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Reckless Conduct

Chi Town Sox

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Long story short I had a beer bottle chucked at my face for no reason, leaving a scar and almost near my eye which would have been devastating. I pressed charges and have a court date, I literally have not been to court for 10 years and that was for a speeding ticket. What is one to expect? Do I just show up and state my case, they sentence him to whatever and then it is over? Is it even worth it to show up to court?

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QUOTE (Chi Town Sox @ May 29, 2012 -> 08:33 AM)
Long story short I had a beer bottle chucked at my face for no reason, leaving a scar and almost near my eye which would have been devastating. I pressed charges and have a court date, I literally have not been to court for 10 years and that was for a speeding ticket. What is one to expect? Do I just show up and state my case, they sentence him to whatever and then it is over? Is it even worth it to show up to court?


If you don't show up, he walks. The case will be dismissed.

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QUOTE (Tex @ May 29, 2012 -> 08:53 AM)


Well, you'd have to get that from a lawyer to be sure...but I believe so. I don't see how you can convict someone of something without an accuser. Unless, of course, he admitted too it...which I doubt.


There is probably a lot that goes into this. But when an accuser doesn't show up to court...I'm not sure what ammo there is to do anything.

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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ May 29, 2012 -> 09:03 AM)
Yeah you'll definitely want to show up.


How bad is the scar? Might be worth some $ in a civil suit depending on the circumstances.


This guy is to put it lightly, white trash. It is not huge but it is noticeable and I work in sales where I am in front of people all day, every day. I was thinking more along the lines of going after the bar because he was actually kicked out and was allowed to come back in before this happened and he was kicked out again. This guy may have nothing


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Contact the SA's office and find out what SA is handling it. Let them know you're interested in seeing the case through and if and when you need to be in court. That may save you some time if the first date is only a plea date and the SA can let the defendant and/or their attorney they won't be dismissing it without a trial or some sort of plea.


There's a small chance the SA may contact you or if you can't get a hold of anyone go to the court date listed, but SAs are going to take cases where the victim is showing an interest in the case far more than a case that comes and goes with no victim interest.

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QUOTE (Chi Town Sox @ May 29, 2012 -> 09:18 AM)
It is also still in the healing process, I was going to see how it ended up after a couple of months of using Mederma and letting it heal completely before I do anything


Uh...no. Take pictures of it now. Maybe it heals and you don't care later on, but if it doesn't heal you need evidence of how it looked. Make sure there's a date stamp on the pics.

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I am certain it would be better if the victim shows up, but I was thinking in certain other legal cases the victim cannot show up (murder) or it would be a huge inconvienence (tourists).



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QUOTE (Tex @ May 29, 2012 -> 01:31 PM)
I am certain it would be better if the victim shows up, but I was thinking in certain other legal cases the victim cannot show up (murder) or it would be a huge inconvienence (tourists).


It sounds like this is a case where he is the only witness. You don't have much of a case without the only person who is pushing the case.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ May 29, 2012 -> 01:36 PM)
It sounds like this is a case where he is the only witness. You don't have much of a case without the only person who is pushing the case.



I am just trying to determine if him even getting 10 days in jail is worth my time....I do have his address lol


I heard a few weeks after this incident he was back in jail for something else, guy is a total scumbag. He faces up to 394 days since it is a misdemeanor and now to find out he has prior's is pretty funny

Edited by Chi Town Sox
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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ May 29, 2012 -> 10:06 AM)
We do mostly defense work, but hey, I get 30% of whatever I can bring in so.........wait, do I hear ambulance sirens? brb



or you could always defend the guy that threw the bottle...

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so he showed up to court with a big smile on his face and laughing with his woman (probably thinking I wouldn't show up), he then finds out I am there and had to ask for a continuance because he did not have an attorney. When the Judge asked if he could afford an attorney, he answered "Ummmm, I don't know". LOL

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