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GT: Sox vs. Tigers...The Final Countdown Continues


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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Sep 11, 2012 -> 09:38 PM)
Blast away all you want but we should have hired Dave Martinez or someone with some experience. RV may wind up being a pretty good manager down the road but what he's been pretty awful for a bulk of this season. It's not as magnified since our division is so awful.


Were in 1st place in the division and your talking about how we should have hired a different manager?




"What the hell is wrong with you people?"

Edited by Baron
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QUOTE (bigruss22 @ Sep 11, 2012 -> 09:40 PM)
I get the angst over this inning, but you can't score 2 runs and expect to win a lot of games.

I wasn't at all angry until I saw Liriano on the mound. You lose 3-2, fine...but no need to put a guy that is too much of a risk to start into the game in the 8th down a run.


That just defies all f***ing logic.

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If Don Cooper is running the pitching staff I can see why he and guillen may not get along. If liriano can not start you do not bring him out of the pen in a one run ball game


I gotta say this bullpen management is getting worse by the day.


All that being said getting fisted by fister, 14 in a row retired, is the reason thsi game is the way it is.

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QUOTE (kitekrazy @ Sep 12, 2012 -> 02:42 AM)
f*** you very much Jake Peavy. Please don't say another thing this season. Go back to the NL.


I'd be stunned if he's not on the Dodgers next year. To his credit, it's no shock he's tiring down the stretch. Just an insane workload for him this season, and there were definitely opportunities to limit his pitch count in earlier starts.

Edited by fathom
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QUOTE (kitekrazy @ Sep 11, 2012 -> 09:42 PM)
f*** you very much Jake Peavy. Please don't say another thing this season. Go back to the NL.

I'm not going to blame Jake for this. They have some pretty good hitters on their team.


But you don't need to just give it away with outrageously risky moves.

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QUOTE (Harry Chappas @ Sep 11, 2012 -> 08:42 PM)
If Don Cooper is running the pitching staff I can see why he and guillen may not get along. If liriano can not start you do not bring him out of the pen in a one run ball game


I gotta say this bullpen management is getting worse by the day.


All that being said getting fisted by fister, 14 in a row retired, is the reason thsi game is the way it is.


There are probably 5 pitching coaches as good as Cooper if not better.


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QUOTE (kitekrazy @ Sep 11, 2012 -> 09:42 PM)
f*** you very much Jake Peavy. Please don't say another thing this season. Go back to the NL.


He wasnt perfect, but he gave up 3 in 6 IP. Again, the offense fails to score. You cant expect to win games when you score two runs

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QUOTE (iamshack @ Sep 11, 2012 -> 09:42 PM)
I wasn't at all angry until I saw Liriano on the mound. You lose 3-2, fine...but no need to put a guy that is too much of a risk to start into the game in the 8th down a run.


That just defies all f***ing logic.

Like I said, I get being upset over Liriano being out there.


But you can't expect to win any game with just 2 runs.

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QUOTE (southsideirish71 @ Sep 11, 2012 -> 07:41 PM)
Based on this we should of never ditched the last one. He won a world series you know.


What f***ing town do we live in? We are Sox fans right? Not Mariners fans who don't give a rats ass about their team, who cheer when the team wins and shrugs when the team loses. We're a passionate fan base who expects nothing but the best from the players all the way up to management and the owners. I'm sick of the lollypop licking pansies who can't take any form of criticism when things aren't going well. Get some f***ing balls people or go follow the Padres, Cubs or some other losers.

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QUOTE (Noonskadoodle @ Sep 11, 2012 -> 09:43 PM)
No more than 3 runs and ill be fine :)



Valeverde is on their side


Will be at least 5 when this inning finally ends.


If Crain and Myers were available both should be ahead of Jones and Liriano should be nowhere near this game.


Bunting......f***ing novel, we will continue to play for the home run.

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QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Sep 11, 2012 -> 09:44 PM)
He wasnt perfect, but he gave up 3 in 6 IP. Again, the offense fails to score. You cant expect to win games when you score two runs

Exactly, the pitching has been shaky this game, but it doesn't matter when the offense has disappeared.

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