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The Official Thread for Joe Cowley and his Agenda.

Jack Parkman

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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Apr 5, 2012 -> 05:10 PM)
All i needed to see was "Joe Cowley" to ignore this thread.

I will say this, I stopped following him on twitter and I dont feel like I'm missing anything. If he breaks anything important, it'll be RTed by someone else and I get to skip all of his dumb tweets.


Joe Cowley is Billy Madison's answer to the industrial revolution question.

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QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Apr 5, 2012 -> 05:19 AM)
What's scary is Ozzie is programmed by his sons and they are some dumb motherf***ers. When KW mentioned that text story, and there is little doubt in my mind he mentioned it to try to make himself look good and to try to prove he and Ozzie had moved on, his sons went on twitter and said it was total BS, Ozzie never responded. When they found out Ozzie did respond like an adult, they both had a fit and actually Oney ripped Ozzie.


What's new about this recycled story? Ozzie won't work for the Sox as long as KW is there? I'm pretty sure KW AND JR won't have Ozzie as long as KW is there. Nothing new, just Joe trying to start trouble watching his career melt like the Wicked Witch of the West.



I try to be fair and not a meatball Sox fan, but Ozzie's kids are leaches on society, pure and simple. They are no more than the Kardashians.


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QUOTE (retro1983hat @ Apr 5, 2012 -> 07:46 PM)
I try to be fair and not a meatball Sox fan, but Ozzie's kids are leaches on society, pure and simple. They are no more than the Kardashians.

Okay. I am absolutely tired of this Ozzie-Kenny rift story. Time to move on. If anything, KW wanted to move on and wished Ozzie well. The Robin Ventura era begins!

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QUOTE (GreatScott82 @ Apr 5, 2012 -> 09:46 PM)
Okay. I am absolutely tired of this Ozzie-Kenny rift story. Time to move on. If anything, KW wanted to move on and wished Ozzie well. The Robin Ventura era begins!


Yeah, I don't think so. It's only my opinion, and Williams would never admit it publicly, but I tend to think that it was a very facetious and sarcastic shot at Ozzie. They don't like each other. I don't think Williams wants to wish Ozzie luck, and I don't think Ozzie wants to wish Williams luck. It's a matter of being "professional," which is to say that you say the right things so that they cannot be legally perceived as anything but what they are at face value, but that there are absolutely layers to the message itself.


This is a breakup. The Sox and Guillen have only been broken up for 6 months. For an 8 year relationship, that is no time at all. There will be a story written about this next offseason, and perhaps the offseason after that as well, and there will be many, many more in between then and now as well. As time moves on, the stories will become more infrequent and the intensity of the feelings will wear away from all sides, and we will look back on this just as we look back on the clubhouse spies that Williams and/or Manuel had in 2001 and 2002.


Oh, and of course, that 8 years was only with Ozzie managing. That's not including the 13 years he was a player with the White Sox.

Edited by witesoxfan
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Then you'll undoubtedly have all the stories about how supportive and patient Reinsdorf and KW were with Ozzie and his family...juxtaposed with how they are going to be treated by Loria et al in Miami if the team down there doesn't get off to a decent start.


How Ozzie was allowed to "coast" for 3 years while he doesn't have that luxury in South Florida...that the novelty of the stadium will wear off quickly and the pressure to win will be almost as great as in Boston, Philadelphia, New York or Atlanta (after the late season swoon last September) because of the level of expectations that were raised this offseason (not unlike our own "All In" disaster), etc.


Whereas there will be very little shock or suprise if the Sox start out 0-2.

Edited by caulfield12
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I am certain the Marlin fans are enjoying Ozzie just like we did his first few seasons. In a world where public figures are trained to say a lot without saying anything, I appreciate Ozzie's candor and willingness to not duck behind no comment and cliches. But let the rest of the world have him now. It's like listening to Richard Pryor Live on the Sunset Strip, it may be the greatest of all time, but if you listen to it 1,000 times, it loses it's spontaneity and freshness. Soon you think Pryor sucks and wonder how you ever liked it. Same with Ozzie.


I hope that somehow Oz becomes likable again. There was a stretch there where he was fun, and entertaining. Perhaps even a better than average to great manager. I'd like to embrace those moments again.

