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Guest wsc425
Get that dick outta your mouth champ and sit back, relax and have some fun. Who cares if a topic changes completely? Its what makes this board great...

Yeah well too bad my dick isn't in my mouth.

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As my final post on this god-awful website I just wanted to let you all know that when I was informed about this website from a buddy of mine, I was very interested in reading everyone's posts and getting their takes on a variety of White Sox related issues.  I noticed at first that there were a few individuals whom seemed to go off on a tangent every now and then on non-White Sox related subjects, but figured that was bound to happen. 


Over the last week or two it has gotten ridiculous.  Calling people names arguing about moronic non White-Sox topics.  If you want to call each other names and fight with each other get the hell out of this website.  There are quite a few people here that are serious White Sox fans and want to talk about the Sox with other serious fans.  This childish behavior is absolutely innapropriate for this kind of website.  There are a million other chat rooms on the internet that will support this behavior and nobody will even think twice about it.  But since you insist on being childish and calling each other names.  I thought I'd go out with a bang seing how this is apparently DUMBFUX.NET not SOX.NET:


Old Roman -  You are without a doubt the whiniest f***ing pussy on this entire website.  You have never made a solid post regarding the White Sox and are often posting dumbs*** just to get a rise out of people.  I don't know where you got the name Old Roman, but in my opinion there is no way in hell you have even graduated from diapers yet.  f*** YOU!!!!!!!!!!!


Indy Sox Fan-  All I can say to you is WHAT THE f***?  Half the time you aren't even smart enough to put up a childish response so you just use the icons.  There is nothing more pathetic than a prick who can't even formulate their own opinions. Here's to you:  :finger  :bringit  :dips***  :stupid


Jordan4Life-  I have never had a run in with you but the only post I have seen you make on the first page of this thread proves that you have no reason to be on this website.  If you just want to instigate fights and act like a tool.  You'd fit in better at the Sox game not on their website!


White Sox Fan-  It is quite obvious that you're anything but if you would destroy this well intended website talking about stupid s*** than the White Sox.  This is a social group, but for WHITE SOX FANS TO DISCUSS THE WHITE SOX.  If you don't want to talk WHITE SOX, go find a chatroom more to your liking.  Do us all a favor and go slam your fingers in a car door and save everyone the the agony of reading you bulls*** posts for a couple of months. 


To everyone else, it has been a pleasure talking Sox with you.  Quite a few of you have made very interesting points and have provided good arguments to my posts and I have enjoyed conversing with you.  To those above, keep it up and all that will be left of this website is the four of you calling each other f**s or s*** like that!  See I can play your childish games too!  In conclusion, GO WHITE SOX and f*** YOU FOUR RIGHT IN YOUR IMMATURE, POINTLESS, MORONIC, DIRTY ASSES!!


I'M OUT!!!!!!!!!

Oh boy... is this cause of my 9 & 1/2 weeks comment... :huh:

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As my final post on this god-awful website I just wanted to let you all know that when I was informed about this website from a buddy of mine, I was very interested in reading everyone's posts and getting their takes on a variety of White Sox related issues.  I noticed at first that there were a few individuals whom seemed to go off on a tangent every now and then on non-White Sox related subjects, but figured that was bound to happen. 


Over the last week or two it has gotten ridiculous.  Calling people names arguing about moronic non White-Sox topics.  If you want to call each other names and fight with each other get the hell out of this website.  There are quite a few people here that are serious White Sox fans and want to talk about the Sox with other serious fans.  This childish behavior is absolutely innapropriate for this kind of website.  There are a million other chat rooms on the internet that will support this behavior and nobody will even think twice about it.  But since you insist on being childish and calling each other names.  I thought I'd go out with a bang seing how this is apparently DUMBFUX.NET not SOX.NET:


Old Roman -  You are without a doubt the whiniest f***ing pussy on this entire website.  You have never made a solid post regarding the White Sox and are often posting dumbs*** just to get a rise out of people.  I don't know where you got the name Old Roman, but in my opinion there is no way in hell you have even graduated from diapers yet.  f*** YOU!!!!!!!!!!!


