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Do yourselves a favor


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this is the third post I've seen from you, all of which you are saying the same old b****y crap. 


if you think that way, please leave the board idiot.


why would you register just to post crap like this?


anyone else getting tired of this goof?

I understand your view, but i also understand his. We have all the talent in the world and the drive to win of a team that just doesnt give a f***. He is frustrated, and i believe he should be allowed to vent those frustrations. Dont you?

He is tired of Sox typical s*** , i think we all are. JM has to go

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this team is done, let's move on to football!

We have 39 games left.....39 f***ing games! I don't know why the hell you're willing to concede the season when we're only two flipping games out of first. I'm going to support the Sox if their 0-123 at this point because I'm a Sox fan and I want to see them win. I'm not going to give up on them. You shouldn't either. You should do yourself a favor and don't post anything idiotic like that again until you start cheering for this goddamn team.

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I dont care if we have 139 games left, this is why I have conceded. I have followed this team for 20 friggin years. A lot longer than most of you eternal optimist have. I have suffered through year after year of dissapointment. This season is probably the worse because this Central Division is absolutely pathetic yet the Sox with a boat load of talent will probably finish in third place. Talent wins nothing without character and heart and the desire to win at all cost. The players on this team have none of that. They spout off in Sports Illustrated how they belong in first and the Royals are pretenders, well back up the yapping with your play on the field! These guys care nothing about winning a championship. They care nothing about the long time Sox fans who have had to witness this crap for years. They get their big fat paychecks win or lose. And it's a lot easier to lose!

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I dont care if we have 139 games left, this is why I have conceded. I have followed this team for 20 friggin years. A lot longer than most of you eternal optimist have. I have suffered through year after year of dissapointment. This season is probably the worse because this Central Division is absolutely pathetic yet the Sox with a boat load of talent will probably finish in third place. Talent wins nothing without character and heart and the desire to win at all cost. The players on this team have none of that. They spout off in Sports Illustrated how they belong in first and the Royals are pretenders, well back up the yapping with your play on the field! These guys care nothing about winning a championship. They care nothing about the long time Sox fans who have had to witness this crap for years. They get their big fat paychecks win or lose. And it's a lot easier to lose!

Then why waste your time signing up and posting here? :huh:

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We have 39 games left.....39 f***ing games!  I don't know why the hell you're willing to concede the season when we're only two flipping games out of first. I'm going to support the Sox if their 0-123 at this point because I'm a Sox fan and I want to see them win. I'm not going to give up on them. You shouldn't either. You should do yourself a favor and don't post anything idiotic like that again until you start cheering for this goddamn team.

Because some people are older than 16 years old, and have seen just a few games more than you, and more seasons, and no what a team looks like, who have quit. I dont care if there are 10,000 games left. This sox team has no fight in them and if u dont see that, youre watching the wrong sport.

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and what if the Sox were to comeback and win this division?


you can say "I don't see this team winning it or I strongly believe they won't it", but it is stupid to stand here and say "this team won't make it because they aren't good enough, period", because one, you are still posting and two, you will be posting and celebrating if this team were to make it to the playoffs.


it is alright to think, but don't just count them out based on a lifetime of dissapointment. if you think this is the case, that this team won't succeed based on its past, why would you even be a fan? to wait for something that you clearly believe won't happen based on the past?


you say "this team hasn't done anything in 20-plus years", which shows you see no hope or future in them, yet you are here, posting.


makes little sense.

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everytime I check, you are here on a white sox board, preaching that we give up on this team, yet you are here. state your point and leave, just please, don't show any pleasure if this team does do things in the end.


you think this team is done, which is fine to believe that based on the fact that this team has been inconsistent all season long. thing is, you are so totally convinced that this team is junk and can't do a thing that you will not only throw away this season in your posts, but continue to stay and post here? THAT makes no sense.


as far as this 20+ year of being a sox fan bulls***.


