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LOL at reaction to Michelle's speech


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QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Sep 5, 2012 -> 09:29 AM)
Just assume everyone is lying to you from both sides and place your pointless vote in November.


yep, im voting for romney only because when a republican is in office that means bigger raises and more action/jobs for us military folk.. jobs are good, obamas been downsizing the s*** out of us and now you have hundreds of thousands of unemployed vets competing with other unemployed vets for jobs (I'm one of them).

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QUOTE (pittshoganerkoff @ Sep 5, 2012 -> 10:04 AM)
This about sums it up.


And why does everyone care so much what the candidates' wives are saying? Is Michelle Obama going to go up there and say, "It's been a rough four years. I love Barrack, but who knows if he should be President again."?


I for one cannot wait until the election is over. I'll cast my pointless vote for Obama, and I hope he wins. But I'm getting to the point to where I'm starting to dislike a lot of the people I'm "friends" with on Facebook because all they post is political bulls***. They find a picture on of the candidates with a grumpy look on his face and then post something about how bad the economy is or how X number of companies have gone bankrupt.


Here's the thing: The President can only do so much. There's the Senate and the House that have a ton of power. All of these people out there that think that electing Romney is going to change the economy around immediately and make things better for them personally are crazy. Every candidate makes a metric s***-ton of promises, and very few are kept. Why? Because it's not that simple to bring the troops home, lower the debt, increase education spending, deal with immigration, etc. The President can't just bark orders and have a bunch of people running around saying "Yes, Sir."


I could go on and on, but I'm just tired of this crap. This thread is another example of the crap we have to deal with. Who cares what Michelle Obama said. It was a great speech to those who like Obama, and it was a terrible speech to those who don't.



I'm not making excuses for President Obama but it's pretty tough to work with the oppo when one of their leaders, Mitch McConnell goes around openly admitting that their number 1 political goal is to make Obama a one term president. This do nothing congress should be ashamed of themselves that they make it a priority to stymie the President on every single issue over the good of the nation.


If Romney wins (I doubt it), hopefully the Dems act like adults and work with the WH to get the country going again, either that or they act like the GOP and also try to make Romney a one termer and the nation will suffer from it like it has with this idiot congress.


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QUOTE (flippedoutpunk @ Sep 5, 2012 -> 11:23 AM)
yep, im voting for romney only because when a republican is in office that means bigger raises and more action/jobs for us military folk.. jobs are good, obamas been downsizing the s*** out of us and now you have hundreds of thousands of unemployed vets competing with other unemployed vets for jobs (I'm one of them).

that's ridiculous. voting for romney because you want more wars.


i get that you're a soldier, and i appreciate your service, but damn son, you want to compete for jobs go back to school or build a business or DO something to create your own opportunities! screwing over vets isn't a GOP or DEM thing, both sides do it and it's a travesty. You have to look out for yourself.

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QUOTE (Reddy @ Sep 5, 2012 -> 12:19 PM)
that's ridiculous. voting for romney because you want more wars.


i get that you're a soldier, and i appreciate your service, but damn son, you want to compete for jobs go back to school or build a business or DO something to create your own opportunities! screwing over vets isn't a GOP or DEM thing, both sides do it and it's a travesty. You have to look out for yourself.


I am back in school, double majoring in elementary ed and computer science while getting screwed by congress as they nickle and dime the post 9-11 GI Bill to the point where veterans end up with no money to pay rent, groceries, or hell even buy books for their classes! Build a business i couldnt get a loan unless i robbed a bank. I dont necessarily want more wars but at least bring the numbers back up so that those that planned to retire working for uncle sam while doing their 20 years could still do so.

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QUOTE (flippedoutpunk @ Sep 5, 2012 -> 12:26 PM)
I am back in school, double majoring in elementary ed and computer science while getting screwed by congress as they nickle and dime the post 9-11 GI Bill to the point where veterans end up with no money to pay rent, groceries, or hell even buy books for their classes! Build a business i couldnt get a loan unless i robbed a bank. I dont necessarily want more wars but at least bring the numbers back up so that those that planned to retire working for uncle sam while doing their 20 years could still do so.


At least you get that superior VA care, amiright?

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Sep 5, 2012 -> 12:30 PM)
At least you get that superior VA care, amiright?


