cowley/CST?


Because I felt it merited inclusion in the thread, and to show the OTHER SIDE...something your heroes don't generally like to do.


He would probably be offended if I asked him whether those comments should be retracted from public consumption...and I did mention that I posted here, and even gave him the direct link for the message board thread about this topic, had he wanted to read what was written. I seriously doubt he took the time to do that, but he at least took the time to write a response.


It would have been just as easy for me to ignore it or pretend I didn't receive it, yes?



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QUOTE (caulfield12 @ May 2, 2012 -> 04:48 AM)
That does it.


Greg thinks I am "slimy" and Cowley is his new hero in lieu of any Ozzie controversy.


Shouldn't his name be officially adjusted to Cowley Fan Club, Ozzie Fan Club OR Ozzie/Cowley fan club?


Especially since his other hero Rongey has disappeared for the time being.


I said I liked you, I just disagree with this. You aren't the first to do it. A lot of people think it's fine.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ May 1, 2012 -> 10:55 PM)
I said I liked you, I just disagree with this. You aren't the first to do it. A lot of people think it's fine.


I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree on this one.


LOL. If i was Cowley, I would p.o.'ed that someone likes me (see above) and ask them to unfollow me, unless you actually are a Brazilian supermodel pretending to be a White Sox fan so you can find a man who really loves you/her for who she is!

Edited by caulfield12
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QUOTE (greg775 @ May 1, 2012 -> 11:48 PM)
You don't think it's rotten to send somebody an email and print his response on a message board?

And I like caufield, no disrespect meant.


No, I just refuse to believe you're defending this rat in Cowley.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ May 2, 2012 -> 12:16 AM)
See? I was right.

That is what Cowley was doing, the wrestling persona.

That was a great reply from Telander.

I like you caufield, but I wonder if what you did here isn't slimy. Telander prolly didn't want you posting his response for the world to see. He was nice enough to send u a response and you show it to the world. Just my take on that.

Guys ... Cowley thought his followers knew his schtick. Now he knows better. Case closed. Slap on wrist.

His posts I'm sure will be dull as hell from now on. He'll do the bare minimum of play by play from the games w/no opinion since people can't handle his Dice Clay act.

Greg, in what way was that a "great reply"? He doesn't assign responsibility properly, justify anyone's actions or provide any rationale for Cowley's behavior or CST's. All he did was say "boys will be boys" which is a thoughtless response to any controversy and simply enables Cowley's poor behavior. I understand that he mentioned wrestling and so did you, but how does that make anything okay? If a wrestler takes a pro-toddler murder stance, can Cowley justifiably take the same stance and say it was a bit? That's nonsense.

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QUOTE (ScottyDo @ May 1, 2012 -> 11:05 PM)
Greg, in what way was that a "great reply"? He doesn't assign responsibility properly, justify anyone's actions or provide any rationale for Cowley's behavior or CST's. All he did was say "boys will be boys" which is a thoughtless response to any controversy and simply enables Cowley's poor behavior. I understand that he mentioned wrestling and so did you, but how does that make anything okay? If a wrestler takes a pro-toddler murder stance, can Cowley justifiably take the same stance and say it was a bit? That's nonsense.



Only if the aforementioned wrestler takes a pro-Peavy/Dunn/Rios or pro-bottom third of the Sox line-up murder stance.




Toddlers and puppies, protected classes.

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Chicago Sun-Times sports columnist Joe Cowley has been placed on "final notice" — one step away from firing — for posting a series of sexist and offensive messages on his Twitter account, according to insiders at the newspaper.


Although Cowley had been known to cross the line before, the tweets he posted Sunday morning while waiting for a delayed flight to take off became a viral sensation and a source of embarrassment for the paper after they were picked up by the sports news website Deadspin.com, which accused Cowley of “raging sexism” and abuse toward females.


As soon as he landed, Cowley killed his Twitter account under orders from sports editor Chris DeLuca, who had called the columnist’s cell phone demanding the deletion. But by then, his offending tweets had been copied and archived on more than one website.


While Sun-Times bosses weighed the options available to them in accordance with Chicago Newspaper Guild disciplinary procedures, speculation about Cowley’s fate ricocheted around the blogosphere. Some demanded his immediate firing. Others rumored that he had been suspended. Neither was the case.


Cowley’s reporting continued uninterrupted as his editors ultimately decided to issue a final warning through the guild process. “If he does anything again, it’s pretty much a fireable offense,” a source said.


Cowley could not be reached Tuesday.


The paper’s only comment on the matter came from editor-in-chief Jim Kirk, who said in a statement: “The Chicago Sun-Times is an institution with important social responsibilities, and we expect those who represent our paper to act with the respect and sensitivity that our readers deserve. Mr. Cowley's remarks were offensive and he has been reprimanded appropriately.”


A graduate of Kent State University, Cowley joined the Sun-Times in 2006 from the Daily Southtown, where he started in 1998. Named sports columnist in 2010, he’s been called “the new Jay Mariotti,” for his provocative and, at times, antagonistic style. Cowley also is a contributor to CBS Radio sports/talk WSCR-AM (670).


