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Dont Panic. Patrick Beverley and Malcolm Thomas are on the way



No, let's despair and wallow in self pity and disappointment instead.


get over it guys, honestly...Bulls fans have become such a whiny bunch....

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QUOTE (WHarris1 @ Jul 24, 2012 -> 09:08 AM)
I agree wholeheartedly. A trade for a 2nd star is a far more likely option for this organization than a free agent pitch.


I have heard Love's name thrown around a lot as the potential guy down the road, which would be awesome, again not gonna get my hopes up at this point.

The big thing is, Love and Rose are pretty tight.

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QUOTE (RZZZA @ Jul 24, 2012 -> 11:15 AM)
No, let's despair and wallow in self pity and disappointment instead.


get over it guys, honestly...Bulls fans have become such a whiny bunch....


Sunshine Rainbows and Uneeeeeecorns!

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QUOTE (RZZZA @ Jul 24, 2012 -> 11:15 AM)
No, let's despair and wallow in self pity and disappointment instead.


get over it guys, honestly...Bulls fans have become such a whiny bunch....

Answer the following questions in a summary of the Bulls offseason:


1. Did we get better for this year? No (despite Rose's injury, this Bulls team still got worse for the upcoming year)

2. Did we lose or gain assets? Lost (Asik) Gained (TPE) NET: loss

3. Did we give ourselves further flexibility financially going forward? Not really

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What if the Bulls ended up having a season like the Spurs had when Robinson missed the year with a hurt back. They lucked into Duncan, got Robinson back healthy, and started a 2nd Spurs dynasty. By the way, just saying. Completely unlikely (unless of course Deng opts for surgery).

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Answer the following questions in a summary of the Bulls offseason:


1. Did we get better for this year? No (despite Rose's injury, this Bulls team still got worse for the upcoming year)

2. Did we lose or gain assets? Lost (Asik) Gained (TPE) NET: loss

3. Did we give ourselves further flexibility financially going forward? Not really


Everybody knew we'd have to take a temporary step back as soon as news of Derrick Rose's ACL injury started to trickle out. Now that it's happened, people are acting surprised.


Things are always darkest before the dawn.


Yes we got better. Replacing C.J. and Brewer makes us better. Replacing Korver with Marco makes us better. Losing Asik makes us worse, but not taking on his contract makes us better.



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The Bulls 100% absolutely, regardless of Derrick Rose, did NOT improve this offseason. That is not to say that the goal of the offseason should have been to improve for this coming season but what steps did they take to improve their overall situation in ANY regard.

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Another thing to remember is the Bulls still have quite a few assets. They could easily opt to deal Deng, whose value (well once he gets back from his injury), will probably be about as high as its ever been (other then right before he hurt his wrist). Thibbs really increased Deng's overall value (hence his all star appearance last year).


For those teams that can't sign a big name player, Deng might be their best option. Twolves have been interested, as have others. Could the bulls potentially clear out Deng's salary a lot sooner, and put themselves in a position to be under the cap next year (and have a shot at Dwight)? They might be able to move him at the deadline for picks. Again, that would be a big risk, but I won't be surprised if the Bulls move Deng after he returns. As a 2nd piece, he's not good enough to win a title.


The tough part is, the Bulls would also have to move Noah and then of course Amnesty Boozer, but, Noah can be moved too. I'm sure the Cavs would have interest (and they have young talent). So would quite a few other teams. Basically put, if the Bulls wanted to go a different path, they absolutely could. I don't expect them to, but for those complaining, they really didn't have to do it this off-season, especially since, as we all know, highly unlikely they are going for a title this year.

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The Bulls 100% absolutely, regardless of Derrick Rose, did NOT improve this offseason. That is not to say that the goal of the offseason should have been to improve for this coming season but what steps did they take to improve their overall situation in ANY regard.


We switched out our over rated all-defense bench for a younger, more athletic, more offensively capable bench.



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QUOTE (WHarris1 @ Jul 24, 2012 -> 09:30 AM)
The Bulls 100% absolutely, regardless of Derrick Rose, did NOT improve this offseason. That is not to say that the goal of the offseason should have been to improve for this coming season but what steps did they take to improve their overall situation in ANY regard.

Other then losing Asik, how did they hurt their situation? Hinrich's contract isn't going to prevent them from doing much. Same for Bell or anyone else. You could argue that matching Asik would have hurt them (again, it all depends on whether you thought the Bulls could move him and his contract a year from now). Other then that, they still have quite a few assets in play, including a $5M TPE.


Noah & Deng both have value if you wanted to make a trade. As does Taj. Butler is showing signs of taking steps forward too. Boozer is well, Boozer.


Basically put, I don't really see what move that was out there that would have really put the Bulls over the top which they missed out on. Maybe you argue its Mayo over Hinrich and I don't know the specifics but I see value in having Hinrich (even when Rose is back). And I think Bellinelli is a good get, although I'm dissapointed he signed for just 1 yr (vs. 2). Bottom line is the reality is the Bulls are in the same spot as they were when the off-season ended and the only real think the Bulls could have done differently was gotten value for Asik at the deadline. However, they didn't know Rose would tear his ACL.


