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The Debates!


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QUOTE (mr_genius @ Oct 11, 2012 -> 06:57 PM)
Obama's crony moderating this debate has spent more time arguing with Paul Ryan than asking questions. i just don't see why the GOP agrees to this type of stuff.

By crony you mean Obama went to school with her ex husband which she divorced in 1997. I'm sure Obama is super tight with her. :bang

Edited by BigSqwert
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I don't think the presidential debates matter much to people that are independent right now so this was even more pointless haha. But, I don't see how Romney was applauded for his performance but Biden doesn't get the same for being pretty similar imo. Really, the thing that will have a bigger impact than any of the debates is Romney's 47% leak convo and I don't think anything barring a big f***up in the Obama administration is going to change the outcome of the election.

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If thats true than Republicans will win according to my theory. I have no clue, I would hope most Americans would not want govt intervention based on religious morals, but Ive been wrong before.




here are stats




As you can see it fluctuates, so who knows.

Yes, because being against killing innocent human beings is purely a religious thing. Atheists and agnostics are all about killing any random people they want.



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I didn't watch this debate, but based on reading the posts about it, it seems split as to who "won". The more biased of you obviously feel one or the other mopped the floor with their opponent, and the rest of you seem to think it was a tie.


So which is it? Did Biden crush Ryan, did Ryan crush Biden, was it a tie -- or was it more or less, dumb debaters debate in a debate and their "fans" eat it up, despite the fact it was mostly lies and bs?

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Biden had the better of it and called Ryan on his "malarky" and "stuff" the whole night, though he wasn't perfect by any means. Even the moderator pressed Ryan for refusing to give any specifics whatsoever on their tax plan, like Chris Wallace did a week or so ago.



Andrew Sullivan usually does good reaction summaries for stuff like this:




R.L.G at The Economist's live-blog felt that Biden won:


Joe Biden was easily the more memorable debater in every way; he was louder, more emotional, lucid, detailed, garrulous, grinning, teary-eyed and just Joe Biden. He sank some real barbs into Romney-Ryan. The Biden that Mr Obama hired in 2008 to excite lower-middle-class types from Scranton showed up and did his job.


Ryan was cool, impressively calm given is unpredictable opponent, and detailed, but seemed reactive much of the night. He could have put Obama-Biden on the spot for their deficit failures more effectively; as it was, more time was spent on how Mr Romney's numbers don't add up (a potential future deficit) than the actual deficit itself. Democrats can walk away with a spring in their step again, confident that the story line is no longer all about Mr Obama's awful showing last week. A modest net positive for the Democrats.

Edited by StrangeSox
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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Oct 12, 2012 -> 05:48 AM)
The real-time fact checking of Ryan's bulls*** was entertaining.


The media narrative will be a draw because only republicans are bold and assertive, democrats are rude and mean.


Biden came off as rude and rage prone. Most people do not respect those qualities in a leader. Romney was assertive. No yelling, no red faced rants, no banging his fist on the table. Big difference. The news media - FOX, was desperately trying to give Biden a win in the debate narrative.

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QUOTE (mr_genius @ Oct 12, 2012 -> 08:29 AM)
Biden came off as rude and rage prone. Most people do not respect those qualities in a leader. Romney was assertive. No yelling, no red faced rants, no banging his fist on the table. Big difference. The news media - FOX, was desperately trying to give Biden a win in the debate narrative.


The second-best part was the sweet, sweet tears of sadness from the Fox commentators afterwards. Hannity still couldn't let it go that Obama attended the moderator's wedding 21 years ago.

Edited by StrangeSox
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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Oct 12, 2012 -> 08:30 AM)
The best part was, by far, the moderator. Aside from two very weak questions to end it and questionable framing on another two, she asked good, specific questions of both of them and actually had control of the topics. Really highlights how terrible Lehrer was last week.


she was biased and considered herself a delegate of the Obama campaign. it was a bizarre and inappropriate performance on her part.

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Oct 12, 2012 -> 08:31 AM)
The second-best part was the sweet, sweet tears of sadness from the Fox commentators afterwards. Hannity still couldn't let it go that Obama attended the moderator's wedding 21 years ago.


Oh, well if that's not a big deal, we can get a long time friend of Romney to moderate the final debate



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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Oct 12, 2012 -> 08:31 AM)
The second-best part was the sweet, sweet tears of sadness from the Fox commentators afterwards. Hannity still couldn't let it go that Obama attended the moderator's wedding 21 years ago.


Why does anyone care what Hannity says?

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Greg Sargent's take:


@conncarroll @matthewjdowd CNN found virtual tie among all voters. CBS found sizable Biden win among undecideds: cbsnews.com/8301-250_162-5…

12 Oct 12 ReplyRetweetFavorite


Greg Sargent@ThePlumLineGS

Difference between lefty response to 1st debate and righty response to last night is remarkable and instructive #HackGap

12 Oct 12 ReplyRetweetFavorite


Greg Sargent@ThePlumLineGS

RT @matthewjdowd Republicans hated Biden. Democrats loved him. Undecided voters sided with Biden by large margin. Good night for Obama.

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In response to Biden criticizing Romney's "Let Detriot Go Bankrupt" article, Ryan responded:


RYAN: Mitt Romney’s a car guy. They keep misquoting him, but let me tell you about the Mitt Romney I know. This is a guy who I was talking to a family in Northborough, Massachusetts the other day, Sheryl and Mark Nixon. Their kids were hit in a car crash, four of them. Two of them, Rob and Reed, were paralyzed. [anecdote about noblesse oblige and paying for their college education]


That's a pretty incredible non-sequitor.

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