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Lets talk about the Sox

Big Irish

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In the short time I have been apart of this talk site it has taken a turn for the worse. Most od the posts are out of line and end up way off the subject and get personal. If you don't know then don't post something just to post it. We need to get back to good Whitesox posts where we can go back and forth on issues relating to the Sox.


That being said, Huge game tonight. We can take 1st place with a win. We have Buehrle going against Washburn who has struggled this year and Buehrle is pitching as good as he ever has as of late. We need to take the last 2 games of this series and end the west coast for this year on a positive note.


So, Please let us get back to good Sox talk and stop this nonsense. I would hate to leave this site or friends of mine that I turned on to this place to leave. You all have some knowledge but some recent occurences make people not want to post in fear of getting ripped apart by other members of the board. Remember, we are all here because we are Sox fans and care about the same thing.

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Guest wsc425

Yes you are right, I've tried several times to make JUST whitesox posts. Not everyone is hardcore like us.

If you are hardcore, don't say it, just show it.

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We are a social group. Topics do get off the original topic quite often. So what?


If we talked about just White Sox baseball, and nothing else, it would get lame. If the topics never wandered away from the original topic, it would get lame. The unpreictability of this board is what makes it so fun and so much different from other boards.


And the fact that you can use nearly any word you want, unless it is used in a way to offend a person or a group of people, also makes this board one of a kind. There aren't many boards around where they allow you to say "f*** you you cocksucker." Here, we are allowed to say it to players who are in the organization.

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What you just said is exactly why I will never post here again. Thank you for proving my point. It took all of 4 replies for it to turn to a personal issue. So since you are here so you can curse, f*** you I'm out!!!


P.S. There are a lot that are going to follow the lead. Grow the f*** up!!!!

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What you just said is exactly why I will never post here again. Thank you for proving my point. It took all of 4 replies for it to turn to a personal issue. So since you are here so you can curse, f*** you I'm out!!!


P.S. There are a lot that are going to follow the lead. Grow the f*** up!!!!

LMAO...This s*** is gettin funny now...

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Well, I am here because I like the free reign of conversation....censorship is for the other Sox boards, I enjoy a good debate with other Sox fans on here that aren't afraid to be proven wrong. If thats too much "bad" Whitesox posting for ya, sorry to hear that.

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I've made a lot of stupid posts out of frustration of a specific ballgame

and nobody has blasted me personally.

I respect the opinions of many on here and love reading their takes.

I forget all the names now, but there have to be 10-12 people

I enjoy reading their takes.


I've found as long as I don't call anybody names they don't call me names.

Even Roman!!

I came close to calling Roman an idiot one time but he wasn't even mad.



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What you just said is exactly why I will never post here again. Thank you for proving my point. It took all of 4 replies for it to turn to a personal issue. So since you are here so you can curse, f*** you I'm out!!!


P.S. There are a lot that are going to follow the lead. Grow the f*** up!!!!


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In the short time I have been apart of this talk site it has taken a turn for the worse. Most od the posts are out of line and end up way off the subject and get personal. If you don't know then don't post something just to post it. We need to get back to good Whitesox posts where we can go back and forth on issues relating to the Sox.


That being said, Huge game tonight. We can take 1st place with a win. We have Buehrle going against Washburn who has struggled this year and Buehrle is pitching as good as he ever has as of late. We need to take the last 2 games of this series and end the west coast for this year on a positive note.


So, Please let us get back to good Sox talk and stop this nonsense. I would hate to leave this site or friends of mine that I turned on to this place to leave. You all have some knowledge but some recent occurences make people not want to post in fear of getting ripped apart by other members of the board. Remember, we are all here because we are Sox fans and care about the same thing.

Every game from here on out is huge, no matter what. Unless the Sox take at least a 5 game lead in the division, then some games would be of less importance.


We may be able to get first place, the next step is holding on to it.

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Guest wsc425
What you just said is exactly why I will never post here again. Thank you for proving my point. It took all of 4 replies for it to turn to a personal issue. So since you are here so you can curse, f*** you I'm out!!!


P.S. There are a lot that are going to follow the lead. Grow the f*** up!!!!