I'm not an optomist, although many on this board feel I am. so many people on here gets all damn excited when this team wins and so f***ing upset when this team loses. I on the other hand take it for what it is, a sport and a team. s*** happens. too many people get too worked up and too pissed off, especially considering they are getting pissed off because a team they claim is worthless, plays bad. if you think this team is bad and terrible, why not only get pissed time and time again, like you are surprised, but post time and time again preaching to everyone to forget this team?

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and what if the Sox were to comeback and win this division?


you can say "I don't see this team winning it or I strongly believe they won't it", but it is stupid to stand here and say "this team won't make it because they aren't good enough, period", because one, you are still posting and two, you will be posting and celebrating if this team were to make it to the playoffs.


it is alright to think, but don't just count them out based on a lifetime of dissapointment.  if you think this is the case, that this team won't succeed based on its past, why would you even be a fan?  to wait for something that you clearly believe won't happen based on the past?


you say "this team hasn't done anything in 20-plus years", which shows you see no hope or future in them, yet you are here, posting. 


makes little sense.

Its simple to explain. Some people look at things realistically, despite their love of their team. Im not saying being entirely negative is the way to go, but i can assure you that i love the white sox as much as anyone here. With that being said, i can use my God given brain beyond my love, and plainly see this team has no chance whatsoever. Not this year. Not with this group of players and management. I cant answer for the guy you are directing your comments to, but i can say that i keep rooting for them because i love them and root for them no matter what. Being a fan doesnt have to equal being stupid.

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I dont care if we have 139 games left, this is why I have conceded. I have followed this team for 20 friggin years. A lot longer than most of you eternal optimist have. I have suffered through year after year of dissapointment. This season is probably the worse because this Central Division is absolutely pathetic yet the Sox with a boat load of talent will probably finish in third place. Talent wins nothing without character and heart and the desire to win at all cost. The players on this team have none of that. They spout off in Sports Illustrated how they belong in first and the Royals are pretenders, well back up the yapping with your play on the field! These guys care nothing about winning a championship. They care nothing about the long time Sox fans who have had to witness this crap for years. They get their big fat paychecks win or lose. And it's a lot easier to lose!

I have no problem with what you are saying. I agree with all of it. One piece of advice though. You have made your point. I think you are receiving negative response because you keep repeating your point, and these people love the sox, win or lose. Just let this topic go.

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Brijames, you got nothing on me. I have been a Sox fan since 1957, my age of reason. That gives me about 46 years of following the Sox. You wanta give up, give up. They're far from dead. You wanna lead to parade off the clliff, go for it. Don't turn around on our account.


One more thing, bri, so that no one misunderstands me. 20 years of Sox fandom, 46 years of Sox fandom, 6 months of Sox fandom, it's all the same. Don't try to pull seniority concerning matters of the heart.

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I've spent some nights staying up till 2:00 AM writing for this site, which I've owned since March 2001. I've busted my ass, along with jason and others -- who are also young like me -- to make this site what it is, 365 days a year, every day. I think that speaks more than a guy who has simply watched the Sox when they want for 40 years. the whole how many years of being a sox fan is bulls***.


unless you are a bandwagoner, all opinions are the same.

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I've spent some nights staying up till 2:00 AM writing for this site, which I've owned since March 2001.  I've busted my ass, along with jason and others -- who are also young like me -- to make this site what it is, 365 days a year, every day.  I think that speaks more than a guy who has simply watched the Sox when they want for 40 years. the whole how many years of being a sox fan is bulls***.


unless you are a bandwagoner, all opinions are the same.

Everyone appreciates your efforts. The years debate isnt that he knows more. Its that he has suffered more. He is used to the sox letting him down. Its hard to understand it unless youve been through it many years. The only thing im saying is, its easier for him to be negative and expect the worst, its not saying he knows more than you.