Lolz.. And i look as the GOP as the ones that take care of the military because during the bush era we received fair pay raises each year (about $100 more per month), and once Obama was elected we've received the second smallest pay raise ever put in place since 1962. Oh and also i was forced out of active duty due to "downsizing" because the job I have is apparently overstrength all of a sudden, now when i volunteer to come back in doing any job thats available in the active duty army I get told that they are not hiring. #Change

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QUOTE (flippedoutpunk @ Sep 5, 2012 -> 11:26 AM)
I am back in school, double majoring in elementary ed and computer science while getting screwed by congress as they nickle and dime the post 9-11 GI Bill to the point where veterans end up with no money to pay rent, groceries, or hell even buy books for their classes! Build a business i couldnt get a loan unless i robbed a bank. I dont necessarily want more wars but at least bring the numbers back up so that those that planned to retire working for uncle sam while doing their 20 years could still do so.

dude i'm completely with you. COMPLETELY. but voting for Romney because you think he'll do any more for you than Obama just isn't realistic.


I'm building a business right now - i spend 5-10 hours a week doing it, and i'm already profitable after 4 months. by the end of the year i plan to be making an extra grand/month on top of my full time job, and by a year in the business i plan to quit my full time job. It's doable, you just need ambition and ingenuity. What you don't need is money. :)

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QUOTE (Reddy @ Sep 5, 2012 -> 12:57 PM)
dude i'm completely with you. COMPLETELY. but voting for Romney because you think he'll do any more for you than Obama just isn't realistic.


I'm building a business right now - i spend 5-10 hours a week doing it, and i'm already profitable after 4 months. by the end of the year i plan to be making an extra grand/month on top of my full time job, and by a year in the business i plan to quit my full time job. It's doable, you just need ambition and ingenuity. What you don't need is money. :)


Congrats, but come on now, it sounds like Flipped is doing what he can. And your post makes you sound like a Republican. Why should we give benefits to anyone, why cant they just go out and make their own money? I made my own money, why should they get govt support?



QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ Sep 5, 2012 -> 01:05 PM)
Have your wife speak about it, that's the way to the voters' hearts.


Id want stand up comedy. Convention speeches are so boring and If I have to actually pretend to listen, I want something that is worthwhile.


"Soxbadger has been a rock in my life ever since we met. He tied a rope around my leg and hes been dragging me down ever since."


"A lot of people say that you shouldnt out kick your coverage, Id say they are idiots, where would my husband be with out me."


Now that is a convention I can watch. I guess I want more of a roast. And Im not married so these are being written for my hypothetical wife who will have the pleasure of dealing with my nonsense every day. What a sweet lady she will be.





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QUOTE (Reddy @ Sep 5, 2012 -> 12:57 PM)
dude i'm completely with you. COMPLETELY. but voting for Romney because you think he'll do any more for you than Obama just isn't realistic.


I'm building a business right now - i spend 5-10 hours a week doing it, and i'm already profitable after 4 months. by the end of the year i plan to be making an extra grand/month on top of my full time job, and by a year in the business i plan to quit my full time job. It's doable, you just need ambition and ingenuity. What you don't need is money. :)


trust me id love to be able to open up a business, s*** my neighborhood desperately needs a Red Mango since the closest one is all the way in skokie and that thing is a cash cow. When the post 9-11 gi bill first came out it had its bugs but for the most part it was fair because you were paid properly, in other words you did not have to necessarily work and go to school at the same time (I dont have a problem working and schooling at the same time but since you HAVE to be a full time student in order to get paid...). Congress recently changed a part of the bill that now makes our benefits pro-rated based on when the semester starts.

My semester started August 27th therefore i only received a weeks worth of living allowance for the entire month of september, which is $400. I paid my electric bill and car note and I have $20 left until October 1st (Didnt pay rent, my landlord is more lenient than 5th 3rd bank is). Now multiply my remarks for every veteran using the post 9-11 gi bill, especially the ones that are going to school in podunk towns, University of Alabama for example.. The living allowance is based off of the average rent rate in the area, im blessed to be in a Chicago area zip code but tons of other vets are going to schools outside of major cities where the rent rate is much lower therefore they are surviving on peanuts literally.

This is the reason why me and hundreds of thousands of other vets just want back in the military, while we were in, it was the only job that was recession-proof, everyone is on the same fair pay scale, you couldnt get fired (unless you did something extremely stupid), and the benefits cant be beat. Were all back in the real world because of promises from the VA that we would be taken care of because they want us to go focus on school and not worry about a part time job. Now many of us are living on borderline poverty, better make sure i dont spend my last 20 in one place.

