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Shooting in CO at Batman premiere


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QUOTE (kev211 @ Jul 23, 2012 -> 09:24 PM)
Because every single person in the country is innocent until proven guilty. End of story. If you take away someone's right's because they "without a doubt did it" then you remove one of the basic principles this country was founded on and enter into a very scary territory where the government can say you did anything throw you behind bars and you're f***ed without rights or a trial.


Basically the reason this guy gets a trial is because this country is awesome and should continue to stay awesome.


Yes, but this Holmes guy is a motherf***ing asshole, a scum of the earth piece of s*** coward who needs to go pick on somebody who knows how to use a gun.

I mean he was caught squarehanded.

I love our country, but I wish somebody in that parking lot had a gun and killed him. He does not deserve to be on this earth one more second.

Relatives of that six year old girl have the right to feel as I do. That he deserves death now without any long trial.

He did it ... everybody knows he did it. I mean this isn't like Casey Anthony where nobody saw it.

This scumbag needs to leave the planet soon.


Had somebody taken this guy out with a gun in the parking lot ... that person would be a hero today.

The best scenario would have been somebody in the theatre beating the piss out of the coward. That woulda been awesome. This coward can't fight anybody; he can only bring a ton of ammo and shoot little kids. What a guy.

He's one of the most evil individuals to ever walk this planet, joining the likes of people I won't mention since it sickens me to think of evildoers throughout history. They don't deserve fame.

Edited by greg775
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QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Jul 23, 2012 -> 03:24 PM)
On the other hand, if anyone here has read the Tiger Mother/Amy Chua book, the main moral of the story is that the parenting model has to be something of a "hybrid" between Eastern and Western modes. In the book, she's (the mother) pushed the youngest daughter so hard in piano (the older daughter was forced to learn the violin, or maybe I have it the other way around) that she finally cracks under the pressure as a teenager and her mom relents and lets her quit playing and start tennis instead, after she's invested 10-12 years and tens of thousands of dollars on lessons and experts and tutors in an effort to make her a prodigy.


There's a much higher suicide rate in Asian countries because of all the burden and pressure of expectations from parents, especially when it's an only child. The major difference is countries like China don't allow gun possession by civilians. What happens there most often is disenfranchised men who are lacking in education go into an elementary school and stab children, or maybe there's acid attacks in Hong Kong, another example. Sarin gas in Tokyo, the AUM religious cult.


The difference between pushing someone and abusing someone, is a very very fine line. Look at how kids who grew up in systems like this turned out as adults, for example, Tiger Woods, the Williams sisters or Todd Marinovich. Parents need to remember their reasons for pushing kids, and think about what's really in their best interest. Kids don't exist to make the parents look better, that's not the way it works.


The other thing is that fewer and fewer kids are playing organized sports...PE budgets are being cut back or don't even exist, as well as areas like art and music. Kids are content to just play on their cell phones or laptops and hardly ever exercise anymore (the majority).


If there's any one difference that always strikes me about the US vs. Asia, it's that every time I go out to eat, 60-75% of the customers are fat or obese. In Asian countries, you always never see that. If you do see someone who's overweight in middle or high school, they're teased or bullied unmercifully about it by their classmates. Is that better? Where people are blunt/honest and say whatever they think or feel instead of holding things back for fear of hurting someone's feelings? Who knows? It's a question I still haven't found the answer to as a teacher trained in the political correctness of the "West" but sometimes horrified by the behavior of parents in the "East."


Kids prefer to play on their tech items. It goes back to being coddled. You can always hit the reset button on Madden.


Organized sports are not always the solution. I'd say they have created more problems if they are in the school year. (this is not about school athletics) We use to play sports in the neighborhood. But the mega homes with no lot or empty field to play in is hard to find anymore. Organized sports has removed family meal time. Instead it's off in your SUV to soccer practice and stop at a McDonald Drive Thru on the way home. That's where the obesity part begins.


I knew a H.S. Science teacher, her first two years were teaching in Japan. She was shocked that all of the responsibility was on the kids, not the parent who then threw it on the teacher's lap being double teamed by an administrator. I grew up in a public school system/home life where the responsibility was on me. That still exists in some Catholic Schools.


Foxconn is a manufacturing plant in China that makes hardware for Apple, Sony , Xbox and a bunch of others. They've had to put nets outside the windows to keep people from committing suicide. There's nothing to admire about China the way they abuse human beings.



