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2012-2013 NBA thread

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QUOTE (Steve9347 @ May 3, 2013 -> 11:58 AM)
Mex Sox Fan would be calling him a gigantic p****.

Some people don't read. In the NFC Championship game thread I was ranting against Cutler and have admitted it. Part of it was that I was pretty drunk and pissed that even before Jay got hurt, he was putting up a garbage performance and looking shook. The other part was we were losing to our most hated rivals, at home no less. Jay puts up an average performance and the Bears win, Hanie had us in that game for f***s sake. I took back what I said later that night and especially the day after. Cutler was legitemately hurt. I've apologized for my meatheadedness and won't do that again.


You guys come off as meatheads because Rose is either a coward or a lazy POS. I don't believe that to be the case. He's being overly cautious because it's his career we're talking about. And to say this could be his legacy is downright silly. People will forget this when he gets back to his old form (fingers crossed). Not to long ago LeBron was thought as being mentally weak and unclutch, lol.

Edited by MexSoxFan#1
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QUOTE (MexSoxFan#1 @ May 3, 2013 -> 12:11 PM)
Some people don't read. In the NFC Championship game thread I was ranting against Cutler and have admitted it. Part of it was that I was pretty drunk abd pissed that even before Jay got hurt, he was putting up a garbage performance and looking shook. I took back what I said later that night and especially the day after. Cutler was legitemately hurt. I've apologized for my meatheadedness and won't do that again.


You guys come off as meatheads because Rose is either a coward or a lazy POS. I don't believe that to be the case. He's being overly cautious because it's his career we're talking about. And to say this could be his legacy is downright silly. People will forget this when he gets back to his old form (fingers crossed). Not to long ago LeBron was thought as being mentally weak and unclutch, lol.


Lebron kept on going until he overcame that hurdle. Not a good comparison.

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QUOTE (MexSoxFan#1 @ May 3, 2013 -> 12:11 PM)
Some people don't read. In the NFC Championship game thread I was ranting against Cutler and have admitted it. Part of it was that I was pretty drunk abd pissed that even before Jay got hurt, he was putting up a garbage performance and looking shook. I took back what I said later that night and especially the day after. Cutler was legitemately hurt. I've apologized for my meatheadedness and won't do that again.


You guys come off as meatheads because Rose is either a coward or a lazy POS. I don't believe that to be the case. He's being overly cautious because it's his career we're talking about. And to say this could be his legacy is downright silly. People will forget this when he gets back to his old form (fingers crossed). Not to long ago LeBron was thought as being mentally weak and unclutch, lol.


I don't think anyone here called him lazy. I think it breaks down into 2 "complaint departments":


-He's mentally weak and can't handle being injured. Which is not the greatest sign to have for your superstar 100 million dollar player.


-He isn't the brightest guy around and is taking absolutely terrible advice from his idiot brother and BJ Armstrong as if that will "stick it" to the Bulls and make them build a better team. Rather than realizing that if it was known there was no chance he'd play this season, maybe we don't sign anyone, rest Noah and tank a bit to get a draft pick. Instead we're f'd with no payroll flexibility for years and have 2 wasted years of a solid team.

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QUOTE (MexSoxFan#1 @ May 3, 2013 -> 11:23 AM)
The handling of the Rose injury has been a mega clusterf*** PR wise, and those "The Return" ads didn't help either. The Bulls should've anounced early on that Rose wouldn't come back this year like Wilbon said, anything else would be an awesome surprise.


Do people really think that Rose, who hasn't played a minute of NBA basketball this year with this squad could come in and be effective? Really? Rose is a ball dominant player, you need time to mesh with your teammates. The playoffs aren't the time and place to find a chemistry. When Rose didn't come back in the regular season, it was 100% guaranteed he wouldn't be back in the playoffs.


The Bulls are on the verge of losing this series because of the MASH unit the team has become. A healthy Bulls team without Rose handles the Nets or anybody else outside the Miami Heat in the EC.


Are you telling me that you honestly think Derrick Rose even at say 80% (though reality is probably more like 99.98%) isn't better than Nate Robinson and Marcus Teague?

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QUOTE (MexSoxFan#1 @ May 3, 2013 -> 12:00 PM)
lol, are you minimizing the mental aspect? If in his mind he has doubts, let him have a summer's worth of burn and preseason to get his confidence in his body. Why do people here think that NBA practices = NBA games?


This is Derrick Rose where the mental aspect is pretty minimal when you have your brother taking your SATs for you...

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QUOTE (witesoxfan @ May 3, 2013 -> 11:52 AM)
If Jay Cutler were doing this, I don't think it'd be safe for him to show his face in public or even leave his house.


I still don't get the difference in coverage here. How does Cutler get crucified in the media, while Rose gets fellatio from guys like Wilbon?

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ May 3, 2013 -> 12:58 PM)
I still don't get the difference in coverage here. How does Cutler get crucified in the media, while Rose gets fellatio from guys like Wilbon?


Because Cutler keeps to himself and doesn't like talking to the media. Rose is much more media-friendly and seems way more open.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ May 3, 2013 -> 12:58 PM)
I still don't get the difference in coverage here. How does Cutler get crucified in the media, while Rose gets fellatio from guys like Wilbon?

Because Cutler has a Jerkface and is kind of a dick

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QUOTE (witesoxfan @ May 3, 2013 -> 04:52 PM)
If Jay Cutler were doing this, I don't think it'd be safe for him to show his face in public or even leave his house.


If Jay Cutler cheated on his ACT to get into Vandy, the Chicago media/public would have never forgiven him.