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QUOTE (Jake @ Sep 5, 2012 -> 09:41 AM)
I haven't seen it, but my assessment of the vaunted Julian Castro speech is that it didn't live up to the praise it received immediately afterwards. I like his story and I like the philosophical main point, but I was no big fan of the delivery. I was rather upset I spent the time to go watch it after the fact...which makes me unsure whether I'll check out Michelle's speech.

I thought it was awesome and the delivery was great. I didnt like his tone all together but he definitely looks like an up and comer and actually made a few nice points instead of just Believe in America.

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QUOTE (mr_genius @ Sep 5, 2012 -> 03:11 PM)
Michele Obama's speech was unbelievably bad. Admit it

It was not worth slobbering over that is for sure and Wolf and Company act like she is some stranger who was introduced to America. We know all about Barack and the blah job he did the last four years. Ridiculous


QUOTE (MexSoxFan#1 @ Sep 5, 2012 -> 03:44 PM)
U mad? :lolhitting

No. Obama's a Sox fan. I like him. I just laugh that the Democrats in the media got to have their little party last night. Wait til Barack's speech. They are going to proclaim its the best speech of all time. "Barack Obama made a convincing claim that he just needs four more years to complete his mission. He stressed over and over to trust him that he needs more time. It's obvious he's won the trust of America after that speech and the election is a mere formality. No president in modern time has made a more convincing point. Trust me and I will complete the deal. America flat out believes in Barack Obama. After that speech, frankly how can anybody not believe in him?"


QUOTE (flippedoutpunk @ Sep 5, 2012 -> 05:23 PM)
yep, im voting for romney only because when a republican is in office that means bigger raises and more action/jobs for us military folk.. jobs are good, obamas been downsizing the s*** out of us and now you have hundreds of thousands of unemployed vets competing with other unemployed vets for jobs (I'm one of them).

I feel for you. You deserve a job; you deserve a raise.


QUOTE (flippedoutpunk @ Sep 5, 2012 -> 06:26 PM)
I am back in school, double majoring in elementary ed and computer science while getting screwed by congress as they nickle and dime the post 9-11 GI Bill to the point where veterans end up with no money to pay rent, groceries, or hell even buy books for their classes! Build a business i couldnt get a loan unless i robbed a bank. I dont necessarily want more wars but at least bring the numbers back up so that those that planned to retire working for uncle sam while doing their 20 years could still do so.

Nice post. You owned him with that one.


p.s. The easiest prediction in America is ALL media PUNDITS will be proclaiming Barack's speech one of the best of all time. It doesn't matter what he says; they are Democrats; they are about to give the biggest slobber since his last convention speech. Only this one???? It will be magical; it will unify America; it will bring tears to everybody's eyes. The best speech in history is coming up Thursday folks.

Edited by greg775
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QUOTE (flippedoutpunk @ Sep 5, 2012 -> 01:21 PM)
trust me id love to be able to open up a business, s*** my neighborhood desperately needs a Red Mango since the closest one is all the way in skokie and that thing is a cash cow. When the post 9-11 gi bill first came out it had its bugs but for the most part it was fair because you were paid properly, in other words you did not have to necessarily work and go to school at the same time (I dont have a problem working and schooling at the same time but since you HAVE to be a full time student in order to get paid...). Congress recently changed a part of the bill that now makes our benefits pro-rated based on when the semester starts.

My semester started August 27th therefore i only received a weeks worth of living allowance for the entire month of september, which is $400. I paid my electric bill and car note and I have $20 left until October 1st (Didnt pay rent, my landlord is more lenient than 5th 3rd bank is). Now multiply my remarks for every veteran using the post 9-11 gi bill, especially the ones that are going to school in podunk towns, University of Alabama for example.. The living allowance is based off of the average rent rate in the area, im blessed to be in a Chicago area zip code but tons of other vets are going to schools outside of major cities where the rent rate is much lower therefore they are surviving on peanuts literally.

This is the reason why me and hundreds of thousands of other vets just want back in the military, while we were in, it was the only job that was recession-proof, everyone is on the same fair pay scale, you couldnt get fired (unless you did something extremely stupid), and the benefits cant be beat. Were all back in the real world because of promises from the VA that we would be taken care of because they want us to go focus on school and not worry about a part time job. Now many of us are living on borderline poverty, better make sure i dont spend my last 20 in one place.


that is beyond f***ed up man. sorry you have to be put through that s***.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Sep 5, 2012 -> 01:57 PM)
p.s. The easiest prediction in America is ALL media PUNDITS will be proclaiming Barack's speech one of the best of all time. It doesn't matter what he says; they are Democrats; they are about to give the biggest slobber since his last convention speech. Only this one???? It will be magical; it will unify America; it will bring tears to everybody's eyes. The best speech in history is coming up Thursday folks.


