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Baltimore/Yankee game


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If you didn't see the highlight, you HAVE to get to a TV and see this ending. The Orioles were down 5-4 in the 12th, and they hit a gapper with 2 outs and a guy on 1st. The guy, some 24 year old rookie, rounded 3rd, had the "go" sign, but for some reason stopped. He went to go back to 3rd, then slipped. He managed to get up, but the Yankees threw down to 3rd. The guy broke for home. The 3rd baseman gunned it to home, so the runner started back to 3rd. The catcher threw it to 3rd, and the runner broke for home again only this time, NOBODY........NOBODY was covering home plate. The guy had a 20 feet head start on the Yankee player with the ball, and the race was on...until the guy FELL DOWN. The tag was applied, and the game was over.


My feeble description does not do it justice, as it's probably the funniest thing in sports that I've ever seen.

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It was definately the ghost of babe ruth that made Cust trip only 4 feet from homeplate. I couldnt believe it when I saw the clip on Sportscenter. The funniest part of the sequence was when Cust was tagged out after tripping, and everyone in the Orioles dugout are holding their heads in disbelief.

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