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QUOTE (MexSoxFan#1 @ May 3, 2013 -> 11:51 AM)
Look, I don't want to get in a long debate about if he should play or not. Doctors have been known to be wrong. If he doesn't feel right, then I trust his judgement because in my opinion Rose isn't a slacker or a "p****". IMO, he is being smart in taking his time. We've seen how other players who suffered the same kind of injury and came back when they were cleared were never the same afterwards. Look, it's a distinct possibility that Rose may never be as explosive as he was. I'm all for sacrificing this season (who really thinks Miami won't waltz their way to their second title?) in hopes of doing something different than other superstars who played when they were cleared only to be shadows of their former self. Maybe taking more time off than what the doctors say could be the difference and we'll see again an MVP version Rose? If that's what Derrick thinks,l I'll take that gamble as well.

The point is, he WON'T feel right until he plays. He has to start the process. That is the next step in recovery. You can't just follow all the directions for rehab and recovery and get to this point and say "nope." In theory, he'll never play again because he won't feel right until he plays. Get it?


This isn't Jake Peavy's surgery. This has been done thousands of times. This isn't new to doctors.


So if you don't think you can beat Miami, you shouldn't play? Hell the Bulls should just forfeit game 7, they can't beat Miami anyway. What's the point in playing?


QUOTE (Chicago White Sox @ May 3, 2013 -> 12:48 PM)
This isn't just about Rose being soft or not, it's about him being absolutely stupid. Part of his rehab process is to actually play in games and he's not doing that for whatever reason.


Sitting out isn't helping him or the team. It's really that simple.

We have a winner.

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QUOTE (Jake @ May 2, 2013 -> 07:06 PM)
Barkley criticizing Deng for not playing. You have GOT to be s***ting me.



It really upsets me that everyone thinks I would miss a game bc of the flu. I've played a lot of games w the flu in my career.


On Wed I was taken to the ER and my symptoms indicated I may have meningitis In order to play on Thurs I was required to undergo a spinal tap


As a result of the spinal tap I suffered the worst headache I've ever experienced and been the weakest I've ever felt.


Yesterday I was unable to walk or even get out of bed. I made it to the UC and was sent home. This morning my symptoms worsened.


Now I'm back in the ER where I may have to spend the night... I want my teammates and Bulls fans to know I would NEVER miss a game bc of flu

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QUOTE (buhbuhburrrrlz @ May 3, 2013 -> 12:05 PM)

It really upsets me that everyone thinks I would miss a game bc of the flu. I've played a lot of games w the flu in my career.


On Wed I was taken to the ER and my symptoms indicated I may have meningitis In order to play on Thurs I was required to undergo a spinal tap


As a result of the spinal tap I suffered the worst headache I've ever experienced and been the weakest I've ever felt.


Yesterday I was unable to walk or even get out of bed. I made it to the UC and was sent home. This morning my symptoms worsened.


Now I'm back in the ER where I may have to spend the night... I want my teammates and Bulls fans to know I would NEVER miss a game bc of flu

Ugh...sounds like he'll likely miss game 7...


This is getting out of control...the frustration from Rose's absence is spilling out onto other players...who now feel obliged to justify their own absences via twitter.



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QUOTE (iamshack @ May 3, 2013 -> 03:08 PM)
Ugh...sounds like he'll likely miss game 7...


This is getting out of control...the frustration from Rose's absence is spilling out onto other players...who now feel obliged to justify their own absences via twitter.



I think Deng would have said all that anyway just because people were reporting he was out with the flu and there wasn't a clear report from the team. Plus, I mean, nate was throwing up during the game.

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QUOTE (buhbuhburrrrlz @ May 3, 2013 -> 02:05 PM)

It really upsets me that everyone thinks I would miss a game bc of the flu. I've played a lot of games w the flu in my career.


On Wed I was taken to the ER and my symptoms indicated I may have meningitis In order to play on Thurs I was required to undergo a spinal tap


As a result of the spinal tap I suffered the worst headache I've ever experienced and been the weakest I've ever felt.


Yesterday I was unable to walk or even get out of bed. I made it to the UC and was sent home. This morning my symptoms worsened.


Now I'm back in the ER where I may have to spend the night... I want my teammates and Bulls fans to know I would NEVER miss a game bc of flu


Hopefully someone RT'd this to Rose.

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I truly believe Rose NEEDS to play Saturday to save his image.


I can only imagine the types of articles and comments that will come out during the offseason if he doesn't play.


He's getting all this heat right now while games are still being played. I think a combination of writers running out of things to write during the summer, and upset players not being resigned with the Bulls will lead to some ugly stories for Rose.

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QUOTE (SexiAlexei @ May 3, 2013 -> 02:40 PM)
I truly believe Rose NEEDS to play Saturday to save his image.


I can only imagine the types of articles and comments that will come out during the offseason if he doesn't play.


He's getting all this heat right now while games are still being played. I think a combination of writers running out of things to write during the summer, and upset players not being resigned with the Bulls will lead to some ugly stories for Rose.

Rose does not have the heart or balls to play game 7.

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There isn't a person around who thinks the Bulls even with Rose 100%, has any chance vs. Miami. I am of the belief if he comes back next year at 100%, all of this will be forgotten.


The problem I have is more than one person has said Rose was dominating in practice well over a month ago. Why is he OK to go all out in practice, but hesitant in games? I understand it's not exactly the same thing, however, he's still playing at full tilt against NBA players in practice and he's not scurred. Why is he scurred to play in a real game?


It seems to me there has to be something more than he's not quite right, or his new muscle memory BS. Even Reggie said he was 90% last week. Kerr is right, if the doctors say he's not at an elevated chance to get hurt, he owes it to his teammates to play. His teammates still have his back.

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