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Chick-Fil-A and Homosexuality


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QUOTE (Y2HH @ Jul 19, 2012 -> 04:51 PM)
It's not a joke, even if it is to you, because there are a lot of people that actually feel that way. Green text or not...


There are a lot of people who think stores that close on Sundays or Christmas should be sued and forced to open on those days? I don't believe it.

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This was the question. I'm not calling it discrimination, I was asking if it can be construed that way. Sorry if it wasn't clear enough.




But the COO didn't suppress them...that's why I was asking.


I don't mean suppress them by means of not stating your opinions--I mean suppressing them by going out of your way to make sure that you don't treat people differently.


You are asking if it can be construed that way, and yes, it can be, because our society has blurred, if not eliminated, the distinction between words and actions.


If you're asking me if I think it was a good idea for him to say what he said, my answer would be no, but his words don't come anywhere close to being in violation of any law. You can't have all gay people voluntarily boycott the company and then turn around and use the lack of gay customers/employees as evidence that the company is discriminating.

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QUOTE (HickoryHuskers @ Jul 19, 2012 -> 11:59 AM)
One thing I will point out, since the word discrimination was brought up here and its gross misusage is a pet peeve of mine:


Having a belief by itself does not constitute discrimination. Discrimination requires an action.


I can believe anything I want about people who are gay, Muslim, black, or old, but as long as I don't treat them differently when they patronize my business or apply for a job with me, then I am not guilty of discrimination.


I happen to subscribe to the Christian teaching that homosexual activity is a sin, but I also subscribe to the Christian teaching that all people are to be treated with respect and that the best way to help a person deal with this, or any other sin, is to be welcoming to them and not to shout and yell insults at them. This is, unfortunately, lost among 90+% of the "Christians" that get air time on TV and give big money to the Republican Party.


Not to mention the Bible teaches that all sins are equal.

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QUOTE (CanOfCorn @ Jul 19, 2012 -> 11:44 AM)
True...here's my question:


Every corporation can donate to any charity/group/anything they want (that's legal). But doesn't this open up a discriminatory slippery slope? Is Chick-Fil-A not indirectly discriminating? Aren't CEO Dan Cathy's comments basically segregating the LGBT community KNOWING they are going to boycott?


I understand the idea of choice. But that works for anyone who ISN'T gay. Is this borderline discriminatory?


No I don't think they are.



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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jul 19, 2012 -> 01:06 PM)
If you hold negative views of groups, you will treat them differently. That's pretty much unavoidable.


Yes, but the Management is what is making those views. The employees may not hold the same views as them.

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QUOTE (Indy_Soxer @ Jul 19, 2012 -> 12:35 PM)
Yes, but the Management is what is making those views. The employees may not hold the same views as them.


I was speaking more broadly there. I don't believe it's mentally possible to hold negative views about a particular group and not treat an individual member of the group differently. That doesn't mean you'd be consciously aware of it or doing it deliberately.

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QUOTE (Indy_Soxer @ Jul 19, 2012 -> 12:37 PM)
Plus I have never heard anyone asked if they are gay while at CFA, nor turned down being served.


I don't think that would even be grounds for a legal discrimination suit since sexuality isn't a protected class. I could be misunderstanding the law, however.

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jul 19, 2012 -> 01:44 PM)
I was speaking more broadly there. I don't believe it's mentally possible to hold negative views about a particular group and not treat an individual member of the group differently. That doesn't mean you'd be consciously aware of it or doing it deliberately.


I still believe it depends on your approach. Sure it is impossible to not judge a member of a group you see negatively, but to physically treat them differently is another thing. Atleast at a certain level, you may not ever try to hold eye contact with them or may not respond to them as often as you would someone you agree with.


Then again, not being friends with anyone who you view negatively is technically discriminating, but then arent we all guilty of that?

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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Jul 19, 2012 -> 11:22 AM)
They have every right to think that way, you have every right not to consume their products. That's the way I look at it.





QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jul 19, 2012 -> 12:45 PM)
I don't think that would even be grounds for a legal discrimination suit since sexuality isn't a protected class. I could be misunderstanding the law, however.


I can't remember off the top of my head, but I think LGBTQ is a protected class, but doesn't get the highest form of protection there is (that's pretty much race/gender/national origin, I think). There's also different standards for when it's the government discriminating and when private individuals or businesses are, and I don't know much of anything about the private ones.

Edited by farmteam
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QUOTE (CanOfCorn @ Jul 19, 2012 -> 10:21 AM)
By now, you've probably heard about Chick-Fil-A and their anti-same sex marriage stand. This coming from a company that is openly evangelical.


first i've heard of either actually.

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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Jul 20, 2012 -> 09:57 AM)
Does anyone know why this story got so much play recently? I thought their position on homosexuality has been known for years?


Because the President of Chick-Fil-A said in an interview last week that if we let gay people get married, we're all going to hell.



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QUOTE (HickoryHuskers @ Jul 19, 2012 -> 09:45 AM)
This. Exactly.


I choose where I eat based on location, price, and quality of food. I do not choose where I eat based on politics.


HAHAHAHAHA said in a thread about CHICK-FIL-A!


awesome. i love 'murica.

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QUOTE (Reddy @ Jul 20, 2012 -> 09:09 AM)
HAHAHAHAHA said in a thread about CHICK-FIL-A!


awesome. i love 'murica.


So are you saying people only eat food like this in...um...'murica?


I have some bad news for you.

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QUOTE (Y2HH @ Jul 20, 2012 -> 08:10 AM)
So are you saying people only eat food like this in...um...'murica?


I have some bad news for you.

only in america do they use the phrase "quality of food" and chick fil a in the same sentence in an approving manner.

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QUOTE (Reddy @ Jul 20, 2012 -> 09:15 AM)
only in america do they use the phrase "quality of food" and chick fil a in the same sentence in an approving manner.


Yea, like I said...not true at all.


This tells me you need to get out more. ;)

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