Actually what he says makes sense, sometimes we talk about the most stupid things on this board off the sox. Notice off-topic board is there.

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What you just said is exactly why I will never post here again. Thank you for proving my point. It took all of 4 replies for it to turn to a personal issue. So since you are here so you can curse, f*** you I'm out!!!


P.S. There are a lot that are going to follow the lead. Grow the f*** up!!!!


Actually what he says makes sense, sometimes we talk about the most stupid things on this board off the sox. Notice off-topic board is there.

:dips*** :dips*** ....(double dips***) :lol:

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Guest wsc425
What you just said is exactly why I will never post here again. Thank you for proving my point. It took all of 4 replies for it to turn to a personal issue. So since you are here so you can curse, f*** you I'm out!!!


P.S. There are a lot that are going to follow the lead. Grow the f*** up!!!!


Actually what he says makes sense, sometimes we talk about the most stupid things on this board off the sox. Notice off-topic board is there.

:dips*** :dips*** ....(double dips***) :lol:

Think what you want.

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well i think there's a difference between topics wandering, which is fine, and people hijacking threads with personal attacks and inane arguments, which blows.

It does border on the ridiculous sometimes. I tend to overlook it, and move on.

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What you just said is exactly why I will never post here again. Thank you for proving my point. It took all of 4 replies for it to turn to a personal issue. So since you are here so you can curse, f*** you I'm out!!!


P.S. There are a lot that are going to follow the lead. Grow the f*** up!!!!

WSI is probably looking for mods... :rolleyes:

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As my final post on this god-awful website I just wanted to let you all know that when I was informed about this website from a buddy of mine, I was very interested in reading everyone's posts and getting their takes on a variety of White Sox related issues. I noticed at first that there were a few individuals whom seemed to go off on a tangent every now and then on non-White Sox related subjects, but figured that was bound to happen.


Over the last week or two it has gotten ridiculous. Calling people names arguing about moronic non White-Sox topics. If you want to call each other names and fight with each other get the hell out of this website. There are quite a few people here that are serious White Sox fans and want to talk about the Sox with other serious fans. This childish behavior is absolutely innapropriate for this kind of website. There are a million other chat rooms on the internet that will support this behavior and nobody will even think twice about it. But since you insist on being childish and calling each other names. I thought I'd go out with a bang seing how this is apparently DUMBFUX.NET not SOX.NET:


Old Roman - You are without a doubt the whiniest f***ing pussy on this entire website. You have never made a solid post regarding the White Sox and are often posting dumbs*** just to get a rise out of people. I don't know where you got the name Old Roman, but in my opinion there is no way in hell you have even graduated from diapers yet. f*** YOU!!!!!!!!!!!


Indy Sox Fan- All I can say to you is WHAT THE f***? Half the time you aren't even smart enough to put up a childish response so you just use the icons. There is nothing more pathetic than a prick who can't even formulate their own opinions. Here's to you: :finger :bringit :dips*** :stupid


Jordan4Life- I have never had a run in with you but the only post I have seen you make on the first page of this thread proves that you have no reason to be on this website. If you just want to instigate fights and act like a tool. You'd fit in better at the Sox game not on their website!


White Sox Fan- It is quite obvious that you're anything but if you would destroy this well intended website talking about stupid s*** than the White Sox. This is a social group, but for WHITE SOX FANS TO DISCUSS THE WHITE SOX. If you don't want to talk WHITE SOX, go find a chatroom more to your liking. Do us all a favor and go slam your fingers in a car door and save everyone the the agony of reading you bulls*** posts for a couple of months.


To everyone else, it has been a pleasure talking Sox with you. Quite a few of you have made very interesting points and have provided good arguments to my posts and I have enjoyed conversing with you. To those above, keep it up and all that will be left of this website is the four of you calling each other f**s or s*** like that! See I can play your childish games too! In conclusion, GO WHITE SOX and f*** YOU FOUR RIGHT IN YOUR IMMATURE, POINTLESS, MORONIC, DIRTY ASSES!!


I'M OUT!!!!!!!!!

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Guest wsc425

The dude actually had a point.

Name calling needs to stop, as I stopped, cuz the dips*** thing isn't cutting it.

I mean ya using the icon is fine but no saying anything other than that.

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