Indy Sox Fan-  All I can say to you is WHAT THE f***?  Half the time you aren't even smart enough to put up a childish response so you just use the icons.  There is nothing more pathetic than a prick who can't even formulate their own opinions. Here's to you:  :finger  :bringit  :dips***  :stupid


Jordan4Life-  I have never had a run in with you but the only post I have seen you make on the first page of this thread proves that you have no reason to be on this website.  If you just want to instigate fights and act like a tool.  You'd fit in better at the Sox game not on their website!


White Sox Fan-  It is quite obvious that you're anything but if you would destroy this well intended website talking about stupid s*** than the White Sox.  This is a social group, but for WHITE SOX FANS TO DISCUSS THE WHITE SOX.  If you don't want to talk WHITE SOX, go find a chatroom more to your liking.  Do us all a favor and go slam your fingers in a car door and save everyone the the agony of reading you bulls*** posts for a couple of months. 


To everyone else, it has been a pleasure talking Sox with you.  Quite a few of you have made very interesting points and have provided good arguments to my posts and I have enjoyed conversing with you.  To those above, keep it up and all that will be left of this website is the four of you calling each other f**s or s*** like that!  See I can play your childish games too!  In conclusion, GO WHITE SOX and f*** YOU FOUR RIGHT IN YOUR IMMATURE, POINTLESS, MORONIC, DIRTY ASSES!!


I'M OUT!!!!!!!!!

Please don't let the door hit you on the way out


Nice way to leave, b**** about how things get off topic and how people rip on each other and get personal, then call out a bunch of people using numerous swears



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Please don't let the door hit you on the way out


Nice way to leave, b**** about how things get off topic and how people rip on each other and get personal, then call out a bunch of people using numerous swears



I'm sure he'll be happier with WSI where the mods lock threads that get off topic and pin threads from mods threatening future censorship of threads that don't stick to the topic of the thread title. Everyone get all that? :lol: :bang

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I'm sure he'll be happier with WSI where the mods lock threads that get off topic and pin threads from mods threatening future censorship of threads that don't stick to the topic of the thread title. Everyone get all that?  :lol: :bang

Heh, send him over to World Crossing-- I think our record for staying on topic is, um, three posts or so.


Speaking of WSI, I got banned from posting last night. No swears, no personal attacks, I just made a one-sentence comment (negative) about the Sox offense. One guy called me a Yankee fan (get it? "Jeter"? duh)! I then posted another negative comment about the offense, and was tossed by the mod, who assumed I was trolling. We've since kissed and made up, but yeesh, you need to be careful over there.

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Guest wsc425
Old Roman - You are without a doubt the whiniest f***ing pussy on this entire website. You have never made a solid post regarding the White Sox and are often posting dumbs*** just to get a rise out of people. I don't know where you got the name Old Roman, but in my opinion there is no way in hell you have even graduated from diapers yet. f*** YOU!!!!!!!!!!!

:lol: sorry i couldn't resist

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As my final post on this god-awful website I just wanted to let you all know that when I was informed about this website from a buddy of mine, I was very interested in reading everyone's posts and getting their takes on a variety of White Sox related issues.  I noticed at first that there were a few individuals whom seemed to go off on a tangent every now and then on non-White Sox related subjects, but figured that was bound to happen. 


Over the last week or two it has gotten ridiculous.  Calling people names arguing about moronic non White-Sox topics.  If you want to call each other names and fight with each other get the hell out of this website.  There are quite a few people here that are serious White Sox fans and want to talk about the Sox with other serious fans.  This childish behavior is absolutely innapropriate for this kind of website.  There are a million other chat rooms on the internet that will support this behavior and nobody will even think twice about it.  But since you insist on being childish and calling each other names.  I thought I'd go out with a bang seing how this is apparently DUMBFUX.NET not SOX.NET:


Old Roman -  You are without a doubt the whiniest f***ing pussy on this entire website.  You have never made a solid post regarding the White Sox and are often posting dumbs*** just to get a rise out of people.  I don't know where you got the name Old Roman, but in my opinion there is no way in hell you have even graduated from diapers yet.  f*** YOU!!!!!!!!!!!