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QUOTE (Tex @ Apr 6, 2012 -> 07:01 AM)
It's like listening to Richard Pryor Live on the Sunset Strip, it may be the greatest of all time, but if you listen to it 1,000 times, it loses it's spontaneity and freshness. Soon you think Pryor sucks and wonder how you ever liked it. Same with Ozzie.


That's probably the best analogy I've ever heard!...

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“And by no means is this a knock against [former manager] Ozzie [Guillen], [bench coach] Joey [Cora], [pitcher Mark] Buehrle, anybody, but it was an energetic dugout, a positive dugout with positive players. On the field, in the dugout, a lot of energy, playing until the last out. We simply got beat [Friday]. If we can maintain this over the summer, this should be a good, fun summer.’’


Then Danks added, “No excuses.’’


There it is. Forget “Appreciate the Game.’’ Sox baseball 2012 is about “No excuses.’’


No fingers to point, no distractions to blame, no Twitter accounts to “unfollow.’’


This is about the talent collected by general manager Ken Williams the last few seasons and if it is good enough to sprint with the best of the American League.


By September, expect the answer to be a big, glaring no.


Still too many free swingers, still not enough clutch hitters and still too many bobbled balls at the most inopportune times. Sox players will learn that they can escape blaming others, but they can’t escape the talent that stares back at them in the mirror.


It’s a .500 ship with an iceberg awaiting it in Motown.


Or maybe that’s just Prince Fielder taking a dip.


“I wouldn’t make any predictions on, ‘Hey, if we’re going to do our thing, we’re going to measure up or make the

playoffs,’ ” Paul Konerko said. “If we go out and do things the right way, with our talent, we’re going to be in the mix. Where that takes us, I don’t know, but we’re going to be there later in the season if we compete correctly and everyone is going about it the right way. I just don’t think it will be right to say anything more than that.


“There are a lot of good teams out there, and you have to respect what they have done and what they have.’’


What the Sox had in the loss to the Rangers were seven men left on base and 13 strikeouts. They also had a new poster child for days gone wrong in third baseman Brent Morel. A bobbled ball that led to a run, an error and four strikeouts.


That’s what happens when a team is forced to jam a bottom-of-the-order talent into the No. 2 hole. But again, that’s just an excuse.


The Sox are all out of those.



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QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Apr 7, 2012 -> 06:31 AM)
“And by no means is this a knock against [former manager] Ozzie [Guillen], [bench coach] Joey [Cora], [pitcher Mark] Buehrle, anybody, but it was an energetic dugout, a positive dugout with positive players. On the field, in the dugout, a lot of energy, playing until the last out. We simply got beat [Friday]. If we can maintain this over the summer, this should be a good, fun summer.’’


Then Danks added, “No excuses.’’


There it is. Forget “Appreciate the Game.’’ Sox baseball 2012 is about “No excuses.’’


No fingers to point, no distractions to blame, no Twitter accounts to “unfollow.’’


This is about the talent collected by general manager Ken Williams the last few seasons and if it is good enough to sprint with the best of the American League.


By September, expect the answer to be a big, glaring no.


Still too many free swingers, still not enough clutch hitters and still too many bobbled balls at the most inopportune times. Sox players will learn that they can escape blaming others, but they can’t escape the talent that stares back at them in the mirror.


It’s a .500 ship with an iceberg awaiting it in Motown.


Or maybe that’s just Prince Fielder taking a dip.


“I wouldn’t make any predictions on, ‘Hey, if we’re going to do our thing, we’re going to measure up or make the

playoffs,’ ” Paul Konerko said. “If we go out and do things the right way, with our talent, we’re going to be in the mix. Where that takes us, I don’t know, but we’re going to be there later in the season if we compete correctly and everyone is going about it the right way. I just don’t think it will be right to say anything more than that.


“There are a lot of good teams out there, and you have to respect what they have done and what they have.’’


What the Sox had in the loss to the Rangers were seven men left on base and 13 strikeouts. They also had a new poster child for days gone wrong in third baseman Brent Morel. A bobbled ball that led to a run, an error and four strikeouts.


That’s what happens when a team is forced to jam a bottom-of-the-order talent into the No. 2 hole. But again, that’s just an excuse.


The Sox are all out of those.


Today's Cowley column



Does anyone notice that anytime anyone in the media or White Sox employee gives a complement to Ventura or his coaching staff, they always have to preface their comments with "This isn't a knock at Ozzie", why is everyone so scared? I guess Cowley feels he can write a White Sox column everytime they lose, which even in the best of years gives him 63 days of not having to actually work. The last Sun Times "writer" that basically wrote a White Sox obituary after one game, and he actually did it after a win, was Marriotti in 2005.