The controversy over Cowley distracted attention Tuesday from news the Sun-Times would have preferred to trumpet: A report by the Audit Bureau of Circulations that showed daily and Sunday circulation up for the six-month reporting period ending March 31.


For the first time ever, the Sun-Times claimed it passed the Chicago Tribune, although the figures include all 40 of the suburban dailies and weeklies owned by Sun-Times Media.


“We are feeling very positive about our performance in the ABC report,” Tim Knight, CEO of parent company Wrapports, LLC, said in a statement. “Sun-Times Media’s local approach to branded publications and digital products has enabled us to continue to offer our subscribers access to award-winning reporting and local information across a variety of print and digital platforms. This strategy is proving to be a consistent winner for our readers and our advertisers.”


Cowley put on final notice.

Edited by justBLAZE
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Greg, if someone insulted you personally on this website repeatedly and when confronted by an admin, claimed it was their "wrestling personality" and they were a good guy, would you accept that?

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QUOTE (caulfield12 @ May 1, 2012 -> 11:42 PM)
I just did it to make a point, lol.


And the point is that there's SOME things in life or in the world you can never talk about or argue or seemingly defend, NO MATTER WHAT.


Doesn't matter if you're just taking a Devil's Advocate view, regardless of one's personal beliefs.


The funny thing is that you CAN talk about Mao Zedong or Stalin, and they killed MANY more millions of people in their own countries. In China now, I can say he was a "bad guy" even though officially he's still a national here and his body is preserved in a mausoleum, just like Lenin's at the Kremlin.


Just like if Ozzie said that same thing about, say, Pol Pot in Cambodia, it wouldn't even have registered as a blip on the radar screen. But he said it about Fidel Castro in South Florida in Little Havana.


I highly doubt you can say you respected any of them as a manager of a baseball team in the US.

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QUOTE (ScottyDo @ May 2, 2012 -> 12:05 AM)
Greg, in what way was that a "great reply"? He doesn't assign responsibility properly, justify anyone's actions or provide any rationale for Cowley's behavior or CST's. All he did was say "boys will be boys" which is a thoughtless response to any controversy and simply enables Cowley's poor behavior. I understand that he mentioned wrestling and so did you, but how does that make anything okay? If a wrestler takes a pro-toddler murder stance, can Cowley justifiably take the same stance and say it was a bit? That's nonsense.


It is the internet equivalent of defending a wife beater with, "Oh it was just because he was drunk and I didn't have his dinner still waiting for him six hours later when he finally got home from the strip club." That wasn't an apology at all.

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QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ May 2, 2012 -> 06:16 AM)
Greg, if someone insulted you personally on this website repeatedly and when confronted by an admin, claimed it was their "wrestling personality" and they were a good guy, would you accept that?

AND I just spit out my coffee...


Thank you, fine sir!

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The way I see it, Cowley is a professional writer, his entire job is using words to convey thoughts. If he's not smart enough to know that his alleged attempt at humor (if that's really what it was) could be misconstrued, he's an idiot and could be fired for incompetence.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ May 2, 2012 -> 12:27 PM)
We know you're not exactly in our time zone, but people do sleep sometimes!



Royals/Tigers is the FREE GAME of the Day and I fell asleep at like 9 pm and just woke up accidentally, lol.


The game started here at 100 a.m.



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QUOTE (bighurt574 @ May 2, 2012 -> 12:31 PM)
The way I see it, Cowley is a professional writer, his entire job is using words to convey thoughts. If he's not smart enough to know that his alleged attempt at humor (if that's really what it was) could be misconstrued, he's an idiot and could be fired for incompetence.


To be fair, he does work for the Chicago Sun Times.

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QUOTE (bighurt574 @ May 2, 2012 -> 12:31 PM)
The way I see it, Cowley is a professional writer, his entire job is using words to convey thoughts. If he's not smart enough to know that his alleged attempt at humor (if that's really what it was) could be misconstrued, he's an idiot and could be fired for incompetence.


There seem to be a lot of people who don't realize that things said on Facebook and twitter have the ability to spread rapidly and be preserved forever.

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ May 2, 2012 -> 11:47 AM)
There seem to be a lot of people who don't realize that things said on Facebook and twitter have the ability to spread rapidly and be preserved forever.


Especially the Sun-Times' brass, although DeLuca at least had the sense to TRY to get him to shut down his Twitter before the story got picked up...but once Deadspin took off with it (thanks to Sloan Martin and then there was also the previous Joe Forte showdown with "Jessica Danielle" on April 1st and stories of the intern who "outed" himself) and it was all she wrote. The story started gaining steam....then all the local Chicago press picked it up and had a field day, it wasn't unlike that 24-72 hour period with the Ozzie/Castro story where the story just kept mushrooming and there was no way to put the cat back in the bag. That there was no response from the S-T and he kept writing more and more Bulls' stories with seemingly no punishment gave the story even more life the last 24-36 hours or so.



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