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The Official Thread for Joe Cowley and his Agenda.

Jack Parkman

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QUOTE (mcgrad70 @ Apr 7, 2012 -> 08:35 PM)
Me either.

Sox fans just have a hard time dealing with certain realities.


They are content to having a second rate organization in no worse than the third largest baseball market in the known universe.


I'm not.


And I don't want to hear about 2005.

A bunch of marginal players had career years and they won.

They have one hall of fame candidate from that team - and he didn't even play in the series.

They haven't come anywhere to being that good since.

Where I come from that's one-hit wonder.


So between Michael Jordan whom he inherited (and b****ed about paying) and 2005, Reinsdorf is the greatest thing since sliced bread.

Good god this post is just filled with awful. One of the worst posts I've ever seen on this board. Truly impressive.

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Konerko and Buehrle are very borderline candidates, but it's more of a compliment to the team and organization that a bunch of unsung and underappreciated players pulled together and had that type of season.


It's like criticizing the Cardinals for 2006 and 2011 for their regular season play, then saying, well, they had Albert Pujols, so they actually deserved those titles.


The 2005 post-season was never in doubt.

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QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Apr 8, 2012 -> 06:24 PM)
Konerko and Buehrle are very borderline candidates, but it's more of a compliment to the team and organization that a bunch of unsung and underappreciated players pulled together and had that type of season.


It's like criticizing the Cardinals for 2006 and 2011 for their regular season play, then saying, well, they had Albert Pujols, so they actually deserved those titles.


The 2005 post-season was never in doubt.


I love how a group of marginal players were able to compile the best playoff record of all time.



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From his one reliable quote/source left on the team, along with maybe AJ and Matt Thornton.


Funny, maybe with Ozzie gone, Cowley probably decided he had to find someone else left to defend with the Sox, and now it's Peavy.


Notice he spent more of his time in the Tigers clubhouse talking to their players than he did interacting with anyone else from the White Sox?


And I'm sure he will never get tired of reminding everyone that the Tigers have the most talented team in the division (or maybe AL if you add Victor Martinez to that line-up) and that the White Sox will fade again in September. That never gets old for him.


Notice he hasn't written one official column about Guillen since the story broke?


Guess we'll have to wait and see what happens Tuesday night in Miami.

Edited by caulfield12
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The first few paragraphs of this article is about how awesome and amazing the Tigers are, and how they know it. Also, why the hell is he in the Tigers clubhouse? Most Sox beat reporters RARELY go into the opposition's clubhouse.

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I'm sure his smarmy retort is that he's no longer the White Sox beat writer and doesn't write game stories or follow the team on a game-by-game basis.


That he's paid to write feature/editorial/opinion/entertainment columns, which don't have a requirement of demonstrating any level of objectivity.


Notice the guy he mostly quoted is a former Sox pitcher in Dotel?


Plus, Ozzie Guillen is very close with Miguel Cabrera and Victor Martinez to a lesser extent.


Obviously, he's no longer very welcome in the Sox clubhouse. Robin is too professional to do anything but treat him just like any other member of the media, but most in the locker room have a long memory, and Cowley's now on the wrong/losing side of the Guillen/KW showdown from last year.



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Paul Sullivan used to get more attention when he was writing the Sox beat stories than Gonzales, who I consider to be more professional and less opinionated or playing favorites.


Telander's always been a favorite.


Haugh's okay.


Phil Rogers is what he is. Van Dyck and Ginnetti have been doing more of the Sox game stories this year, Cowley just writes his "editorial column" and doesn't pretend to be objective anymore.


Then you have Rozner (who's not bad) and Imrem and mostly Scot Gregor with the Daily Herald.


Ever since Mariotti left, things have been a lot quieter.

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QUOTE (Chet Kincaid @ Apr 15, 2012 -> 09:22 AM)
What ever happened to the idea of making a COWLEY thread to contain everything about him in one place? For him to be so hated around here he sure gets a lot of attention.