I wonder when Cowley's bosses will demand something other than this repackaged KW slam. Joe, I don't like KW either, but enough is enough. Your recycled columns aren't going to run him out of town.

Edited by Dick Allen
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QUOTE (fathom @ Apr 4, 2012 -> 11:05 PM)
I guarantee in a few years when they're celebrating the 10 year anniversary of 2005, Ozzie will be someone that everyone wants included in the celebration.


while we're making predictions:

I guarantee in 2105 when they're celebrating the 100 year anniversary of 2005 and the Lifeatron 3000 is keeping people alive for 500 years, Ozzie will be someone that everyone in New Chicago, Mars will want at the celebration, including Kenny Williams IV

Edited by stretchstretch
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We might be behind the Tigers on paper, but if we can play the way we’re capable of, we should be right there in the middle of it, and I’m not backing down from that,’’ starting pitcher John Danks said after the 3-2 loss to the defending American League champions. “I whole-heartedly mean that.


“And by no means is this a knock against [former manager] Ozzie [Guillen], [bench coach] Joey [Cora], [pitcher Mark] Buehrle, anybody, but it was an energetic dugout, a positive dugout with positive players. On the field, in the dugout, a lot of energy, playing until the last out. We simply got beat [Friday]. If we can maintain this over the summer, this should be a good, fun summer.’’


Then Danks added, “No excuses.’’


There it is. Forget “Appreciate the Game.’’ Sox baseball 2012 is about “No excuses.’’


No fingers to point, no distractions to blame, no Twitter accounts to “unfollow.’’


This is about the talent collected by general manager Ken Williams the last few seasons and if it is good enough to sprint with the best of the American League.


By September, expect the answer to be a big, glaring no.




I disagree with his conclusion that they won't be contending with the Tigers in September, but there's no denying that Williams is on the spot.

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He also mentions the team being a .500 ship. About right by most fan's expectations. This may be one area that Cowley's personal agenda may mirror the majority, K-Dubya is under the microscope. With all of the poster children for blame gone, Oz and Walker, he's next.

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QUOTE (stretchstretch @ Apr 7, 2012 -> 09:35 AM)
while we're making predictions:

I guarantee in 2105 when they're celebrating the 100 year anniversary of 2005 and the Lifeatron 3000 is keeping people alive for 500 years, Ozzie will be someone that everyone in New Chicago, Mars will want at the celebration, including Kenny Williams IV


And the perserved head of Joe Cowley will still be writing stories about it.

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QUOTE (Reddy @ Apr 7, 2012 -> 10:50 AM)
except i don't think this year has any bearing on KW's tenure. we're not expected to compete, so if we don't, he's still fine...


There also has to be some sign the team will compete as it follows K-Dubya's new plan. They can't go out and lose 90 games and show no signs of getting anywhere from here.

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QUOTE (Reddy @ Apr 7, 2012 -> 10:50 AM)
except i don't think this year has any bearing on KW's tenure. we're not expected to compete, so if we don't, he's still fine...


If we don't compete it is because the team that KW assembled isn't very good. I don't see how he his job status can be thought of as safe.

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QUOTE (Reddy @ Apr 7, 2012 -> 10:50 AM)
except i don't think this year has any bearing on KW's tenure. we're not expected to compete, so if we don't, he's still fine...

Cowley needs everyone to forget that the goal this year is rebuilding from last years debacle of a manager who had quit on his team. It's the only way he can call for KW to lose his job this year, when the years goal should really be rebuilding and recovering. So you get articles like this saying kw needs to be gone if the team isn't competitive and statements about how we need to forget all the previous staffs failures while still believing every negative thing the previous staff says about kw.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Apr 7, 2012 -> 11:06 AM)
Cowley needs everyone to forget that the goal this year is rebuilding from last years debacle of a manager who had quit on his team. It's the only way he can call for KW to lose his job this year, when the years goal should really be rebuilding and recovering. So you get articles like this saying kw needs to be gone if the team isn't competitive and statements about how we need to forget all the previous staffs failures while still believing every negative thing the previous staff says about kw.


Rebuild with what? If this current crop fails, the GM who has built the worst farm system in MLB should not preside over any rebuilding.

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