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Chick-Fil-A and Homosexuality


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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Aug 8, 2012 -> 04:50 PM)
You could call your congressperson and complain about it though. You could hold protests and sit ins and kiss-a-thons and whatever else to voice your displeasure of the US being linked to said backwards country.


But that doesn't happen. That's the point of the meme. Yes, obviously feasibility is an issue. But it's not like you're estopped from doing ANYTHING.


I do voice my displeasure about Saudi Arabia, just no one listens. My congressperson has no power to stop Saudi Arabia. I dont live in Saudi Arabia so I really cant protest it. And quite frankly Saudi Arabia doesnt even let women drive, there are a million reasons why I dislike Saudi Arabia. I dont purposefully buy their products, if a product was made by them, Id purposefully avoid it.


That is the exact same way Im treating CFA. So really it seems like Im acting the same towards both, as I havent done anything but post my displeasure of both CFA and Saudi Arabia.



QUOTE (Y2HH @ Aug 8, 2012 -> 04:55 PM)
Let's also remember that CFA employs a LOT of innocent people who need that job. Something you and others are obviously not thinking about.


If you hurt their business, the CEO, who is already mega rich, isn't affected whatsoever. The employees he will lay off, however...are. So good job. You've hurt innocents via collateral damage, but accomplished absolutely nothing in hurting your actual target.


That, and if the media posted what other CEO's or CFO's or company executives from various companies supported or believed in, you'd be left buying nothing at all...of course, since the media isn't doing that research for you, you aren't going to bother doing it yourself. I'm sure there are executives at Apple that hate gays, and are mad that a homosexual is their new CEO, too...




Smart businesses dont let people know their political beliefs. I wouldnt advise a company to be either pro or anti SSM, Id advise them to keep their collective mouths shut, and if they want to give benefits great. But dont make a crusade about it, because your in the business of selling chicken, not political opinion.

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QUOTE (Y2HH @ Aug 8, 2012 -> 05:55 PM)
Let's also remember that CFA employs a LOT of innocent people who need that job. Something you and others are obviously not thinking about.


If you hurt their business, the CEO, who is already mega rich, isn't affected whatsoever. The employees he will lay off, however...are. So good job. You've hurt innocents via collateral damage, but accomplished absolutely nothing in hurting your actual target.


That, and if the media posted what other CEO's or CFO's or company executives from various companies supported or believed in, you'd be left buying nothing at all...of course, since the media isn't doing that research for you, you aren't going to bother doing it yourself. I'm sure there are executives at Apple that hate gays, and are mad that a homosexual is their new CEO, too...



Doesn't that assume that by not eating at CFA, I also don't eat anywhere else, as having a substantial number of former customers start eating somewhere else would produce job gains at those locations? Basically, as long as i don't starve to death, this isn't a big concern.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Aug 8, 2012 -> 05:09 PM)
Doesn't that assume that by not eating at CFA, I also don't eat anywhere else, as having a substantial number of former customers start eating somewhere else would produce job gains at those locations? Basically, as long as i don't starve to death, this isn't a big concern.


Eh, doesn't quite work out that way...that doesn't mean the new place is going to hire former CFA employees "just because". Most chains like that can run just as efficiently, regardless of increased business, without adding headcount. Most stores, like McDonalds, have a headcount per sq foot number...regardless of business. They're like well oiled machines.

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QUOTE (Y2HH @ Aug 8, 2012 -> 05:14 PM)
Eh, doesn't quite work out that way...that doesn't mean the new place is going to hire former CFA employees "just because". Most chains like that can run just as efficiently, regardless of increased business, without adding headcount. Most stores, like McDonalds, have a headcount per sq foot number...regardless of business. They're like well oiled machines.


Oh, and from what I know, CFA treats their employees much better than most of those types of places.

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QUOTE (Y2HH @ Aug 8, 2012 -> 06:14 PM)
Eh, doesn't quite work out that way...that doesn't mean the new place is going to hire former CFA employees "just because". Most chains like that can run just as efficiently, regardless of increased business, without adding headcount. Most stores, like McDonalds, have a headcount per sq foot number...regardless of business. They're like well oiled machines.

If that's the case though, then subtracting customers from CFA shouldn't produce a significant decrease in jobs either.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Aug 8, 2012 -> 05:16 PM)
If that's the case though, then subtracting customers from CFA shouldn't produce a significant decrease in jobs either.


If a boycott is successful, it will hurt the company in that it has to shut down locations.


Otherwise the boycott failed anyway. Which it did.

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QUOTE (Y2HH @ Aug 8, 2012 -> 06:16 PM)
If a boycott is successful, it will hurt the company in that it has to shut down locations.