Indy Sox Fan-  All I can say to you is WHAT THE f***?  Half the time you aren't even smart enough to put up a childish response so you just use the icons.  There is nothing more pathetic than a prick who can't even formulate their own opinions. Here's to you:  :finger  :bringit  :dips***  :stupid


Jordan4Life-  I have never had a run in with you but the only post I have seen you make on the first page of this thread proves that you have no reason to be on this website.  If you just want to instigate fights and act like a tool.  You'd fit in better at the Sox game not on their website!


White Sox Fan-  It is quite obvious that you're anything but if you would destroy this well intended website talking about stupid s*** than the White Sox.  This is a social group, but for WHITE SOX FANS TO DISCUSS THE WHITE SOX.  If you don't want to talk WHITE SOX, go find a chatroom more to your liking.  Do us all a favor and go slam your fingers in a car door and save everyone the the agony of reading you bulls*** posts for a couple of months. 


To everyone else, it has been a pleasure talking Sox with you.  Quite a few of you have made very interesting points and have provided good arguments to my posts and I have enjoyed conversing with you.  To those above, keep it up and all that will be left of this website is the four of you calling each other f**s or s*** like that!  See I can play your childish games too!  In conclusion, GO WHITE SOX and f*** YOU FOUR RIGHT IN YOUR IMMATURE, POINTLESS, MORONIC, DIRTY ASSES!!


I'M OUT!!!!!!!!!

WHat an idiot. He goes on a rant about the very things that he is doing. People are just unbelievable. :rolleyes:

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What you just said is exactly why I will never post here again. Thank you for proving my point. It took all of 4 replies for it to turn to a personal issue. So since you are here so you can curse, f*** you I'm out!!!


P.S. There are a lot that are going to follow the lead. Grow the f*** up!!!!

WHat a baby........

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Guest wsc425
Guys and Gals


I got no idea what happened the past two weeks or so, but if some s*** came out lets forget about it and move on and talk about the Sox taking the division (it will happen).  :headbang

Thats the thing, I try to make my posts serious and on topics but it seems like what I make is a joke.

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Get that dick outta your mouth champ and sit back, relax and have some fun. Who cares if a topic changes completely? Its what makes this board great...

that type of posting - IMHO - doesn't belong here except maybe joking betwen well established friends and maybe the on the off topic side - when used in the general dialogue, it does drive people away


the fact that we can say s*** and f*** here is not a license to use it so freely that we offend people rather than just speak for vernacular emphasis


personal attacks are never in order


it is hard to judge though always, because each person sees it differently.


I am very saddened that the posters who say they are going feel that way. i wish they would say.

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that type of posting - IMHO - doesn't belong here except maybe joking betwen well established friends and maybe the on the off topic side - when used in the general dialogue, it does drive people away


the fact that we can say s*** and f*** here is not a license to use it so freely that we offend people rather than just speak for vernacular emphasis


personal attacks are never in order


it is hard to judge though always, because each person sees it differently.


I am very saddened that the posters who say they are going feel that way.  i wish they would say.



Yes this site has free reigns, but thats because I think people should be able to say what they want. If something isn't PG then thats the case. When the Sox play a really crappy game, why not be able to say s***.


The one thing I don't like are personal attacks. Sometimes things get out of hand, but when you have as many posters and different viewpoints ocassionaly things get out of hand.


Overall I feel this is a great community with a ton of diehard Sox fans and that makes this fun. People can not only talk Sox baseball, but they can talk about other things as well (Off Topic).


Sorry to see those that go. I think your good Sox fans and I enjoyed some of the Sox discussions we had.

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that type of posting - IMHO - doesn't belong here except maybe joking betwen well established friends and maybe the on the off topic side - when used in the general dialogue, it does drive people away


the fact that we can say s*** and f*** here is not a license to use it so freely that we offend people rather than just speak for vernacular emphasis


personal attacks are never in order


it is hard to judge though always, because each person sees it differently.


I am very saddened that the posters who say they are going feel that way.  i wish they would say.

Well hey, i saw a few minor things, but nothing horrible. That guy wanting to leave the website, is just sensitive, and well a baby. I do think name calling tends to get out of hand. Its really not needed. If you cant debate without calling someone names, you are losing. So give up. IF you let something "offend" you on a website to the point of losing control of your emotions, the problem is not what that person said, its you. So I guess what i am saying is, it goes both ways.

