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Another shooting


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QUOTE (Y2HH @ Aug 5, 2012 -> 07:52 PM)
Would you rather hear about more gun laws that would have prevented this law breaking criminal from doing this, then?



QUOTE (Y2HH @ Aug 5, 2012 -> 07:55 PM)
I was actually saying that in jest, it wasn't meant to be taken literally or seriously. Whenever a persons response to a situation like this either of the following: 1) "We need more gun laws criminals won't follow.", or 2) "Conceal and carry could have saved all of those people!", those saying those things are to be ignored because they've added nothing to the conversation.


Well, I believe there should be more gun laws, but then people will still get guns. People always get illegal s***.


That being said, it'd be a nice deterrent.


QUOTE (Jake @ Aug 5, 2012 -> 09:21 PM)
A sikh activist twitter page is reporting that folks in the area saw a 9/11-related tattoo on the shooter, who was a white middle-aged male. Muslims in the area believe that Sikhs were not the intended target.



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QUOTE (greg775 @ Aug 5, 2012 -> 10:35 PM)
I would think the media coverage of this incident will not be as great as the Colorado massacre. These things usually happen with a great amount of time between the first incident and second. These came so close together.... Because of that fact, this should get even more coverage, but the shock value isn't here because of the recent Colorado tragedy.

Do all you TV folks agree with this?

I think if we have one more incident like this in the next couple weeks, Obama is going to have to have an all-out assault on this type of crime. Our country is in serious jeopardy, folks. These incidents are starting to occur with great frequency, signaling a huge problem with society and values of people today.

There's not going to be an "All out assault" on this type of crime any time during this type of election season.

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QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ Aug 6, 2012 -> 11:21 AM)
Southern Poverty Law Center: Shooter was lead singer of a White Supremacist rock band and had ties to Neo-Nazi organizations.

Reuters: Shooter was dishonorably discharged in 1998 for being drunk on duty and other misconduct.


Y2HH: Shooter was an assbag with a history of repeated assbaggery. Shooter should die a slow painful death.

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According to a number of sources, the shooter has an army background, first working on some variety of missiles, then being moved into "psy-ops" psychological operations warfare, which is at least an interesting note. He had some behavior issues but received an honorable discharge in the late 90's.

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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Aug 6, 2012 -> 12:51 PM)
Cops already killed him, I believe. Not before said assbag shot two of them, one of whom is in critical condition.


Sorry, I put should die...should have put should've died. I knew he was shot, I don't know why I forgot.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Aug 6, 2012 -> 12:32 PM)
There's not going to be an "All out assault" on this type of crime any time during this type of election season.


Yes, but if we have another one of these soon, it's like a national crisis will be upon us.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Aug 6, 2012 -> 01:53 PM)
Yes, but if we have another one of these soon, it's like a national crisis will be upon us.


There is nothing the govt can do, there are costs when you live in a free society, this is one of them.


Its already illegal to kill people, you cant make it more illegal.

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QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Aug 6, 2012 -> 02:03 PM)
There is nothing the govt can do, there are costs when you live in a free society, this is one of them.


Its already illegal to kill people, you cant make it more illegal.

Sure you can! Make it a hate crime!

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QUOTE (Reddy @ Aug 6, 2012 -> 05:36 PM)
yep, go ahead and trivialize hate crimes. hope you feel good about yourself! :)

Yes, because the thought of it is stupid. Additional punishment because of how you 'thought' about somneone. They are still just as dead, just as injured, just as aggrieved. But the great thought ppolice just wanna add that little bit extra in there to make some people feel better. You know what, he is allowed to hate people. You can't control his thoughts how ever much you and I may hate them. Punish his actions.

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QUOTE (GoodAsGould @ Aug 6, 2012 -> 06:11 PM)
Wow, this is the first time I've heard someone argue against having hate crimes.... well first time hearing it from someone who wasn't part of a hate group.

Every time something bad happens to a gay guy, or a Muslum, or whoever, it isn't always because they are gay, or Muslim. Sometimes they are just assholes, or sometimes just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Seriously, what does the addition of hate crimes add to anything?

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Aug 6, 2012 -> 06:41 PM)
Every time something bad happens to a gay guy, or a Muslum, or whoever, it isn't always because they are gay, or Muslim. Sometimes they are just assholes, or sometimes just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Seriously, what does the addition of hate crimes add to anything?


Maybe because a white supremacist shot up a Sikh temple during there services? I severely doubt everyone in that temple was an asshole.


I can't believe you're arguing against having hate crimes. That's astounding.

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QUOTE (Quinarvy @ Aug 6, 2012 -> 06:56 PM)
Maybe because a white supremacist shot up a Sikh temple during there services? I severely doubt everyone in that temple was an asshole.


I can't believe you're arguing against having hate crimes. That's astounding.


And watch this morph into another 35-page garbage fest. Filibuster for the win.

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