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This is f***ed up. I used to really respect Bliss....and to think I felt sorry for him






Bliss: And what we've got to create here is drugs.

Rouse: I understand. I don't ...

Bliss: Once we do that ...

Rouse: We're done?

Bliss: You know ...

Rouse: We're good?

Bliss: Reasonable doubt.

Rouse: I'm with you. I'm with you.

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I hate to say it, but college athletics are becoming just as f***ed up as pro.

Um, "becoming"? Hate to break it to you, but s*** like this has been going on for probably 20 years now, but it's starting to be uncovered because there's an awareness about it.


I like these people who think college sports are so much better than professional sports because "they play for the love of the game" and because it's "so much more pure". Those people need to open their eyes to what's going on around them, because the corrupt behavior at Baylor (a no-name school with no-name players) is just the tip of the iceburg.

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Baylor (a no-name school with no-name players)

Not totally no name though perhaps they should be. Like Northwestern trying to be competitive in the Big 10 in something other than fencing, Baylor is trying to be competitive in the Big 12 with teams like University of Texas (Hook'em Horns!), Texas A&M, (this hurts) Oklahoma and Texas Tech. These are revenue sports and generate big money for the University. Name a math student that generates a profit for the University.


Why would Baylor want to stay in the Big 12? Simple $$$$. Why would the Big 12 want to keep Baylor? Wins. Just like Ohio State looking at their season and seeing NW the Big 12 licks their chops when playing Baylor. My University, UT-Pan American, like many smaller Division 1 programs, makes a large portion of their budget by visiting larger programs and getting beat. It counts as a Division 1 victory for the larger, better program without as much of a risk of getting beat.


In most states the highest paid state employee is the football or basketball coach at State U. How screwed up is that?

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Not totally no name though perhaps they should be. Like Northwestern trying to be competitive in the Big 10 in something other than fencing, Baylor is trying to be competitive in the Big 12 with teams like University of Texas (Hook'em Horns!), Texas A&M, (this hurts) Oklahoma and Texas Tech. These are revenue sports and generate big money for the University. Name a math student that generates a profit for the University.


Why would Baylor want to stay in the Big 12? Simple $$$$. Why would the Big 12 want to keep Baylor? Wins. Just like Ohio State looking at their season and seeing NW the Big 12 licks their chops when playing Baylor. My University, UT-Pan American, like many smaller Division 1 programs, makes a large portion of their budget by visiting larger programs and getting beat. It counts as a Division 1 victory for the larger, better program without as much of a risk of getting beat. 


In most states the highest paid state employee is the football or basketball coach at State U. How screwed up is that?

Baylor wasn't even an original choice for the Big XII...Arkansas was. The only reason Baylor (and Tech) are in the league is supposedly because of politics...

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