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Guest wsc425

Well I still think those two have opinions and thats fine.

But I hate when I post something serious and its a laughingstock at someones avatar or signature.

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I dont see any :huh:

Stirring the pot...



But there are a lot of people that come here to read and laugh at the BS. A certian radio personality made mention of the BS at the taligate on Saturday. IMO.. if someone of that caliber knows about the crap that goes on here enough to comment (named specific names, too) then there is a problem..


As always, JMO.

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Stirring the pot...



But there are a lot of people that come here to read and laugh at the BS. A certian radio personality made mention of the BS at the taligate on Saturday. IMO.. if someone of that caliber knows about the crap that goes on here enough to comment (named specific names, too) then there is a problem..


As always, JMO.

Its a website, not a talk show. You cant just cut off callers here. Again, i will say, if you are offended by something you read on a website, to the point of becoming upset, you have severe issues.

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But there are a lot of people that come here to read and laugh at the BS. A certian radio personality made mention of the BS at the taligate on Saturday. IMO.. if someone of that caliber knows about the crap that goes on here enough to comment (named specific names, too) then there is a problem..

Just curious, what exactly did he say? Did he make a comment about this sight or just the tailgate at Comiskey?

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As my final post on this god-awful website I just wanted to let you all know that when I was informed about this website from a buddy of mine, I was very interested in reading everyone's posts and getting their takes on a variety of White Sox related issues.  I noticed at first that there were a few individuals whom seemed to go off on a tangent every now and then on non-White Sox related subjects, but figured that was bound to happen. 


Over the last week or two it has gotten ridiculous.  Calling people names arguing about moronic non White-Sox topics.  If you want to call each other names and fight with each other get the hell out of this website.  There are quite a few people here that are serious White Sox fans and want to talk about the Sox with other serious fans.  This childish behavior is absolutely innapropriate for this kind of website.  There are a million other chat rooms on the internet that will support this behavior and nobody will even think twice about it.  But since you insist on being childish and calling each other names.  I thought I'd go out with a bang seing how this is apparently DUMBFUX.NET not SOX.NET:


Old Roman -  You are without a doubt the whiniest f***ing pussy on this entire website.  You have never made a solid post regarding the White Sox and are often posting dumbs*** just to get a rise out of people.  I don't know where you got the name Old Roman, but in my opinion there is no way in hell you have even graduated from diapers yet.  f*** YOU!!!!!!!!!!!


Indy Sox Fan-  All I can say to you is WHAT THE f***?  Half the time you aren't even smart enough to put up a childish response so you just use the icons.  There is nothing more pathetic than a prick who can't even formulate their own opinions. Here's to you:  :finger  :bringit  :dips***  :stupid


Jordan4Life-  I have never had a run in with you but the only post I have seen you make on the first page of this thread proves that you have no reason to be on this website.  If you just want to instigate fights and act like a tool.  You'd fit in better at the Sox game not on their website!


White Sox Fan-  It is quite obvious that you're anything but if you would destroy this well intended website talking about stupid s*** than the White Sox.  This is a social group, but for WHITE SOX FANS TO DISCUSS THE WHITE SOX.  If you don't want to talk WHITE SOX, go find a chatroom more to your liking.  Do us all a favor and go slam your fingers in a car door and save everyone the the agony of reading you bulls*** posts for a couple of months. 


To everyone else, it has been a pleasure talking Sox with you.  Quite a few of you have made very interesting points and have provided good arguments to my posts and I have enjoyed conversing with you.  To those above, keep it up and all that will be left of this website is the four of you calling each other f**s or s*** like that!  See I can play your childish games too!  In conclusion, GO WHITE SOX and f*** YOU FOUR RIGHT IN YOUR IMMATURE, POINTLESS, MORONIC, DIRTY ASSES!!


I'M OUT!!!!!!!!!

