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Frank Thomas

Dick Allen

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So then buy out his contract at the end of the season and be done with him.  But as far as the rest of 2003 goes, the Sox are still in it (the way they're playing would indicate otherwise, though), and if Frank's bat gets hot, that would make a HUGE difference.  Put the guy over at 1B for 4-5 games starting tonight and see what happens.  If he's still going 1-4 with 2 k's every game, bench him in favor of Daubach or somebody else.


And I don't disagree with you -- Frank has gotten paid 10's of millions to hit a baseball, and he should be able to do it regardless of where he's at between innings, whether it be in the dugout or on the field.  But, that's ideally how it would be.  The FACT of the matter is that due to something (being a baby, having no heart, having no brain, etc, etc), that is not how it is with Frank.  The numbers do NOT lie.

Frank Thomas is an AWESOME hitter when he wants to be. The problem is he is selfish, he whines, he doesnt put the team first and he is getting older. Im all for letting this guy go and believe me, a few years ago i was a HUGE Frank fan...........

That's BS Bmr. This is reality:


1B .352 BA 91 AB 8HR 22 RBI 22BB 22K 1.212 OPS

DH .234 BA 316 AB 20HR 44RBI 53BB 65K .833 OPS


Home .280 BA 200 AB 20HR 41 RBI 36BB 40K 1.043 OPS

Away .239 BA 209 AB 8HR 25 RBI 39BB 48K .792 OPS


The bottom line is this: Until the SOX have a player that puts up 1000 OPS consistently month after month, Thomas should be playing 1B.


If we we're talking about Koney you'd kiss his arse. if we were talking about Maggs you'd kiss his arse. If we we're talking about any other player you's kiss his arse in order to get the most out of him.


Frank is not the kind of player that can just sit on the bench betw AB's. That's what this comes down to. He needs to be moving about. His numbers show that demonstrably.


It would be interesting if someone could find his career #'s at 1B & DH to see if this has always been the case. If it is, then it's hard to blame this on Franks ill-timed comments to reporters.

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"Mentally weak" or not, the man hits better when he's playing 1st.  This is not debatable.  As a manager, it's Jerry's job to give his guys the best opportunity to succeed, and if that means Frank playing the field, he's going to have to accommodate that.

I think Frank struggles because of the mental aspect. Everything with this guy is mental, imo.


As far as playing him first, play him 2 games a week at first. That should be enough to keep him in a groove and keep him from overthinking too much. The rest of the time let PK play first and maybe let Daubach play DH one of the days PK isn't playing first.


Either way it should keep Frank and Paulie fresh.

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So then buy out his contract at the end of the season and be done with him.  But as far as the rest of 2003 goes, the Sox are still in it (the way they're playing would indicate otherwise, though), and if Frank's bat gets hot, that would make a HUGE difference.  Put the guy over at 1B for 4-5 games starting tonight and see what happens.  If he's still going 1-4 with 2 k's every game, bench him in favor of Daubach or somebody else.


And I don't disagree with you -- Frank has gotten paid 10's of millions to hit a baseball, and he should be able to do it regardless of where he's at between innings, whether it be in the dugout or on the field.  But, that's ideally how it would be.  The FACT of the matter is that due to something (being a baby, having no heart, having no brain, etc, etc), that is not how it is with Frank.  The numbers do NOT lie.

Frank Thomas is an AWESOME hitter when he wants to be. The problem is he is selfish, he whines, he doesnt put the team first and he is getting older. Im all for letting this guy go and believe me, a few years ago i was a HUGE Frank fan...........

That's BS Bmr. This is reality:


1B .352 BA 91 AB 8HR 22 RBI 22BB 22K 1.212 OPS

DH .234 BA 316 AB 20HR 44RBI 53BB 65K .833 OPS


Home .280 BA 200 AB 20HR 41 RBI 36BB 40K 1.043 OPS

Away .239 BA 209 AB 8HR 25 RBI 39BB 48K .792 OPS


The bottom line is this: Until the SOX have a player that puts up 1000 OPS consistently month after month, Thomas should be playing 1B.


If we we're talking about Koney you'd kiss his arse. if we were talking about Maggs you'd kiss his arse. If we we're talking about any other player you's kiss his arse in order to get the most out of him.


Frank is not the kind of player that can just sit on the bench betw AB's. That's what this comes down to. He needs to be moving about. His numbers show that demonstrably.


It would be interesting if someone could find his career #'s at 1B & DH to see if this has always been the case. If it is, then it's hard to blame this on Franks ill-timed comments to reporters.