This. I look at Cowley like the midwest term for the small flying insects that swarm a dog's genitals in the summer...."Pecker Gnat". That's basically what he is to me and I'll never even click on his hack stuff ever again. Eff him...

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Poor Ozzie will feel left out. There's a Marlins thread, now a Joe Cowley thread, even a Mark Buehrle thread, but nothing devoted 100% to Ozzie.


Wonder how Marty34 will feel about this thread, lol?


Probably he will propose we create a similar thread to catalogue all the misdeess of one Kenneth Royal Williams and/or Don Cooper.

Edited by caulfield12
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Cowley is entertaining. I agree with almost nothing he does, but I do read/follow. That is all enabled by the fact that I'm entertained but I don't take his stance/methods too seriously.


And most of all, I don't take them as being horribly detrimental to the team. When the White Sox don't have drama, they actually get forgotten by a lot of the Chicagoland populace. If we want attention drawn to our wins, and thus attendance+dollars that later help free agency (if we believe that narrative) then we should want a writer with an axe to grind constantly writing about us.


I actually enjoy these last few wins more because of how hard negative Cowley went on us this past offseason.

Edited by Jose Paniagua
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Jose Bread + Water has a point.


Cowley providing us free column inches of negative publicity, it's worth its weight in gold.


Because he has the effect of galvanizing the fanbase against him in a way that nobody else does.


Surely, his agenda isn't going to discourage any casual fans from going to the ballpark. Look at the attendance numbers Saturday and Sunday, probably 3-5,000 more for each game than would have been expected coming into the season.


He's not unlike Gaston from Beauty and the Beast. You can't help but root against the guy....even though KW might be the "Beast" in this analogy, Cowley's constant sniping and attacks make him come out as an almost sympathetic character.


You combine that with the quiet dignity, professionalism, humility yet a prevailing aura of confidence from Robin Ventura, you have the makings of a one-sided battle, especially after Ozzie's official come-uppance last week.


When the best thing you can resort to is attacking Ventura for being too boring/vanilla or quoting Molina's stats every single start from Birmingham (conveniently ignoring both Santos and Santiago simultaneously), it makes for an interesting storyline which will inevitably end up in a bad way for Joe's career.

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QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Apr 16, 2012 -> 10:48 AM)
did i read that right or did Beauty and the Beast just get referenced?



Hey, it was the last animated movie to ever be nominated for Best Picture!


Just enjoy the implied idea that Cowley thinks of himself as "Beauty/Truth/Integrity" in this situation, fighting a one man war like Don Quixote against the relentless repression of JR and KW and Don Cooper.


Yes, now we're to literature references as well.




Just heard this line in the Red Sox broadcast. "What do baseball and pancakes have in common? They both depend on the batter. Ha, ha, ha." So funny, NESN.

Edited by caulfield12
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QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Apr 16, 2012 -> 10:55 AM)
Hey, it was the last animated movie to ever be nominated for Best Picture!


Just enjoy the implied idea that Cowley thinks of himself as "Beauty/Truth/Integrity" in this situation, fighting a one man war like Don Quixote against the relentless repression of JR and KW and Don Cooper.


Yes, now we're to literature references as well.



I wouldnt say "we"..... ;)

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C'mon Cowley, do your best.


Let's see. First, revisit the terrible Edwin Jackson/Teahen for Frasor/Zach Stewart deal.


Check. Remind everyone about how bad Rios and Dunn are...


Point out that the White Sox system hasn't "raised" an All-Star caliber hitter from start to finish since the days of Crede, Rowand, Ordonez, Lee and Durham. (No, Gordon Beckham no longer can be considered a good or promising hitter at this point.)


Point out the brutal attendance for a half-price night. Check.


Remind everyone how good our starting rotation would look with Hudson and Gio Gonzalez out there, with Chris Young in CF, to boot.


Remind everyone how nobody in baseball cares about the White Sox anymore because their manager is plain Jane/boring/vanilla.


Maybe another paragraph on the bleak bleak future of Gordon Beckham, once compared favorably with Derek Jeter and a future franchise cornerstone and predicted replacement for Paulie/Buehrle.



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