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where is that Colon is the best thread


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I'm sorry, but I just can't believe that a pitcher will not try his hardest until he sees his other teammates are trying to win.....especially in a pennant race.  I might buy that theory if we were 20 games out, but not in this situation.

No, not me specifically, he puts on that he doesn't speak english when I'm around.


However, he was quoted in the Sun-Times, and I posted that here in one of the 'tub o' goo' posts that he waits to see if his teammates show up, then it's time to show 'who he is'.


That quote, coupled with his performances have me on his back. The 'workhorse' getting tired after 97 pitches in the cUB game, a series that every player knew was important to the fans, convinced me he is a bum who does not wat to pitch for us.


I'm born and raised in Chicago. You don't want me? I don't want you more.

f*** that 'tub o' goo'.

Funny how you say the media is inaccurate with most of their stories about the White Sox and more specifically Frank, then use a Sun Times story to make a point about Bartolo. If you don't like Bartolo fine, but if we are to believe your other posts about the media, using quotes from the Sun Times seems silly.

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Guest Ncorgbl
I'm sorry, but I just can't believe that a pitcher will not try his hardest until he sees his other teammates are trying to win.....especially in a pennant race.  I might buy that theory if we were 20 games out, but not in this situation.

No, not me specifically, he puts on that he doesn't speak english when I'm around.


However, he was quoted in the Sun-Times, and I posted that here in one of the 'tub o' goo' posts that he waits to see if his teammates show up, then it's time to show 'who he is'.


That quote, coupled with his performances have me on his back. The 'workhorse' getting tired after 97 pitches in the cUB game, a series that every player knew was important to the fans, convinced me he is a bum who does not wat to pitch for us.


I'm born and raised in Chicago. You don't want me? I don't want you more.

f*** that 'tub o' goo'.

Funny how you say the media is inaccurate with most of their stories about the White Sox and more specifically Frank, then use a Sun Times story to make a point about Bartolo. If you don't like Bartolo fine, but if we are to believe your other posts about the media, using quotes from the Sun Times seems silly.


I use quotes from the media, not their stories.

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Yes, I remember the quote from the Sun-Times because you constantly refer to it every single time Bartolo has anything less than a complete game shutout. Maybe the Sun-Times was a little inaccurate with that story, ever think of that? Just like they're always inaccurate when talking about Frank Thomas, according to some here.


It's getting a little tiresome hearing Colon called a "tub o goo" when he doesn't win. I'll take the "tub o goo" any day of the week and feel real confident.

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Well, as you have stated before, and I agree with you, their quotes usually are taken out of context, as well as being inaccurate. They have had some unflattering "quotes" about Frank the last several years, to which you take exception. Maybe Bartolo is an ass and the laziest person in the world, I don't know, I like him, and I know the team is better off with him, than with Biddle and Osuna.

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Guest Ncorgbl
Yes, I remember the quote from the Sun-Times because you constantly refer to it every single time Bartolo has anything less than a complete game shutout.  Maybe the Sun-Times was a little inaccurate with that story, ever think of that?  Just like they're always inaccurate when talking about Frank Thomas, according to some here.


It's getting a little tiresome hearing Colon called a "tub o goo" when he doesn't win.  I'll take the "tub o goo" any day of the week and feel real confident.

Quotes are quotes, and can be taken out of context, no doubt. This one isn't, and had a follow up by Manuel, which was also posted.


It's funny. If I post what I know from 1st hand knowledge, it's questioned. When I back it up with quotes, it' still questioned.


If the 'Tub O' Goo's' 10-11 record makes you 'confident', fine. It makes me, And the ones who really count, upset.

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Guest Ncorgbl
Well, as you have stated before, and I agree with you, their quotes usually are taken out of context, as well as being inaccurate. They have had some unflattering "quotes" about Frank the last several years, to which you take exception. Maybe Bartolo is an ass and the laziest person in the world, I don't know, I like him, and I know the team is better off with him, than with Biddle and Osuna.

Unflattering quotes about Thomas are quite different than Thomas' own quotes. Those things I've posted in the past are much like what happend the other day when Manuel chastised the media while in Texas for leaving out things he said to give it a different slant. I've posted the rest of what Thomas has said, stuff the media also 'left out'.


At this pont, looking at their records, I'd rather have Biddle.

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Unflattering quotes about Thomas are quite different than Thomas' own quotes. Those things I've posted in the past are much like what happend the other day when Manuel chastised the media while in Texas for leaving out things he said to give it a different slant. I've posted the rest of what Thomas has said, stuff the media also 'left out'.


At this pont, looking at their records, I'd rather have Biddle.

Biddle as a starter or reliever? He would have been alright in the bullpen, but Colon eats innings and keeps Wright and whoever else they would want to call up from getting innings, which is a positive for me. Remember before they traded for Colon, and before Estaban stepped up Garland was the #2 starter. Rocky couldn't be a starter. What are your thoughts on Koch?

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Guest Ncorgbl

I suggested Rocky be a closer long ago, RDW can verify that. His demeanor and his injuries were such that it would be a good fit. He always throws hard, and his arm would act up with that stress after 3 or 4 innings, though he won't tell anyone. Closing, he can do that and be done before the arm gets too overworked.


I think Garland is our #3 now, and Buehrle our #2.


I think Wright will be fine, and I do think Koch will be back to be effective, though not at last season's level.

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OK, here's my question, and apologies in advance if this has alreeady been addressed. If Colon doesn't have better numbers because he only puts forth max. effort when he feels like it, then I don't understand why he would have been so inclined to put forth the effort last season. He started with Cleveland, obviously rebuilding, then went to Montreal, who was in a pennant race. This season, he is in a pennant race, but now doesn't care?


I don't know the guy, nor do I have any inside info, but I think this year's Colon is as good as you can expect. I think many people have overrated him as an ace starter. He's very good at times, but he's not Unit, Schilling, Clemens, et al.


His career ERA: 4.25, This season ERA: 4.25. A little high, for sure, but nothing outside the realm of realistic stat swings from year to year. This season isn't done yet, so he could very well be right at his career number at the end of the season


His strikeout totals: 1998: 158, 1999: 161, 200: 212, 2001: 201, 2002: 149, this season: on pace for about 170. Actually better than last year.


His record is worse, but that could be attributed to many, many things. All his other numbers are right on track based on his career averages. I can't say whether he gives a crap every time he's out there or not, but his actual performance is not any worse or better than should have been expected.

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