All of the doom and gloom is due to Rose and his situation. And no move out there will immediately solve that. Steve Nash would have been a stop gap, but he doesn't win them a title. Getting Dwight is about the only thing out there of value and I dont' know what the Bulls have done but it sure as crap seems like Dwight is the pickiest guy ever and doesn't want to play anywhere (still, it wouldn't stop me). I'd also go 100% after Bynum in a 3 way deal if I could too.

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QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Jul 24, 2012 -> 11:33 AM)
Other then losing Asik, how did they hurt their situation? Hinrich's contract isn't going to prevent them from doing much. Same for Bell or anyone else. You could argue that matching Asik would have hurt them (again, it all depends on whether you thought the Bulls could move him and his contract a year from now). Other then that, they still have quite a few assets in play, including a $5M TPE.


Noah & Deng both have value if you wanted to make a trade. As does Taj. Butler is showing signs of taking steps forward too. Boozer is well, Boozer.

Right, as I said, they didn't necessarily hurt themselves but did they really take a single step forward? Are they in any way shape or form an ounce closer to championship contention with a healthy Derrick Rose?

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Right, as I said, they didn't necessarily hurt themselves but did they really take a single step forward?



....Again, everybody knew we'd have to take a step back after Derricks ACL injury.



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QUOTE (RZZZA @ Jul 24, 2012 -> 11:35 AM)
....Again, everybody knew we'd have to take a step back after Derricks ACL injury.

Ok so that means you sit on your ass and do nothing to give yourself at all a better chance of contending WHEN HE DOES RETURN

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Ok so that means you sit on your ass and do nothing to give yourself at all a better chance of contending WHEN HE DOES RETURN



*sigh*...We didn't sit on our ass and do nothing, we went about the business of reforming our bench. Adding younger talent, better back ups, more athleticism and more ball handlers.


Minor moves, I know. Not the exciting big trades for a super star every unrealistic Bulls fan seems to crave for. But minor moves can still have a big impact.

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QUOTE (RZZZA @ Jul 24, 2012 -> 11:37 AM)
*sigh*...We didn't sit on our ass and do nothing, we went about the business of reforming our bench. Adding younger talent, better back ups, more athleticism and more ball handlers.

Where did the Bulls get more athletic? Oh and where is the younger talent?? Getting younger talent is exactly what the Bulls should have done and didn't in their situation.


Watson/Brewer/Asik/Korver to Hinrich/Belinelli/Radmonovic/Nazr is not an athletic upgrade.


Don't call me an unrealistic Bulls fan, I'm not speaking to the fact that they had to make a trade for a big star this offseason what so ever.

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Thibs doesnt like young players. It would have made a lot of sense to get young guys and try them out this year so the Bulls could build a good core.


A lot of people dont expect Teague will even get good minutes this year, which is just a travesty. If you are going to suck, might as well suck really hard and get young guys experience.

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QUOTE (RZZZA @ Jul 24, 2012 -> 11:40 AM)
We've improved noticeably in three places


C.J. -----> Kirk

Brewer -----> Butler

Korver------> Marco


In all three cases we went from one dimensional players to multi-dimensional players

Wait where is this athleticism and youth that we added? (Sans Teague)

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QUOTE (WHarris1 @ Jul 24, 2012 -> 09:34 AM)
Right, as I said, they didn't necessarily hurt themselves but did they really take a single step forward? Are they in any way shape or form an ounce closer to championship contention with a healthy Derrick Rose?

A healthy Rose is at least a full NBA season away. At least and even that is a question-mark. Bottom line, the Bulls have quite a bit of time (this whole offseason, the trade deadline, and next off-season) until you even get close to panicking and even then, realistically, Rose might need even more time to be back. That is the stark reality. So while they haven't taken a big step forward, not panicking and screwing themselves for the future, has been the right thing to do.


I don't know what happens between now and then, but GarPax did a great job putting a team that could win a title together this past year. All the b****ing from everyone in here must make you all forget how good this team was. And they didn't know that Rose would end up going down. Bottom line, they did put the team in a position to win a title. They have drafted extremely well. Yes, they missed out on LBJ/Wade/Bosh, but everyone did. They were the closest to getting them and even after missing out, they went to a plan b that put themselves in a position to be potential front-runners to win the title this past year.


Rose's injury has jaded a lot of us, but I don't see how you can ignore the fact that in the past 2 years, the Bulls have been a potential championship contending team, despite being one of the younger teams in the league. After Rose's injury, the time-frame changed and it is clear that the Bulls need a 2nd star. Easier said then done. However, the team has the assets to get said 2nd star. But the team also has the time, since said 1st star is early in his rehab program and still pretty much 2 years from being close to 100% (assuming a perfect recovery).

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Thibs doesnt like young players. It would have made a lot of sense to get young guys and try them out this year so the Bulls could build a good core.


A lot of people dont expect Teague will even get good minutes this year, which is just a travesty. If you are going to suck, might as well suck really hard and get young guys experience.


I hope we send him down to the D league. He's not ready for prime time.


Thibs is gonna play young guys, he's gonna give minutes to Butler. Jimmy has shown he can handle the NBA game, Teague has shown that he can't even handle summer league.

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