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Time to revisit the 2nd Amendment?


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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Dec 21, 2012 -> 02:29 PM)
Sub-Zero could have defended himself if he was armed!


dude i would usually win using sub zero. a gun would have just made him like tecmo Bo. too powerful.




Edited by mr_genius
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An armed maniac with machine guns has the element of surprise. The gunman will now know that each school has one guard and likely do enough intel to find out who it is so they can find and kill that guard first.

When's the last time a machine gun was used in a mass shooting? has that ever happened?


you dont know what a machine gun is. You dont even have to know what you're talking about, just BAN BAN BAN.

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QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Dec 21, 2012 -> 02:47 PM)
When's the last time a machine gun was used in a mass shooting? has that ever happened?


you dont know what a machine gun is. You dont even have to know what you're talking about, just BAN BAN BAN.

You're right. My point is completely voided since I used the incorrect gun terminology.



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QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Dec 21, 2012 -> 10:47 PM)
When's the last time a machine gun was used in a mass shooting? has that ever happened?


you dont know what a machine gun is. You dont even have to know what you're talking about, just BAN BAN BAN.



Statement invalidated due to incorrect punctuation.

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You know what, I'm finally starting to realize that has never been about preventing tragedies. You want guns gone because all you useless, lazy liberals have been on a 40 year mission to eliminate property rights in this country. Unfortunately so many people are armed that you cannot do that. So you work everyone into a frenzy over the dangers of made-up things like assault weapons hoping you can convince the government (who is all too willing to assume control over all private property) and disable our defense against your attempts at theft. Then you'll be free to loot and pillage all you want, build you little collective hellscape.


Some of you probably dont want to admit that this your goal, others probably are just along for the ride and would be horrified if what you're clamoring for actually came to fruition. You cede our rights to defend ourselves and we'll be slaves to the federal government.

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QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Dec 21, 2012 -> 04:57 PM)
You know what, I'm finally starting to realize that has never been about preventing tragedies. You want guns gone because all you useless, lazy liberals have been on a 40 year mission to eliminate property rights in this country. Unfortunately so many people are armed that you cannot do that. So you work everyone into a frenzy over the dangers of made-up things like assault weapons hoping you can convince the government (who is all too willing to assume control over all private property) and disable our defense against your attempts at theft. Then you'll be free to loot and pillage all you want, build you little collective hellscape.


Some of you probably dont want to admit that this your goal, others probably are just along for the ride and would be horrified if what you're clamoring for actually came to fruition. You cede our rights to defend ourselves and we'll be slaves to the federal government.


Yup, liberals don't care about people like gays or black people in the 60s.


I have to believe you're being sarcastic though.

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QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Dec 21, 2012 -> 05:57 PM)
You know what, I'm finally starting to realize that has never been about preventing tragedies. You want guns gone because all you useless, lazy liberals have been on a 40 year mission to eliminate property rights in this country. Unfortunately so many people are armed that you cannot do that. So you work everyone into a frenzy over the dangers of made-up things like assault weapons hoping you can convince the government (who is all too willing to assume control over all private property) and disable our defense against your attempts at theft. Then you'll be free to loot and pillage all you want, build you little collective hellscape.


Some of you probably dont want to admit that this your goal, others probably are just along for the ride and would be horrified if what you're clamoring for actually came to fruition. You cede our rights to defend ourselves and we'll be slaves to the federal government.

Greatest. Post. Ever.


POTY contender?

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QUOTE (Quinarvy @ Dec 21, 2012 -> 09:31 PM)
I'm biased, but nothing will ever beat J4L's transcript of him calling DCSF.

I'm just saying it should be in the running. :P


PS, isn't the anti-video game argument the same as the anti gun argument? Guns don't kill people blah blah blah video games don't kill people, regulations bad, freedom good, just except for those Hollywood types right?

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Yup, liberals don't care about people like gays or black people in the 60s.


I have to believe you're being sarcastic though.

Nah, you just make the whites feel really guilty about something that happened 150 years ago and exploit that to funnel a bunch of money into the drug trade and housing projects. When that system implodes and gives us places like contemporary Chicago (aka a f***ing war zone) you won't blame the policies that disarmed good citizens and acted as a stimulus check for gangs.


But as long as it furthers the expansion of The State, which is about the only god you're willing to tolerate our kids being indoctrinated with at your mind control camps, innocuously referred to as public schools.


Also, you brought up identity politics. I didn't, so don't get all whiny on me.

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Post of the Year 2.