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QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Jul 23, 2012 -> 04:24 PM)
On the other hand, if anyone here has read the Tiger Mother/Amy Chua book, the main moral of the story is that the parenting model has to be something of a "hybrid" between Eastern and Western modes. In the book, she's (the mother) pushed the youngest daughter so hard in piano (the older daughter was forced to learn the violin, or maybe I have it the other way around) that she finally cracks under the pressure as a teenager and her mom relents and lets her quit playing and start tennis instead, after she's invested 10-12 years and tens of thousands of dollars on lessons and experts and tutors in an effort to make her a prodigy.


There's a much higher suicide rate in Asian countries because of all the burden and pressure of expectations from parents, especially when it's an only child. The major difference is countries like China don't allow gun possession by civilians. What happens there most often is disenfranchised men who are lacking in education go into an elementary school and stab children, or maybe there's acid attacks in Hong Kong, another example. Sarin gas in Tokyo, the AUM religious cult.


The difference between pushing someone and abusing someone, is a very very fine line. Look at how kids who grew up in systems like this turned out as adults, for example, Tiger Woods, the Williams sisters or Todd Marinovich. Parents need to remember their reasons for pushing kids, and think about what's really in their best interest. Kids don't exist to make the parents look better, that's not the way it works.


The other thing is that fewer and fewer kids are playing organized sports...PE budgets are being cut back or don't even exist, as well as areas like art and music. Kids are content to just play on their cell phones or laptops and hardly ever exercise anymore (the majority).


If there's any one difference that always strikes me about the US vs. Asia, it's that every time I go out to eat, 60-75% of the customers are fat or obese. In Asian countries, you always never see that. If you do see someone who's overweight in middle or high school, they're teased or bullied unmercifully about it by their classmates. Is that better? Where people are blunt/honest and say whatever they think or feel instead of holding things back for fear of hurting someone's feelings? Who knows? It's a question I still haven't found the answer to as a teacher trained in the political correctness of the "West" but sometimes horrified by the behavior of parents in the "East."


Our country's motto is "Don't worry, it's not your fault."


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QUOTE (greg775 @ Jul 23, 2012 -> 03:30 PM)
Yes, but this Holmes guy is a motherf***ing asshole, a scum of the earth piece of s*** coward who needs to go pick on somebody who knows how to use a gun.

I mean he was caught squarehanded.

I love our country, but I wish somebody in that parking lot had a gun and killed him. He does not deserve to be on this earth one more second.

Relatives of that six year old girl have the right to feel as I do. That he deserves death now without any long trial.

He did it ... everybody knows he did it. I mean this isn't like Casey Anthony where nobody saw it.

This scumbag needs to leave the planet soon.


Had somebody taken this guy out with a gun in the parking lot ... that person would be a hero today.

The best scenario would have been somebody in the theatre beating the piss out of the coward. That woulda been awesome. This coward can't fight anybody; he can only bring a ton of ammo and shoot little kids. What a guy.

He's one of the most evil individuals to ever walk this planet, joining the likes of people I won't mention since it sickens me to think of evildoers throughout history. They don't deserve fame.


He get's a fair trial. They have to rule out insanity. If he didn't have a trial and got capital punishment while being insane who's right? Should all insane people be put to death? Colorado has the death penalty. If by chance you give someone the death penalty you want to be 200% sure he was guilty


What is this fame that you talk about? Did you just watch Natural Born Killers or 15 Minutes? There is no fame but shame for those who are related.


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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Jul 23, 2012 -> 11:10 PM)
Our country's motto is "Don't worry, it's not your fault."

I still wonder how these kids who have been coddled do when they enter the workplace.



QUOTE (kitekrazy @ Jul 23, 2012 -> 11:14 PM)
He get's a fair trial. They have to rule out insanity. If he didn't have a trial and got capital punishment while being insane who's right? Should all insane people be put to death? Colorado has the death penalty. If by chance you give someone the death penalty you want to be 200% sure he was guilty


What is this fame that you talk about? Did you just watch Natural Born Killers or 15 Minutes? There is no fame but shame for those who are related.

His name will forever be remembered. That's sad. Didn't McVea want death? This guy should want death unless his idea of a good life is to sit in a small cell the rest of his life for 23 hours a day. I guess if he is able to fake insanity well enough to get a jury to believe his little charade he'll have it much better in some mental hospital. Might be easier to escape from a hospital as well.


Who is to judge if he's insane anyway? He was caught with the goods. I think everybody is 200 percent sure he's guilty already. Oh well, the taxpayers can pay for another long trial and the attorneys that he hires will all probably represent him for free so they can become famous as well.


