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White Sox TV Ratings

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With the Youk acquisition, their stay in first place, their recent homestand....you'd have to guess they're NOW up around 12-15% vs. last year


So about a 20-25% cut in payroll, 20-25% fall in attendance, but an increase in tv ratings counterbalances that and then some. For what it's worth, they'll have to average 26,826 over the remainder of the season to equal their attendance from 2010. Definitely doable. The biggest problem is that 16/19 on the road wipes out almost all of July, so they're really going to have to draw well for that Angels series and in the first 15-20 games of August before the kids go back to school and university students are gone as well. White Sox are still in first place then, the fans should come out, particularly for the times we're playing DET and CLE at home, but that's not nearly as often as the Twins and Royals.




Home games


It's probably a good thing that two of the three Crosstown Classic games this week are technically "White Sox telecasts" on Comcast SportsNet.



Compared with last year's season average, the Sox's TV ratings on CSN are up 10 percent in the 25- to 54-year-old demographic, according to the network.



Perhaps it's the improved play or, more likely, an exodus of frustrated Cubs fans away from Len and Bob.



Maybe people are just hoping to catch another Hawk Harrelson rant.



Regardless, I'm sure the Sox's head of marketing, Brooks Boyer, would much rather those people show up at the stadium instead of couching it with the clicker.


The Cubs, meanwhile, are heading the opposite direction, down 11 percent from last year's average. No surprise there.



Comcast is betting that fans will be watching closely this week; it's broadcasting two hours of pregame coverage for all three games instead of the usual half-hour.




Read more: http://www.chicagorealestatedaily.com/arti...r#ixzz2054NYSjL

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