Eh hell be lucky if he gets a 5/10 from me (although to be fair I doubt I will watch.) I dont really like Obama's public speaking style, its too vanilla and rehearsed.


But then again in the age of the teleprompter you have to kill it for me to really respect the speech. A great speech should come from within, you can prepare, but in the moment you have to feel the environment and make them believe. You just can not effectively do that if you have pre-written the entire speech. There just is no way to feel the response and build on it.



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QUOTE (Reddy @ Sep 5, 2012 -> 08:06 PM)
that is beyond f***ed up man. sorry you have to be put through that s***.

Your story is very sad. I wish you the best.


QUOTE (Reddy @ Sep 5, 2012 -> 08:07 PM)
owned me? i'm on his side.

Ooops. My bad. Apologies.

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QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Sep 5, 2012 -> 08:08 PM)
Eh hell be lucky if he gets a 5/10 from me (although to be fair I doubt I will watch.) I dont really like Obama's public speaking style, its too vanilla and rehearsed.


But then again in the age of the teleprompter you have to kill it for me to really respect the speech. A great speech should come from within, you can prepare, but in the moment you have to feel the environment and make them believe. You just can not effectively do that if you have pre-written the entire speech. There just is no way to feel the response and build on it.


Please watch it Badger. I want to see your review because it's going to be the only one that doesn't proclaim it the best speech since Kennedy. Oh there will be comparisons to the greatest speeches of all time. This one will be right up there. The word "trust" will be in it a lot. I would think he'd have a catch phrase like "let me complete the deal!" but that might have some sexual innuendo so he probably can't go there. He'll come up with some good catch phrases. It can't be "change" however. We know that.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Sep 5, 2012 -> 02:19 PM)
Please watch it Badger. I want to see your review because it's going to be the only one that doesn't proclaim it the best speech since Kennedy. Oh there will be comparisons to the greatest speeches of all time. This one will be right up there. The word "trust" will be in it a lot. I would think he'd have a catch phrase like "let me complete the deal!" but that might have some sexual innuendo so he probably can't go there. He'll come up with some good catch phrases. It can't be "change" however. We know that.


I may depends on if I go to a bar to watch football and if that bar has the speech or not.


Its just not that exciting for me. The speech is going to be canned and dull.


If I had to write it, Id say that there are a few themes Id touch on.


1) Bad things happen, the test is those who can keep their heads while bad things happen. Anyone can do something while things are going good, but it takes someone truly remarkable to lead during times of trouble.


2) Now is not a time for a course correction. Cliche, ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Unfortunately the predecessor did not believe this and now America is stuck with a much larger problem.


3) Social issues. Immigration


The New Colossus


Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,

With conquering limbs astride from land to land;

Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand

A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame

Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name

Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand

Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command

The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.

"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she

With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"


I just wanted to put that in there because that is an example of killing it.


4) Social issues. Gay rights Freedom freedom and more freedom. We sit on a historical precipice, will we be viewed as those who fell to bigotry, or will we leave an enduring legacy of equality. (Enduring legacy of equality is a pretty catchy phrase.)


5) Attack Romney. I like to leave this close to the end. If its me, I attack Romney in a circuitous route, going after his indecisiveness. America does not need a President who cant stay on course, he who hesitates is lost.


6) Make love to the audience. This is where I break out things like "You are the greatest generation" and "Now it is time for America to stand together as one and show the world our might", or quoting a great Republican "A house divided agaisnt itself can not stand, now is the time to unite, THUNDER CATS HOOOOO"


End with thumbs up to unknown people in crowd, point and smile, walk around like you owned it, theme music plays, curtains.


And that is that.

Edited by Soxbadger
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QUOTE (greg775 @ Sep 5, 2012 -> 02:19 PM)
Please watch it Badger. I want to see your review because it's going to be the only one that doesn't proclaim it the best speech since Kennedy. Oh there will be comparisons to the greatest speeches of all time. This one will be right up there. The word "trust" will be in it a lot. I would think he'd have a catch phrase like "let me complete the deal!" but that might have some sexual innuendo so he probably can't go there. He'll come up with some good catch phrases. It can't be "change" however. We know that.

It will only take a semi-competent speaker to look better than Romney did, you do understand that right? Obama's #1 quality is that he's a good speaker and people like him. It has nothing to do with media portrayal.

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