OJ didn't pay for his own attorneys did he? That was all free labor for him correct? Ditto Casey Anthony.

Edited by greg775
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QUOTE (greg775 @ Jul 23, 2012 -> 03:42 PM)
As a policeman, why do you think the gunman wasn't shot and killed by the cops in the parking lot? Was the guy standing against his car? I'd think any one sign of resistance by the guy or his moving his hands to detonate a bomb or something would have resulted in the guy getting blown away. I wish he'd have been killed on the spot.


I don't know the details of this story at all. From what I understand, he was waiting there and let the cops take him willingly. Cops don't have anywhere near the amount of freedom it would take to just gun him down if he were being compliant when they arrived.


QUOTE (kitekrazy @ Jul 23, 2012 -> 03:42 PM)
Did you mess with them and wear turban as well?



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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Jul 23, 2012 -> 03:56 PM)
Said that before, people don't realize it.


Also, some of the people here talking about how easy it would be to shoot the guy in a dark theater are deluded by Hollywood. Ain't that easy.


And go greg775... If the cops got there and the guy is just standing there, and he complies with orders to stand down, they'd be in very deep s*** if they shot him.


What he said. And yeah, accuracy in active shooting situations is startlingly low (you wouldn't even believe the estimates).

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QUOTE (kitekrazy @ Jul 23, 2012 -> 03:59 PM)
Police aren't allowed a margin of error. It's like if someone points a fake or empty gun at a cop, they are suppose to wait to be gunned down before they can react.


No, in that situation your department will back you to the fullest. 99/100 times you'll be found to have acted correctly. The public and media might (likely would) crucify you, though.

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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Jul 23, 2012 -> 04:02 PM)
Very large exaggeration. If a cop comes up on a call like this one, and someone points a gun at them, they would be absolutely and legally justified in firing at them. Apparently that didn't happen here, or else the guy would be ridden with many extra holes.


You keep beating me to the punch.

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QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Jul 23, 2012 -> 06:13 PM)
No, in that situation your department will back you to the fullest. 99/100 times you'll be found to have acted correctly. The public and media might (likely would) crucify you, though.


True. If he gets shot too quickly, it turns into Martin...

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jul 23, 2012 -> 04:08 PM)
It definitely led to an increased militarization and expansion of SWAT teams.


But the point there is that all of these people, including sitting US Senators, saying that one Brave Man with a concealed handgun could have stopped this guy are just being pretty damn naive.


It's also not impossible for one person to have been able to stop it either. Odds are against it, but it could definitely have made a difference.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Jul 23, 2012 -> 04:30 PM)
Yes, but this Holmes guy is a motherf***ing asshole, a scum of the earth piece of s*** coward who needs to go pick on somebody who knows how to use a gun.

I mean he was caught squarehanded.

I love our country, but I wish somebody in that parking lot had a gun and killed him. He does not deserve to be on this earth one more second.

Relatives of that six year old girl have the right to feel as I do. That he deserves death now without any long trial.

He did it ... everybody knows he did it. I mean this isn't like Casey Anthony where nobody saw it.

This scumbag needs to leave the planet soon.


Had somebody taken this guy out with a gun in the parking lot ... that person would be a hero today.

The best scenario would have been somebody in the theatre beating the piss out of the coward. That woulda been awesome. This coward can't fight anybody; he can only bring a ton of ammo and shoot little kids. What a guy.

He's one of the most evil individuals to ever walk this planet, joining the likes of people I won't mention since it sickens me to think of evildoers throughout history. They don't deserve fame.

No they wouldn't. They'd have been arrested and would be facing murder charges.

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QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Jul 23, 2012 -> 06:30 PM)
I obviously agree. I just don't get what ss2k5 was insinuating.


If the shooter didn't do enough damage in terms of body count, before an officer shot him, there was a very good chance that he gets crucified in the media.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Jul 23, 2012 -> 05:30 PM)
Yes, but this Holmes guy is a motherf***ing asshole, a scum of the earth piece of s*** coward who needs to go pick on somebody who knows how to use a gun.

I mean he was caught squarehanded.

I love our country, but I wish somebody in that parking lot had a gun and killed him. He does not deserve to be on this earth one more second.

Relatives of that six year old girl have the right to feel as I do. That he deserves death now without any long trial.

He did it ... everybody knows he did it. I mean this isn't like Casey Anthony where nobody saw it.

This scumbag needs to leave the planet soon.


