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Well I got a surprise this morning..


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Went on the deck to water the plants this morning.. and I'm standing there watering, half asleep, and I walk around the table and there's a skunk sleeping on my deck under the table. Holy sheet.. I nearly jumped in the pool. He got up, gave me the old "how dare you interrupt my sleep" look.. and jumped off the deck (the deck guy removed one of the spindles to replace it cause it had warped - which is how he got on there I guess) and went on his merry way. Geezus.. I nearly had a heart attack. I heard that they are agressive.. so I guess I'm lucky he didn't come after me. :huh:

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Anyone else envisioning Steff in a tub of tomato juice?   :headbang

Is that what ya gotta do when you get sprayed by one..??




Same effect if I crush and squeeze whole tomatoes to make the juice ala Kim Basinger in 9 & 1/2 weeks...? :rolleyes:

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At camp this year my son had a skunk walk across his chest while he was sleeping and tried to curl up around my feet.

They are very aggressive

LOL... So why do people say they are..? Cause they spray? And ya know what.. it didn't stink at all. :lol:

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A rabbit has been making his/her home in my backyard for the past week or so. Cute thing. Problem with it though, is that my dog, which is bred for hunting, goes insane when she sees it.

I can't imagine what my dog would have done had she gone out there with me. :o

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