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Lately the site has been kinda lax in enforcing the personal attacks policy on Soxtalk. Things have been kind of ridiculous lately, so today a line in the sand is getting drawn. At the end of the day it is very simple, don't make a personal attack on another poster. You can attack the point, but not the person making the point. Also, that doesn't mean you can hide the insult in an if, then statement. No "if you think X, then you are a f***ing idiot" stuff will be allowed, and it will be treated like you just flat out said the insult to someone. It will be 10 day suspensions for first offenses, no questions asked, consider this the warning.


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Maybe it would be easier if there was a way to block the words Ozzie Guillen and Juan Pierre.


In all seriousness, I have a ton of posts in the Marlins thread, some are links and quotes, but many of us share in the blame for the whole Ozzie thing with greg. I also have a lot of posts in Cowley threads as well.


In a way, those are like the PHT "train wreck" or industrial chemical spill threads at times that you find yourself wanting not to click on but having a hard time withstanding the urge.


Part of it's due to the fact that Ozzie is in town this week and many comparisons are being drawn, some fair, some perhaps unfair.


Maybe the other reason is because we're all feeling a bit of tension with the Tigers series coming up this weekend and the trade deadline approaching. We want to believe in this team, we've been waiting for 4 years...but there's a piece or two still missing. And you can pretty much guarantee the Tigers will be even better on paper in two weeks' time.


And we're also seeing the "bandwagon effect" too, as more new posters or perhaps some old posters are rediscovering the White Sox again. More voices, more conflicts.

Edited by caulfield12
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I thank the Mods for policing this issue. Civility and respect towards one another is important. Good healthy debate is something we can respect but some of these posts go way overboard and are sometimes downright insulting. We don't need that type of stuff on this site. :gosoxretro:

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QUOTE (GoodAsGould @ Jul 19, 2012 -> 11:19 AM)
Its a message board if death threats happen or a fight gets to point of ridiculousness can see admin intervening but if it's over small stuff going to feel too much like WSI and not worth being a participant.


This is Soxtalk's 10th year. I think we can safely quit the "WSI" scare tactic.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jul 19, 2012 -> 11:20 AM)
This is Soxtalk's 10th year. I think we can safely quit the "WSI" scare tactic.


I don't know what that means I used WSI as something not to be but last time the mods "cracked down" on the little stuff it felt the same.

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QUOTE (GoodAsGould @ Jul 19, 2012 -> 11:24 AM)
I don't know what that means I used WSI as something not to be but last time the mods "cracked down" on the little stuff it felt the same.


It means Soxtalk is nothing like WSI. We don't operate anything like they do. We have a style and they have a style. We have never have had a level of enforcement that came anywhere near what they do. If we did, this discussion wouldn't be happening and about a dozen people would already be serving suspensions. Honestly we prefer the self-enforcement type of approach whenever possible. When it doesn't work, then we step in. Even our "cracked down" stage is under their "normal" stage.

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QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Jul 19, 2012 -> 10:45 AM)
Maybe it would be easier if there was a way to block the words Ozzie Guillen and Juan Pierre.


In all seriousness, I have a ton of posts in the Marlins thread, some are links and quotes, but many of us share in the blame for the whole Ozzie thing with greg. I also have a lot of posts in Cowley threads as well.


In a way, those are like the PHT "train wreck" or industrial chemical spill threads at times that you find yourself wanting not to click on but having a hard time withstanding the urge.


Part of it's due to the fact that Ozzie is in town this week and many comparisons are being drawn, some fair, some perhaps unfair.


Maybe the other reason is because we're all feeling a bit of tension with the Tigers series coming up this weekend and the trade deadline approaching. We want to believe in this team, we've been waiting for 4 years...but there's a piece or two still missing. And you can pretty much guarantee the Tigers will be even better on paper in two weeks' time.


And we're also seeing the "bandwagon effect" too, as more new posters or perhaps some old posters are rediscovering the White Sox again. More voices, more conflicts.


This isnt a case of the Mods/Admins singling anyone out or asking for a discussion on the matter or why it is happening. It was happening long before Ozzie came to town, and it has nothing to do with Detroit.


Dont couch insults. Dont openly insult. Simple as that.