Had somebody taken this guy out with a gun in the parking lot ... that person would be a hero today.

The best scenario would have been somebody in the theatre beating the piss out of the coward. That woulda been awesome. This coward can't fight anybody; he can only bring a ton of ammo and shoot little kids. What a guy.

He's one of the most evil individuals to ever walk this planet, joining the likes of people I won't mention since it sickens me to think of evildoers throughout history. They don't deserve fame.

Do you want to be the one who shot him after the assault, when he's docile and cooperating with police? You'd be arrested and charged with homicide.


Not me... I'm not throwing my life away for this assclown. I've got better s*** to do.

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QUOTE (kitekrazy @ Jul 23, 2012 -> 04:03 PM)
Kids prefer to play on their tech items. It goes back to being coddled. You can always hit the reset button on Madden.


Organized sports are not always the solution. I'd say they have created more problems if they are in the school year. (this is not about school athletics) We use to play sports in the neighborhood. But the mega homes with no lot or empty field to play in is hard to find anymore. Organized sports has removed family meal time. Instead it's off in your SUV to soccer practice and stop at a McDonald Drive Thru on the way home. That's where the obesity part begins.


I knew a H.S. Science teacher, her first two years were teaching in Japan. She was shocked that all of the responsibility was on the kids, not the parent who then threw it on the teacher's lap being double teamed by an administrator. I grew up in a public school system/home life where the responsibility was on me. That still exists in some Catholic Schools.


Foxconn is a manufacturing plant in China that makes hardware for Apple, Sony , Xbox and a bunch of others. They've had to put nets outside the windows to keep people from committing suicide. There's nothing to admire about China the way they abuse human beings.



Speaking of China, those workers really are amazingly responsible. About 95% of the time, they wait until they've received their final paycheck and made sure it got directed to their families before killing themselves. I actually used part of the Mike Daizey/NPR story with my Economics class, and it turns out that some of it was fabricated, unfortunately.


Currently, workers are starting to get pickier and choosier about their job situations. China is starting to allow smalls steps with the unionization of workers for non-Chinese multinationals operating in the country to quell worker strikes and rioting. This was the first year I can remember there was a real labor shortage after the Chinese New Year's celebrations as workers refused to go back to their factories due to the pay and conditions. Typically, they make from $200-300 per month in those FoxConn-like plants


One of the biggest issues for China moving forward is going to be the tipping point when workers unsatisfied with not being able to have a share of the "good life" push wages high enough that it's no longer so profitable to do business there.




Does anyone feel that Mr. Holmes is a "genius" actor pretending to be disengaged and lethargic or he was really under heavy medication or sedation and couldn't focus as a result? Some of the victims' families thought it was all an act, hard to be sure. If they don't find him competent to stand trial, a ton of people in CO are going to be terribly disappointed.

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QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Jul 23, 2012 -> 11:15 PM)
It's also not impossible for one person to have been able to stop it either. Odds are against it, but it could definitely have made a difference.

And that person would have been an all-time hero.


QUOTE (lostfan @ Jul 24, 2012 -> 05:30 AM)
Do you want to be the one who shot him after the assault, when he's docile and cooperating with police? You'd be arrested and charged with homicide.


Not me... I'm not throwing my life away for this assclown. I've got better s*** to do.


Milk, what would the police's position be if a person who was in the movie theatre dodging bullets raced out of the theatre, saw this f***head leaned against his car unarmed and simply beat the living s*** out of him? Would the police be OK with it, considering that person nearly got killed by the guy in the theatre? Would you be charged with anything if you hit the suspect with a baseball bat or something? If you beat him into oblivion since the coward obviously can't fight a fair fight? Or would the police be upset and arrest you as well for beating the s*** out of the scumbag? You didn't kill the suspect you just gave him a beatdown. What would happen to you?

Edited by greg775
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QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Jul 24, 2012 -> 05:56 AM)


3 separate Batman-related incidents around the US...scary stuff, especially the Maine guy

A Maine man was arrested when he told authorities that he was on his way to shoot a former employer a day after watching "The Dark Knight Rises," Maine state police said Monday.


How the f*** is that a "Dark Knight Rises" incident. F*cking internet "news" trolling for hits by tying something together that has no correlation.


In Southern California, a man at a Sunday afternoon showing of the film was arrested after witnesses said he made threats and alluded to the Aurora shooting when the movie didn't start.


And that's just an idiot making an ill-timed joke, because he forgot the "time" part of the "Tragedy + Time = Comedy" formula.

Edited by Steve9347
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