Hmmm youre basing this on 91 at bats? I dont think that says much for your "opinion", but hey thats just mine. :bang

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So then buy out his contract at the end of the season and be done with him.  But as far as the rest of 2003 goes, the Sox are still in it (the way they're playing would indicate otherwise, though), and if Frank's bat gets hot, that would make a HUGE difference.  Put the guy over at 1B for 4-5 games starting tonight and see what happens.  If he's still going 1-4 with 2 k's every game, bench him in favor of Daubach or somebody else.


And I don't disagree with you -- Frank has gotten paid 10's of millions to hit a baseball, and he should be able to do it regardless of where he's at between innings, whether it be in the dugout or on the field.  But, that's ideally how it would be.  The FACT of the matter is that due to something (being a baby, having no heart, having no brain, etc, etc), that is not how it is with Frank.  The numbers do NOT lie.

Frank Thomas is an AWESOME hitter when he wants to be. The problem is he is selfish, he whines, he doesnt put the team first and he is getting older. Im all for letting this guy go and believe me, a few years ago i was a HUGE Frank fan...........

I'm with you on this. Frank is one of the first guys I watched as a Sox fan and I would always argue with my friends how he was better then Griffey back in the days (Griffey was really better, but I'd never tell them that).


The time for Frank to be a Sox is over, imo and I hope the two sides can respectuflly say thanks. When Frank retires, then he'll enter the hall a White Sox, but he is no longer the player he once was.


I believe thats because mentally he's all F'ed up, but either way, he's not deserving of the money he gets. The problem is, its gonna be hard to get rid of him cause as long as he wants to play on the Sox, will be basically as long as he's here.


Its too bad KW didn't have his way.

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Frank's career #'s:

1B: 968 G, 3470 ab, 690 R, 1168 h, 238 2b, 7 3b, 247 hr, 811 rbi, 757 bb, 502 k, 20 sb, 16 cs, .337 avg, .453 obp, .623 slg, 1.075 ops


dh: 829 G, 2986 ab, 502 R, 837 h, 182 2b, 4 3b, 156 hr, 536 rbi, 604 w, 541 k, 12 sb, 5 cs, .280 avg, .402 obp, .501 slg, 903 ops


Now when you compare his 2K3 1B #'s to his career, the writing's on the wall. Play the BIATCH at 1B a LOT more often!

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Frank's career #'s:

1B:  968 G, 3470 ab, 690 R, 1168 h, 238 2b, 7 3b, 247 hr, 811 rbi, 757 bb, 502 k, 20 sb, 16 cs, .337 avg, .453 obp, .623 slg, 1.075 ops


dh: 829 G, 2986 ab, 502 R, 837 h, 182 2b, 4 3b, 156 hr, 536 rbi, 604 w, 541 k, 12 sb, 5 cs, .280 avg, .402 obp, .501 slg, 903 ops


Now when you compare his 2K3 1B #'s to his career, the writing's on the wall.  Play the  BIATCH at 1B a LOT more often!

Correct me if Im wrong, but those first base numbers go way back to the days of his prime.

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Frank's career #'s:

1B:  968 G, 3470 ab, 690 R, 1168 h, 238 2b, 7 3b, 247 hr, 811 rbi, 757 bb, 502 k, 20 sb, 16 cs, .337 avg, .453 obp, .623 slg, 1.075 ops


dh: 829 G, 2986 ab, 502 R, 837 h, 182 2b, 4 3b, 156 hr, 536 rbi, 604 w, 541 k, 12 sb, 5 cs, .280 avg, .402 obp, .501 slg, 903 ops


Now when you compare his 2K3 1B #'s to his career, the writing's on the wall.  Play the  BIATCH at 1B a LOT more often!

Correct me if Im wrong, but those first base numbers go way back to the days of his prime.

They do, but the numbers still hold true today. Maybe we ought to start a Put Frank at First chant at the game tonight.

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Frank's career #'s:

1B:  968 G, 3470 ab, 690 R, 1168 h, 238 2b, 7 3b, 247 hr, 811 rbi, 757 bb, 502 k, 20 sb, 16 cs, .337 avg, .453 obp, .623 slg, 1.075 ops


dh: 829 G, 2986 ab, 502 R, 837 h, 182 2b, 4 3b, 156 hr, 536 rbi, 604 w, 541 k, 12 sb, 5 cs, .280 avg, .402 obp, .501 slg, 903 ops


Now when you compare his 2K3 1B #'s to his career, the writing's on the wall.  Play the  BIATCH at 1B a LOT more often!

If this numbers are in the prime of his career, why today's numbers are similar???


He hits much better when he is in 1B. JM doesnt think this way and that's why he puts Frank in DH. And that's why he is a s*** manager because he wants to show to his players that he has no excuse to not be playing in 1B.

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I'm with Bmr and Killa on this one. Frank should just shut up and hit the damn ball. It's all a matter of focus and training your mind to function a certain way. There is no way that, as long as he has been a DH, not to have figured this out by now.

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