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Hey everyone, I'm new here so I guess this is my first ever post. Luv da site visit often and I'm a long time Sox fan from Australia. Just some random thoughts:

AWAY GAMES: Ok if the White Sox r going to make the playoffs they need to win some friggin away games. At Home they're gonna win 2/3rd's of there reamining games, no question bout that, but if they can win just half of their remaining away games, they should probably win the division.

COLON: The guy is a good pitcher but he is too inconsistent. Unless we get in the playoffs and he pitches great, I wouldn't offer him a long - term contract. Get the 2 draft picks instead for him. And he should throw nothing but fastballs cos he's a power pitcher.

LEE and MAGGS: If we keep 2 outfielders, it should be these two. Every game they usually get at least one hit, and they r our leading RBI men. If these 2 weren't there with Frank in the 1st half of the year, we would be bottom feeding with the Indians and Tigers, which ain't all that great.

OLIVO: Send him to AAA so he can learn to hit a stupid curveball once in a while. Bring up Burke.

MANUEL: If we don't make the playoffs, he should be canned. Plain and simple. The Royals don't have half the talent this team has and they r 2 games ahead of us. Why? 2 words. Tony Pena. At least the guy knows what he's doing, unlike Jerry.

GARLAND: Throw strikes early and u might actually be a good not average pitcher.

VALENTIN: This guy ain't gonna be back next year unless he picks it up dramatically. We should maybe consider bringing up Miles or Hummel in September to see if they could do the job next year.

Anyway, they're just my thoughts and I look forward to talking to the rest of u later on.


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Welcome aboard! :cheers


AWAY GAMES: Ok if the White Sox r going to make the playoffs they need to win some friggin away games. At Home they're gonna win 2/3rd's of there reamining games, no question bout that, but if they can win just half of their remaining away games, they should probably win the division.


That's usually the formula for any division winning team.


COLON: The guy is a good pitcher but he is too inconsistent. Unless we get in the playoffs and he pitches great, I wouldn't offer him a long - term contract. Get the 2 draft picks instead for him. And he should throw nothing but fastballs cos he's a power pitcher.


Agreed. I'd hate to lose him but he's not worth the gamble of a long term contract.


LEE and MAGGS: If we keep 2 outfielders, it should be these two. Every game they usually get at least one hit, and they r our leading RBI men. If these 2 weren't there with Frank in the 1st half of the year, we would be bottom feeding with the Indians and Tigers, which ain't all that great.


Agreed again.


OLIVO: Send him to AAA so he can learn to hit a stupid curveball once in a while. Bring up Burke.


I disagree here. Olivo is good enough that the team just has to bite the bullet and let him develope into a hitter by facing ML pitchers.


GARLAND: Throw strikes early and u might actually be a good not average pitcher.


That's EXACTLY what he needs to do.


VALENTIN: This guy ain't gonna be back next year unless he picks it up dramatically. We should maybe consider bringing up Miles or Hummel in September to see if they could do the job next year.



We can't afford to see what these guys can do ... we are in a division race, for now. But, I doubt JV is back next year.



Good first post!

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Guest hotsoxchick1
Bem vindo! :cheers

is it bem vindo or buien vinedo??? different dialect???? just wondering... either way welcome aboard.......im a bit rusty on my espanol.....sorry.....

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Welcome aboard...its great having another Sox fan here and its really cool that you found us down under  :headbang

Yeah there aren't many White Sox fans down here that I know of, lol, but when I finish School this year and Uni in about 3 or 4 years, I'm hoping to come to America and work over there, but da 1st thing i'll be doing is seeing a White Sox game for sure.


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Just curious.  How does one become a Sox fan in Australia?

I would think one would be a Cub fan from down under. If everything is reversed the bottomn becomes top and the top becomes bottom


ahh s*** that made no sense

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