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QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Jul 19, 2012 -> 11:27 AM)
This isnt a case of the Mods/Admins singling anyone out or asking for a discussion on the matter or why it is happening. It was happening long before Ozzie came to town, and it has nothing to do with Detroit.


Dont couch insults. Dont openly insult. Simple as that.


Despite what some people want to think, this isn't about you (not meaning Kyle here, but in a general sense). This is about the general tone of things lately. People can make it about themselves if they like, but there are a lot of moving parts here, which is why this is a general and broad warning to all, and not to specific individuals.

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I've no idea what WSI is but, from my experience on message boards dedicated to my other sporting interests, I don't think there's any harm in standards of respect and decency between posters being established.


It's still possible to be passionate about the team, rip the pish out of each other, have a laugh, argue like f**k, and veer into various obscure levels of lunacy without being obnoxious.

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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Jul 19, 2012 -> 10:33 AM)
LOL @ the idea that this site is anything like WSI. I'll call that bluff every day. They are far, far more stringent than we ever are.


Really, I left WSI years ago because I replied to a post that I agreed with by saying "Amen brotha, preach it". I recieved a warning for being a religious zealot.

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QUOTE (IlliniKrush @ Jul 19, 2012 -> 11:40 AM)
Bring back the Paterno avatar, please.


Didn't acknowledge because now you look absolutely foolish for supporting Paterno covering it all up.


Really? In the general warning thread we get this?

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QUOTE (Joxer_Daly @ Jul 19, 2012 -> 11:40 AM)
I've no idea what WSI is but, from my experience on message boards dedicated to my other sporting interests, I don't think there's any harm in standards of respect and decency between posters being established.


It's still possible to be passionate about the team, rip the pish out of each other, have a laugh, argue like f**k, and veer into various obscure levels of lunacy without being obnoxious.

WSI = whitesoxinteractive.com. The other large White Sox message board (there are also a handful of blogs and smaller message boards out there). WSI's style is to try to enforce rules of conduct much more stringently than we do. They see it as a benefit to have more respectful discussion. The downfall is, less interesting discussion. SoxTalk lets more fly, which allows more open discussion, but also lends itself to more noise and garbage.


That isn't an insult to WSI or SoxTalk - we just have different styles.


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Totally in support of enforcement of this rule. We want a diversity of opinions so we shouldn't push people out through personal attack.


Clarification question: is it still cool to question people's sincerity if you think they're baiting? Borders on insulting, but could be true and keeps discussions intellectually honest.

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QUOTE (ScottyDo @ Jul 19, 2012 -> 11:50 AM)
Totally in support of enforcement of this rule. We want a diversity of opinions so we shouldn't push people out through personal attack.


Clarification question: is it still cool to question people's sincerity if you think they're baiting? Borders on insulting, but could be true and keeps discussions intellectually honest.

Never hurts to ask if someone is serious. And you can always question someone's posts on topic, so if you find the argument silly, then attack the argument itself. Not the poster personally. There is a difference.


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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jul 19, 2012 -> 10:06 AM)



QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Jul 19, 2012 -> 11:43 AM)
Really? In the general warning thread we get this?



Kyle, you're such a f***ing idiot.


Being serious, I think the rule is making a mountain out of a molehill, but I could be wrong. Also, this site is noooooowhere close to being as anal as WSI.

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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Jul 19, 2012 -> 11:52 AM)
Never hurts to ask if someone is serious. And you can always question someone's posts on topic, so if you find the argument silly, then attack the argument itself. Not the poster personally. There is a difference.



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Krush/J4L. If you want to discuss your personal stuff, do it over PM's. This isn't the place for it.


As a whole though, the purpose of this thread is to offer a reminder that while we as mods/admins aren't quick with our ax, the site still has rules that you agree to when you sign-up. And those rules, to be frank, are very basic in nature and in essence go back to the golden rule. Treat others with respect. If you do that, then you will be fine.


There is nothing wrong with a healthy debate and sometimes things will be said, but its how you handle the debates that matter. If after a debate, you can look at that poster and realize that there is nothing personal involved, it is just two very passionate sports fans debating a topic, well then you've handled yourself appropriately. If you remember that, and most of the people here behave that way 95% of the time, then there is nothing wrong. The key is to remember the 5% of the time you don't, and move away from that.


