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QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Jul 26, 2012 -> 02:35 PM)
And people like you are why the Bulls never do anything and are satisfied with being ordinary. Go to Boston, LA or even Dallas and tell their fanbases that Rip will be the difference between losing in the conference finals and getting to the finals and see what happens.



That's like saying Dylan Axelrod being replaced by Gavin Floyd is ridiculous. Just because you're not replacing KEITH BOGANS with Jesus Christ Himself, does not mean that the addition of Rip Hamilton wasn't a big deal. It was and it was a good idea. He was actually healthy in the playoffs, by the way. Can't pin this s*** on Rip.

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Adam Dunn will go a week without striking out before a team with Carlos Boozer as it's starting 4 wins a title. Durant/Westrbrook/Harden/Ibaka got their asses handed to them (OKC had homecourt as well). What the hell would the Bulls have done besides play hard and makes the games relatively competitive?

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QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Jul 26, 2012 -> 03:35 PM)
And people like you are why the Bulls never do anything and are satisfied with being ordinary. Go to Boston, LA or even Dallas and tell their fanbases that Rip will be the difference between losing in the conference finals and getting to the finals and see what happens.


Yeah, because that's what I've said.



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QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Jul 26, 2012 -> 03:40 PM)
Adam Dunn will go a week without striking out before a team with Carlos Boozer as it's starting 4 wins a title. Durant/Westrbrook/Harden/Ibaka got their asses handed to them (OKC had homecourt as well). What the hell would the Bulls have done besides play hard and makes the games relatively competitive?


Play much better defense and not try to run with the best running team in the league, for one.


Edit: Lol, I missed the bold on my first read. So you admit they would've made the games "relatively competitive" but they'd have no chance at winning? Come on...

Edited by Jenksismybitch
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QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Jul 26, 2012 -> 04:27 PM)
Oh my goodness. Would you homers get with the times? KG/Pierce/Allen. Kobe/Gasol/Bynum. LeBron/Wade/Bosh. Durant/Westbrook/Harden. These are the teams getting to the finals/winning it. Maybe in 1994 Rose/Deng/Boozer would've been enough. But not today. Yes, I know what Dallas did in '11. Exception, not rule.




Ok, so rose doesn't go down and Bosh still gets hurt? I guess that would've give them a better chance. Does that make you feel any better?


Tell me why this strictly an exception?


Also Rip actually had a few good games in that first round scoring 10, 17, 19, and 19...Bogans had a grand total of 2 10+ point games in the whole playoffs the year before.

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QUOTE (2nd_city_saint787 @ Jul 26, 2012 -> 03:48 PM)
Tell me why this strictly an exception?


Also Rip actually had a few good games in that first round scoring 10, 17, 19, and 19...Bogans had a grand total of 2 10+ point games in the whole playoffs the year before.


Because recent history says so. We can go back a little further with Prime Duncan/Parker/Manu if you want to

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QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Jul 26, 2012 -> 09:27 PM)
Ok, so rose doesn't go down and Bosh still gets hurt? I guess that would've give them a better chance. Does that make you feel any better?


Pretty sure I'm allowed to do that, yes. If the Rose-led bulls face heat during that pacers/early boston series I'd feel pretty good. Even would feel good without Noah.

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QUOTE (bmags @ Jul 26, 2012 -> 03:55 PM)
Pretty sure I'm allowed to do that, yes. If the Rose-led bulls face heat during that pacers/early boston series I'd feel pretty good. Even would feel good without Noah.


Ok, well, if that helps you out. Great. The Bulls, even healthy, can't see the Heat. But if you want to give us Rose while subtracting Bosh, sure. The Bulls have a much better chance. There's nobody to kick Carlos Boozer's ass for the 6th straight postseason.

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QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Jul 26, 2012 -> 10:18 PM)
Ok, well, if that helps you out. Great. The Bulls, even healthy, can't see the Heat. But if you want to give us Rose while subtracting Bosh, sure. The Bulls have a much better chance. There's nobody to kick Carlos Boozer's ass for the 6th straight postseason.


Honestly man, why not. If we are playing the hypotheticals, where the bulls did not lose Rose, why can't I compare that situation to what really happened in the rest of the playoffs?


But no, that's right, the Heat won 16 straight to win the world everything, they weren't ever vulnerable blah blah blah.

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Who gives a flying f*** about hypotheticals? Rose really did tear his ACL and won't be his old self for a while, and the Heat still won with Bosh, their only good big man, playing 30 minutes across 11 games and at less than 100% for the rest of the playoffs. Oh, and the Heat have every important player back and added Ray Allen to hit wide open 3's all year.


Seriously, the last two years don't matter. They didn't win, now it's time to move on from that and prepare for when Rose is healthy again.

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QUOTE (2nd_city_saint787 @ Jul 29, 2012 -> 03:17 PM)
Bulls rumored to be in on Joel Pryzbilla, the Bucks seem to be the most likely suitor though, Dallas also in on him...in my book Prizzy>Asik.


This might've been true in 2008. Wow. So (potentially) Pryzbilla, Hinrich, Mohammed, Belinelli and Radmanovic added this offseason. Be afraid NBA. Be very afraid. Jesus. Rose out until at least march. Boozer another year older and more terrible. Rip another year older and a lock to miss at least 25 games. Deng's still got a bum wrist. Welcome back to the days of Eddy Curry, Marcus Fizer, Khalid El Amin and Eddie Robinson, Bulls fans.

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QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Jul 29, 2012 -> 07:15 PM)
This might've been true in 2008. Wow. So (potentially) Pryzbilla, Hinrich, Mohammed, Belinelli and Radmanovic added this offseason. Be afraid NBA. Be very afraid. Jesus. Rose out until at least march. Boozer another year older and more terrible. Rip another year older and a lock to miss at least 25 games. Deng's still got a bum wrist. Welcome back to the days of Eddy Curry, Marcus Fizer, Khalid El Amin and Eddie Robinson, Bulls fans.


You've named two players that will be in our regular rotation, and one of them is a mythical "young player" that everybody is pining for.


Quit being an e-alarmist and acting like we're going to win 13 games again or something.

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QUOTE (Jake @ Jul 29, 2012 -> 09:38 PM)
You've named two players that will be in our regular rotation, and one of them is a mythical "young player" that everybody is pining for.


Quit being an e-alarmist and acting like we're going to win 13 games again or something.

Some would say that the only 2 places in the league that aren't terrible are winning 60+ games and winning 13 games, because the worst place you can be is winning 40 games and over the cap.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jul 30, 2012 -> 03:04 AM)
Some would say that the only 2 places in the league that aren't terrible are winning 60+ games and winning 13 games, because the worst place you can be is winning 40 games and over the cap.



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