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but why be negative to the point where you see absolutely NO CHANCE of a positive?


once again, I can see if you strongly believe this team won't do it, but to say it as if it is fact and only a matter of time and then continue to post and support them is stupid.


add to that the fact that some are saying so many years of suffering will make you negative, which means you are supporting a team that you know (in your mind) will never win a damn thing based on a history of dissapointment?


I know how bad the Sox have been in terms of championships over their history and I can imagine how much suffering the old-timers have gone through, but years of struggles doesn't guarantee more years of struggles. and if those people who believe so are so confident in that, why support? I think if you support a team, you are saying you have some hope, but at the same time you speak as if there is no chance in hell.


that is what confuses me.

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but why be negative to the point where you see absolutely NO CHANCE of a positive?


once again, I can see if you strongly believe this team won't do it, but to say it as if it is fact and only a matter of time and then continue to post and support them is stupid.


add to that the fact that some are saying so many years of suffering will make you negative, which means you are supporting a team that you know (in your mind) will never win a damn thing based on a history of dissapointment?


I know how bad the Sox have been in terms of championships over their history and I can imagine how much suffering the old-timers have gone through, but years of struggles doesn't guarantee more years of struggles.  and if those people who believe so are so confident in that, why support?  I think if you support a team, you are saying you have some hope, but at the same time you speak as if there is no chance in hell.


that is what confuses me.

Yeah i agree. He is overboard negative. I guess the easiest way i can explain his behavior is he is trying to ease his future pain. If you tell yourself the season is over in mid August, the rest of the losses wont hurt as much. Its almost like protecting yourself. I know that may sound stupid, but its actually very common in people. Im a huge fan, if i think the sox are going to lose, i tend not to watch them. It hurts less. I do see your point in that all his posts are just sox bashing, which is borderline trolling.

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I dont care if we have 139 games left, this is why I have conceded. I have followed this team for 20 friggin years. A lot longer than most of you eternal optimist have. I have suffered through year after year of dissapointment. This season is probably the worse because this Central Division is absolutely pathetic yet the Sox with a boat load of talent will probably finish in third place. Talent wins nothing without character and heart and the desire to win at all cost. The players on this team have none of that. They spout off in Sports Illustrated how they belong in first and the Royals are pretenders, well back up the yapping with your play on the field! These guys care nothing about winning a championship. They care nothing about the long time Sox fans who have had to witness this crap for years. They get their big fat paychecks win or lose. And it's a lot easier to lose!

Obviously you haven't been following for 20 years if you think this is the worst year...

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I am a Cyclones fan too....I have to stay optomistic....I can still remember the Cyclones 0-10-1 football season....I was f***ing pumped when they tied Oklahoma State....granted they sucked as bad as the Clones....but you have to find small victories where you can...even if it is a tie.

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I know a lot of Sox fans do that and I pretty much expect this type of behavior anytime they have bad at bat let alone a bad week, especially with me living two blocks from the crap.

Its part of the business dude. I guess you just have to accept it, to a point. If anyone goes overboard, take care of it in your own way.

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I don't understand what being a fan for x number of years has to do with anything. Are you more qualified to be pissed off? Does your 20 years of fandom lend you any insight over how this year's team will ultimately finish this season? Should we have more sympathy for your tale of woe because you've been a fan for 20 years?


The answer to all 3 questions is no. You've expressed your disappointment, and you can come back and tell us all you told us so in October.


And nobody will care.


I, like the majority of Sox fans, are less than thrilled with the performance of a team that should be up 25 games and playing for home field advantage at this point. I too don't think the Sox are playoff-bound. But there is no point in blathering on pointlessly with knee-jerk pessimism when the reality of the situation is that the Sox aren't out of it by a lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngshot.


At least you could come up with an original thought as to why they're already out of it--the "no heart, dumb team" angle has been played about 5000 times since April.


I understand your frustration, but stop boring everyone with posts like that. And get a hobby, fast. It will cheer you up.

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