WHat an idiot. He goes on a rant about the very things that he is doing. People are just unbelievable. :rolleyes:

awe.... your just jealous because you didn't make the list :lol:

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As my final post on this god-awful website I just wanted to let you all know that when I was informed about this website from a buddy of mine, I was very interested in reading everyone's posts and getting their takes on a variety of White Sox related issues.  I noticed at first that there were a few individuals whom seemed to go off on a tangent every now and then on non-White Sox related subjects, but figured that was bound to happen. 


Over the last week or two it has gotten ridiculous.  Calling people names arguing about moronic non White-Sox topics.  If you want to call each other names and fight with each other get the hell out of this website.  There are quite a few people here that are serious White Sox fans and want to talk about the Sox with other serious fans.  This childish behavior is absolutely innapropriate for this kind of website.  There are a million other chat rooms on the internet that will support this behavior and nobody will even think twice about it.  But since you insist on being childish and calling each other names.  I thought I'd go out with a bang seing how this is apparently DUMBFUX.NET not SOX.NET:


Old Roman -  You are without a doubt the whiniest f***ing pussy on this entire website.  You have never made a solid post regarding the White Sox and are often posting dumbs*** just to get a rise out of people.  I don't know where you got the name Old Roman, but in my opinion there is no way in hell you have even graduated from diapers yet.  f*** YOU!!!!!!!!!!!


Indy Sox Fan-  All I can say to you is WHAT THE f***?  Half the time you aren't even smart enough to put up a childish response so you just use the icons.  There is nothing more pathetic than a prick who can't even formulate their own opinions.   Here's to you:  :finger  :bringit  :dips***  :stupid


Jordan4Life-  I have never had a run in with you but the only post I have seen you make on the first page of this thread proves that you have no reason to be on this website.  If you just want to instigate fights and act like a tool.  You'd fit in better at the Sox game not on their website!


White Sox Fan-  It is quite obvious that you're anything but if you would destroy this well intended website talking about stupid s*** than the White Sox.  This is a social group, but for WHITE SOX FANS TO DISCUSS THE WHITE SOX.  If you don't want to talk WHITE SOX, go find a chatroom more to your liking.  Do us all a favor and go slam your fingers in a car door and save everyone the the agony of reading you bulls*** posts for a couple of months. 


To everyone else, it has been a pleasure talking Sox with you.  Quite a few of you have made very interesting points and have provided good arguments to my posts and I have enjoyed conversing with you.  To those above, keep it up and all that will be left of this website is the four of you calling each other f**s or s*** like that!  See I can play your childish games too!  In conclusion, GO WHITE SOX and f*** YOU FOUR RIGHT IN YOUR IMMATURE, POINTLESS, MORONIC, DIRTY ASSES!!


I'M OUT!!!!!!!!!

WHat an idiot. He goes on a rant about the very things that he is doing. People are just unbelievable. :rolleyes:

awe.... your just jealous because you didn't make the list :lol:

Oh im sure id make SOMEONES list lol. ;)

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Old Roman - You are without a doubt the whiniest f***ing pussy on this entire website. You have never made a solid post regarding the White Sox and are often posting dumbs*** just to get a rise out of people. I don't know where you got the name Old Roman, but in my opinion there is no way in hell you have even graduated from diapers yet. f*** YOU!!!!!!!!!!!



He's right about oldroman. Look at the list of every single post roman has made, and on the first page alone he is b****ing 80% of the time. You may consider sweetjfour an asshole, but he made a hilarious point.

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Old Roman - You are without a doubt the whiniest f***ing pussy on this entire website. You have never made a solid post regarding the White Sox and are often posting dumbs*** just to get a rise out of people. I don't know where you got the name Old Roman, but in my opinion there is no way in hell you have even graduated from diapers yet. f*** YOU!!!!!!!!!!!



He's right about oldroman.  Look at the list of every single post he has made, and on the first page alone he is b****ing 80% of the time.  You may consider sweetjfour an asshole, but he made a hilarious point.

Exactly what point did he make? That theyre one in the same, yet hes worse, because hes a hypocrite?? :bang :bang :bang

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i though that post was f***ing hilarious. even though he spit some venom my way. there ought to be a page where a hall of fame rant like that is preserved for the benefit of all to enjoy.


and lay off roman. he may have some f***ed up ideas... but at least he is a sox fan. that fact alone should give a free pass. :)

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