We aren't talking about banning the whole site, we are asking that you treat people with respect. Be cognizant of what you post and one well written post > 15 one liner posts. That isn't to say there isn't value to a one line post. Sometimes there is a purpose to it, but if it is just to say, you suck or idiot, well, don't make the post. For the post to be "stupid" it doesn't need your response, people will read it and figure it out and the lack of responses will push it down to the end of the board to never be seen/heard from again.


One thing that I do have a problem with is if a person has an agenda or if they are a troll and it is important to realize you can be a White Sox fan and still be considered a troll. If your soul purpose of posting is to make a rise out of people, that is being a troll. 99% of you don't do that, but there are some on this board, who have gotten away with being a troll for far too long and I'll be frank, either cut it out or you'll be finding another place to post. And for those of you that fit in that category, you will be warned (and you will receive a notice from the mods/admins). No one in this category (like 2 or 3 posters) can say that they won't get an opportunity to prove themselves.

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QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Jul 19, 2012 -> 12:19 PM)
Krush/J4L. If you want to discuss your personal stuff, do it over PM's. This isn't the place for it.


As a whole though, the purpose of this thread is to offer a reminder that while we as mods/admins aren't quick with our ax, the site still has rules that you agree to when you sign-up. And those rules, to be frank, are very basic in nature and in essence go back to the golden rule. Treat others with respect. If you do that, then you will be fine.


There is nothing wrong with a healthy debate and sometimes things will be said, but its how you handle the debates that matter. If after a debate, you can look at that poster and realize that there is nothing personal involved, it is just two very passionate sports fans debating a topic, well then you've handled yourself appropriately. If you remember that, and most of the people here behave that way 95% of the time, then there is nothing wrong. The key is to remember the 5% of the time you don't, and move away from that.


We aren't talking about banning the whole site, we are asking that you treat people with respect. Be cognizant of what you post and one well written post > 15 one liner posts. That isn't to say there isn't value to a one line post. Sometimes there is a purpose to it, but if it is just to say, you suck or idiot, well, don't make the post. For the post to be "stupid" it doesn't need your response, people will read it and figure it out and the lack of responses will push it down to the end of the board to never be seen/heard from again.


One thing that I do have a problem with is if a person has an agenda or if they are a troll and it is important to realize you can be a White Sox fan and still be considered a troll. If your soul purpose of posting is to make a rise out of people, that is being a troll. 99% of you don't do that, but there are some on this board, who have gotten away with being a troll for far too long and I'll be frank, either cut it out or you'll be finding another place to post. And for those of you that fit in that category, you will be warned (and you will receive a notice from the mods/admins). No one in this category (like 2 or 3 posters) can say that they won't get an opportunity to prove themselves.


Can someone stop hacking Jason?


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This is what i don't get. Who are these 2 or 3 people you're talking about? What exactly is a troll? mcgrad flat out admitted that he was a troll. and thankfully he's gone. Is having a different opinion than the majority considered a troll? I'm not a troll. I've made some predictions that turned out to be wrong and i admitted that. I've said other teams are better than the bulls/sox. That's not being a troll. greg, as annoying as he is, is not a troll. He loves ozzie. That doesn't make him a troll. annoying? yes. But not a troll. I'm starting to think that unless i kiss chicago teams ass that i'm going to get suspended.

Edited by Jordan4life
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QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Jul 19, 2012 -> 12:25 PM)
This is what i don't get. Who are these 2 or 3 people you're talking about? What exactly is a troll? mcgrad flat out admitted that he was a troll. and thankfully he's gone. Is having a different opinion than the majority considered a troll? I'm not a troll. I've made some predictions that turned out to be wrong and i admitted that. I've said other teams are better than the bulls/sox. That's not being a troll. greg, as annoying as he is, is not a troll. He loves ozzie. That doesn't make him a troll. annoying? yes. But not a troll. I'm starting to think that unless i kiss chicago teams ass that i'm going to get suspended.

You're not a troll. Outspoken, yes. Troll, no.


Just my opinion.

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