Where do you get this stuff?


Conspiracy Theory much? 9/11 was planned by the Democrats/liberals, so was Pearl Harbor and the global financial crisis.


Wait, forgot the Trilateral Commission and anything have to do with Ron or Rand Paul or the Federal Reserve.



Maybe we should go back to the time of the Constitution, when black people were also considered slaves/property and constituted 3/5th's of a person?


It would be better if only white landed gentry/plantation owners could vote for the Senate. Those were the days!


Damn, you found out about the CIA funneling all that drug money to get all black people (they only live in the ghettos, never the suburbs or exurbs) hooked on crack cocaine so their children will end up siphoning off more resources from the Federal Government.


Let's forget that the tax rates in the US are actually among the bottom quartile of all industrialized nations in terms of marginal tax rates.


Were you at Ruby Ridge or on the Grassy Knoll?





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QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Dec 22, 2012 -> 03:55 AM)
Nah, you just make the whites feel really guilty about something that happened 150 years ago and exploit that to funnel a bunch of money into the drug trade and housing projects. When that system implodes and gives us places like contemporary Chicago (aka a f***ing war zone) you won't blame the policies that disarmed good citizens and acted as a stimulus check for gangs.


But as long as it furthers the expansion of The State, which is about the only god you're willing to tolerate our kids being indoctrinated with at your mind control camps, innocuously referred to as public schools.


Also, you brought up identity politics. I didn't, so don't get all whiny on me.

You're right. We poor white people have really been through a lot... why do people insist on persecuting us? Life is SO HARD! If only we made more money than women and minorities... if only we had more opportunity.... if only the members of congress really cared about the issues that matter to white America...




PS, the 60s we're 50 years ago. Your math is off a bit.

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QUOTE (Reddy @ Dec 22, 2012 -> 09:15 AM)
You're right. We poor white people have really been through a lot... why do people insist on persecuting us? Life is SO HARD! If only we made more money than women and minorities... if only we had more opportunity.... if only the members of congress really cared about the issues that matter to white America...




PS, the 60s we're 50 years ago. Your math is off a bit.



70-75% of Romney's infamous "47%" is white, after all. Receiving benefits/assistance, but not paying anything into the system.

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I think what we will end up with is the left using this as an excuse to spend more money on registration bureaucracy, restrictions or armed police officers in school. I really don't care which.


And the right will allow one of those choices because they sleep with an AK under their pillow at night, no matter how uncomfortable it is.


While the moderate, middle class person, who just wants to save a little bit of his wages in hopes of someday taking a little time off work gets it straight up the ass again.

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QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Dec 22, 2012 -> 03:55 AM)
Nah, you just make the whites feel really guilty about something that happened 150 years ago and exploit that to funnel a bunch of money into the drug trade and housing projects. When that system implodes and gives us places like contemporary Chicago (aka a f***ing war zone) you won't blame the policies that disarmed good citizens and acted as a stimulus check for gangs.


But as long as it furthers the expansion of The State, which is about the only god you're willing to tolerate our kids being indoctrinated with at your mind control camps, innocuously referred to as public schools.


Also, you brought up identity politics. I didn't, so don't get all whiny on me.


Holy hell you were being serious.

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QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Dec 22, 2012 -> 02:55 AM)
Nah, you just make the whites feel really guilty about something that happened 150 years ago and exploit that to funnel a bunch of money into the drug trade and housing projects. When that system implodes and gives us places like contemporary Chicago (aka a f***ing war zone) you won't blame the policies that disarmed good citizens and acted as a stimulus check for gangs.


But as long as it furthers the expansion of The State, which is about the only god you're willing to tolerate our kids being indoctrinated with at your mind control camps, innocuously referred to as public schools.


Also, you brought up identity politics. I didn't, so don't get all whiny on me.

Dude, give it a f***ing rest. You are the perfect example of why we need more gun restrictions. Every one of your posts is filled with delusions and I get angry just reading them. I'm honestly ashamed to live in this country because there are so many stupid, crazy, extremists like yourself that get an equal say in political matters. You can't even have a rational discussion without rambling on about some nonsense unrelated the issue at hand. This country is doomed and it's because of people like you who can't accept the smallest amount of change without screaming about their freedoms being taken away by the big bad government.


Also, stop calling Chicago a "war zone". I don't care if you got mugged in Lincoln Park on your way home from Starbucks, it's f***ing insulting to the people actually who live in areas with high gang activity and are at risk on a daily basis.

