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Deng not getting surgery is baffling.


Whats baffling is stating at this point whether he needs the surgery or not. Why don't we wait until after the olympics to see how Deng performs and how he feels. For all we know, it might start hurting again after some contact.

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QUOTE (WHarris1 @ Jun 29, 2012 -> 03:06 PM)
I just don't understand the decision to force a guy in as a PG who isn't a natural point, especially when the offensive development of your studly #1 overall pick largely depends on it.


I thought we were talking about Teague and Rose for a second.


But seriously, them taking Rivers indicates to me that they don't think Gordon will stay. Those two mesh horribly.

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Hornets will be good...


Anthony Davis/Eric Gordon alone is a good place to start building. But you add Austin Rivers too? Hell Jarret Jack is a good enough PG for that team, but if Austin Rivers can develop too...


Hornets might make the playoffs in the next year or two

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QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Jun 29, 2012 -> 04:31 PM)


Kevin Jones wouldnt be a bad shot for the Bulls. Also Im a fan of Jordan Taylor, but the pick of Teague makes it less necessary.

Jordan Taylor+Teague wouldnt be bad IMO. Taylor is a pretty good shooter from distance too.


Also Buford got a bad rap for some reason at a camp, but he's a streaky shooter that will be useful in the league, he's alot like Dequan Cook. And I know I'll catch some heat but I'd love to see the Bulls try out Shurna for a bit. He's a deadly shooter and tall.

Edited by RockRaines
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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jun 27, 2012 -> 04:58 PM)
But that would have required the Bulls take on $12 million in additional salary for the 2013/2014 season. Right when Gibson needs extended.


According to KC Johnson, who is the Bulls' mouthpiece, Gibson probably wouldn't be extended since they have a 2014 FA plan, as if 2000, 2006, and 2010 weren't enough FA failures. If Asik gets extended, then Gibson is as good as gone anyway.


QUOTE (ZoomSlowik @ Jun 27, 2012 -> 06:58 PM)
Will you quit bringing up that awful stat about the 20 point average? Why in god's name would you completely ignore that many of those players scored considerably more than 20 points? It's not even accurate, Paul Pierce and Devin Harris both averaged at least 20 PPG while taking fewer shots than Gordon the last time he did it.


He finished the season top 5 still. And how is it awful when people try to bring up that he's a ballhog who just jacks up shots, left and right, when it couldn't be further from the truth? Or should I no longer bring up relevant stats to a discussion. His PER that year was at an even 17.0, his eFG% was 52.1% and his TS% was 57.3. He also was good for 6.9 wins that year.


Oh wait, I remember why the hate for Ben. Because many Bulls fans stupidly believed that any shot Gordon took was taking the ball out of Rose's hands and that a team full of guys just taking open jumpshots after Rose has touched the ball on the possession is a championship team, similar to LeBron's Cavs. Welp, until this year, when they realize that Rose needs serious offensive help. Then again, there are still those people out there to this day.

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QUOTE (kev211 @ Jun 30, 2012 -> 12:07 PM)


I believe it's only tampering if management is doing the recruiting.


It's the same thing that got the Heat together in the first place. Wade did the recruiting, but as long as Riley or other front office people weren't involved, it's all ok.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jun 30, 2012 -> 09:49 AM)
Everything I've read suggests the bulls fully intend to extend Gibson?


They won't be able to if they plan on signing a big FA in 2014 if they match Asik, which everyone has said, they definitely will. Asik will start at 5 million, which won't be bad, but then in his 3rd year, he'll see a huge pay increase. Deng will probably be re-signed, you have that FA they want to go after (i.e. Kevin Love) and you'll be tapped out. You have to give somewhere, especially with the Bulls not wanting to go into the deep luxury tax.


QUOTE (kev211 @ Jun 30, 2012 -> 12:07 PM)


I thought it was too.


QUOTE (SexiAlexei @ Jun 30, 2012 -> 12:11 PM)
I believe it's only tampering if management is doing the recruiting.


It's the same thing that got the Heat together in the first place. Wade did the recruiting, but as long as Riley or other front office people weren't involved, it's all ok.


But technically, isn't that still tampering because as I understood it, if a member of one organization speaks to a player of another organization, before they are a free agent, it is tampering. This is two players doing exactly that.

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If the Bulls were intent on signign a big 2014 free agent, Deng should have been gone before the draft. Instead, now they're talking about him being ready to go for training camp and they are talking about signing guys to fill the time Rose is out.

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Good, I'm glad Lu is gonna stay a Bull. He's my favorite player. And when he's healthy is a damn good player, too.


We should tough it out with this core for another year, then amnesty Boozer and throw some money at a FA SG.


Rose/Deng/Noah/Thibs ARE the Bulls.

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QUOTE (RZZZA @ Jun 30, 2012 -> 03:54 PM)
And if we keep Asik but let Gibson go, that would be a big mistake. I hope we trade Asik after this year and extend Taj


If Omer is going to get a big offer sheet, I don't see why the Bulls should match. They can live without him.

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QUOTE (nitetrain8601 @ Jun 30, 2012 -> 09:45 AM)
According to KC Johnson, who is the Bulls' mouthpiece, Gibson probably wouldn't be extended since they have a 2014 FA plan, as if 2000, 2006, and 2010 weren't enough FA failures. If Asik gets extended, then Gibson is as good as gone anyway.




He finished the season top 5 still. And how is it awful when people try to bring up that he's a ballhog who just jacks up shots, left and right, when it couldn't be further from the truth? Or should I no longer bring up relevant stats to a discussion. His PER that year was at an even 17.0, his eFG% was 52.1% and his TS% was 57.3. He also was good for 6.9 wins that year.


Oh wait, I remember why the hate for Ben. Because many Bulls fans stupidly believed that any shot Gordon took was taking the ball out of Rose's hands and that a team full of guys just taking open jumpshots after Rose has touched the ball on the possession is a championship team, similar to LeBron's Cavs. Welp, until this year, when they realize that Rose needs serious offensive help. Then again, there are still those people out there to this day.


I don't really care about the rest, just use an actual stat instead of your own random, flawed qualifier that doesn't prove anything, especially when it's not even accurate. True shooting percentage would make far more sense, but then it would prove that he wasn't a scoring god. Ben Gordon was not more efficient scoring that year than Chris Paul just because Chris took .1 more shots, especially since he scored 2 more points. Points don't magically stop counting after 20, so don't pretend that they do. He was a good scorer, but not anywhere near top of the league good.

Edited by ZoomSlowik
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