Otherwise the boycott failed anyway. Which it did.

But creating demand for additional products from other businesses would, over the same time interval, give reasons to open additional shops.


You used McDonalds as an example. Let's say that a McDonalds in an area increased its customer base by 50% thansk to former CFA customers. While the McDonalds may be able to handle this increase, in a competitive market, some other businessperson would step in and realize that an additional McDonalds location could both bring in new customers and grab a share of the customers at the now crowded but extremely profitable McDonalds.


It might or might not match job for job; that depends on which business is actually more efficient per customer. In the long term, shifting that business to another company shouldn't produce a substantial shift in total employment overall.


And if you're going to say that they won't necessarily hire former CFA employees, you're right, but they also would be hiring other people who could use work to jobs of similar poor quality.


And of course, if we could get people to instead switch to a healthier option, or even cook for themselves after buying groceries, this would also lead to decreased incidents of things like heart disease, leading to a healtheir and higher productivity work force, creating a better situation for everyone.


Overall, I stand by my:


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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Aug 8, 2012 -> 04:46 PM)




+1 for proper use.


QUOTE (Y2HH @ Aug 8, 2012 -> 04:49 PM)
Most, if not all memes are hyperbolically broad generalizations.


So what.




I meant I hate when they aren't used correctly.


Condescending Wonka is would more properly "Oh, you boycott Chick-Fil-A for not supporting gays? Tell me more about how they're directly harming gay people."

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Aug 8, 2012 -> 08:40 PM)


It's incredibly sad a dad would disown his kid over this, but sure I could see it happening. Some of the dads in my old neighborhood on the south side remind me of Archie Bunker on those all in the family reruns. No way they are going to be around a person who engages in same sex activity, even if it is their son. And some of my relatives from the south side ... if I was to tell them I was gay (which I'm not) they would laugh in my face, say I'm disgusting and also tell me to get away. No matter what, some parents aren't gonna be OK with their kids being gay and it has nothing to do with CFA or organizations that denounce gay marriage. It's a parent being upset at all the hassles of having a gay son or daughter. Maybe hassles isn't the right word, maybe it's embarrassment or something. I feel for that person whose dad disowned him.

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Aug 9, 2012 -> 05:50 PM)
It's all part of the same culture of hate.


You think so? I just think there's a lot of blue collar people on the south side who would disown their own kids over this issue and it has nothing to do with CFA or anything like that. They are just opinionated beer drinkers who want grandkids the natural way and don't want their kids to be gay. I could be mistaken, but there are some badasses on the south side who simply will not tolerate their kids being gay.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Aug 9, 2012 -> 02:02 PM)
You think so? I just think there's a lot of blue collar people on the south side who would disown their own kids over this issue and it has nothing to do with CFA or anything like that. They are just opinionated beer drinkers who want grandkids the natural way and don't want their kids to be gay. I could be mistaken, but there are some badasses on the south side who simply will not tolerate their kids being gay.

We would call this "Hate".


It's also troublesome that you would use the phrase "The natural way". There is nothing "unnatural" about being gay. It happens in nature all the time. It has happened throughout human history.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Aug 9, 2012 -> 06:07 PM)
We would call this "Hate".


It's also troublesome that you would use the phrase "The natural way". There is nothing "unnatural" about being gay. It happens in nature all the time. It has happened throughout human history.


I simply meant having grandkids by nature, not by adopting. Only way a gay couple can have kids is by adopting. That's all I meant there.

Do you know any of the people I speak of? If you lived on the southside for any period of time you know there are Archie Bunker types all over the place that would disown their own kids. It's all about pleasing them.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Aug 9, 2012 -> 01:02 PM)
You think so? I just think there's a lot of blue collar people on the south side who would disown their own kids over this issue and it has nothing to do with CFA or anything like that. They are just opinionated beer drinkers who want grandkids the natural way and don't want their kids to be gay. I could be mistaken, but there are some badasses on the south side who simply will not tolerate their kids being gay.


They don't hate their gay kids because of CFA. But their hatred and CFA's hatred is part of the same problem.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Aug 9, 2012 -> 01:14 PM)
I simply meant having grandkids by nature, not by adopting. Only way a gay couple can have kids is by adopting. That's all I meant there.

While both partners could not be the biological parent, many gay couples have surrogates or artificial insemination.


Do you know any of the people I speak of? If you lived on the southside for any period of time you know there are Archie Bunker types all over the place that would disown their own kids. It's all about pleasing them.


I don't doubt that, and I wasn't trying to say that their attitudes are because of CFA. It's all part of the same culture of hatred.

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