Edited by Chicago White Sox
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QUOTE (Chicago White Sox @ Dec 23, 2012 -> 08:10 AM)
Dude, give it a f***ing rest. You are the perfect example of why we need more gun restrictions. Every one of your posts is filled with delusions and I get angry just reading them. I'm honestly ashamed to live in this country because there are so many stupid, crazy, extremists like yourself that get an equal say in political matters. You can't even have a rational discussion without rambling on about some nonsense unrelated the issue at hand. This country is doomed and it's because of people like you who can't accept the smallest amount of change without screaming about their freedoms being taken away by the big bad government.


Also, stop calling Chicago a "war zone". I don't care if you got mugged in Lincoln Park on your way home from Starbucks, it's f***ing insulting to the people actually who live in areas with high gang activity and are at risk on a daily basis.


Well, well...aren't you intolerant of others? While I may agree that some of Duke's posts are a bit over the top, saying things like your ashamed to live somewhere because of "extremists" like him, and implying that he shouldn't have as much political say as you is pretty extreme in and of itself, and goes against everything this country stands for. Personally, I think it's awesome we live in a place where people can have unpopular opinions, but that's a different post for a different time. Back to my original point, you love cherry picking things he says, such as calling Chicago a war zone, and then telling him it's insulting to others that actually live in areas with high gang activity...but it's ok for you to call him an "extremist"? Watch as I do the same thing to you as you: Extremists drive planes into buildings and kill innocent civilians, and it's a f***ing insult to the men and women of our military that face *actual* extremists on a daily basis when you compare a forum poster to one of them. See how easy that is to do?


As for a few of the things you said, you can always leave this embarrassing country that gives others a voice you deem inferior to your own, since it seems as if you've missed the point of being here in the first place.


...and second, and more importantly, he deserves equal say in policial matters, regardless of what you or others may think of his opinions. What makes your opinions more important than his aside from nothing?


What's funny is you don't even see how intolerant you were being with this post, not to mention condescending, because you actually believe your opinions are better than this and that his opinions have no insight, and should carry no weight whatsoever. This country was designed with the very thought of keeping people such as yourself at bay in the case they rise to power. To prevent people from forcing their opinions on others because they "know" they're superior opinions.


Now, before you start with an angry retort, do understand that I understand your thinking here...I've been there...it's easy to reply to a position you find extreme in an angry fashion on a forum such as this, especially during a heated political debate.

Edited by Y2HH
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QUOTE (Y2HH @ Dec 23, 2012 -> 08:43 AM)
Well, well...aren't you intolerant of others? While I may agree that some of Duke's posts are a bit over the top, saying things like your ashamed to live somewhere because of "extremists" like him, and implying that he shouldn't have as much political say as you is pretty extreme in and of itself, and goes against everything this country stands for. Not to mention, you love cherry picking things he says, such as calling Chicago a war zone, and then telling him it's insulting to others that actually live in areas with high gang activity...but it's ok for you to call him an "extremist"? Watch as I do the same thing to you as you: Extremists drive planes into buildings and kill innocent civilians, and it's a f***ing insult to the men and women of our military that face *actual* extremists on a daily basis when you compare a forum poster to one of them. See how easy that is to do?


First, you can always leave this embarrassing country that gives others a voice you deem inferior to your own, since it seems as if you've missed the point of being here in the first place.


...and second, and more importantly, he deserves equal say in policial matters, regardless of what you or others may think of his opinions. What makes your opinions more important than his?


What's funny is you don't even see how intolerant you are, not to mention condescending, because you actually believe your opinions are better than this and that his opinions have no insight, and should carry no weight whatsoever. This country was designed with the very thought of keeping people such as yourself at bay in the case they rise to power. To prevent people from forcing their opinions on others because they "know" they're superior opinions.

I don't claim to have all the answers and I don't think my opinion is better than most. What I do know is that "extremists", regardless of what political side they fall on, are destroying this country. We struggle to make progress on many issues because no one will give up any ground. I'm sorry, but there are people out there suggesting "arm the teachers!" and "more guns = less violence!". These are just idiotic ideas that get in the way of real discussion.


I'm the owner of three guns, all used for hunting and I respect people's right to own guns for sport or self-defense. I think people suggesting "no more guns!" is just as bad as "more guns are better!" approach. I just know there is a middle ground that can be found, that will slightly inconvenience gun owners but make this country safer. Hell, I've seen numerous ideas in this thread that would work. Unfortunately, groups like the NRA and people like Duke refuse to make any changes and the country suffers as a result.


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