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Time to revisit the 2nd Amendment?


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QUOTE (pettie4sox @ Jan 2, 2013 -> 12:21 PM)
My girlfriend got mugged at gunpoint this past weekend. As long as these damn criminals have them, law abiding citizens should have them as well. If the police had an overwhelming force, then you may have a point but as far as I know the CPD are well understaffed so I think people should take definitely invest in their protection and cops should give people some leeway if they do gun down these miserable waste of lives.


We'd like to limit the overall supply of guns such that it becomes much more difficult for criminals to obtain them in the first place instead of locking into an arms races.

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jan 2, 2013 -> 12:56 PM)
We'd like to limit the overall supply of guns such that it becomes much more difficult for criminals to obtain them in the first place instead of locking into an arms races.


Believe me when I say I'm not really pro-gun as much as pro-protecting oneself. I much rather live in a country like Japan or Sweden/Switzerland so I wouldn't have to worry "as much" about being a victim of such a crime. This incident with my girlfriend really f***ed me up this weekend. I found the little s***s too and I was fixing to pay them a visit but thankfully I had some people to talk some sense into me. I thought for sure I was going to jail for life this weekend.

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QUOTE (pettie4sox @ Jan 2, 2013 -> 01:26 PM)
Perhaps but that punk ass b**** could've just shot her anyway. This was a real wake up call for her though she needs to pay attention to her surroundings even in the nicest of Chicago neighborhoods because these goddamn hoodlums are coming from their rat infested holes and preying on people.


I'm always packing something, I don't care what neighborhood it is.

you're speaking out of anger, which is understandable, but the only reason she didn't end up dead is because the guy didn't think she was a threat. had she turned INTO a threat by pulling a gun, she would - without a doubt - have been shot.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jan 2, 2013 -> 12:37 PM)
Who is going to pass this new legislation?


The Republican House? Ha. Funny. They might pass a bill allowing the FBI to track gun purchases used in crimes as long as the bill also makes gun ownership mandatory for everyone over 6 and bans safety switches on guns.


The States might try...but they're literally hamstrung. The places that want stronger gun legislation can't really do anything because they can't get the help of the Feds even in monitoring dealers and they can't ban this type of rifle on their own. Meanwhile, the states and cities that do have strong gun laws continue to have them dismantled by the courts (see: concealed carry in Illinois). And there is plenty more that can and will be struck down, maybe not tomorrow, but over the next few years.


The states that don't have strong gun regulation aren't going to create them because of this incident. We already see what is happening instead, Tennessee and Arizona are happy to lead the way in arming teachers and having Sheriff Arpaio's insane clown posse taking up positions in schools.


And on top of that, those 20 dead kids have been the best marketing incident the Bushmaster rifle could ever ask for. We just had a gun show here in knoxville, and those style of guns were going for 4x the price that they were going for before this rampage. Background checks all over the coutnry skyrocketed after this killing, because people wanted to stock up. So, we're going to watch now as even more of these things wind up on the streets and in the hands of people who are capable of such acts.


So yeah. More guns. No new laws. And the crazy states will lead the way in coming up with new idiotic places to put guns.


Obama plans to tackle it. The way this current Republican party folds on their demands, i'm sure they'll fold on any and all restrictions on guns. States like Illinois (especially since they've been forced to amend their concealed carry law) will address these issues by adding more restrictions. Just watch. People are buying those guns because they think they won't be available pretty soon.


But yep, continue to believe that a small crazy minority that wants to arm teachers will win. I'm 100% positive that's going to happen. You'll be killed the day that happens with the 100% certainty of massive gun fights on every corner of every street in America. Might as well buy that bunker now.



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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Jan 2, 2013 -> 02:30 PM)
The way this current Republican party folds on their demands, i'm sure they'll fold on any and all restrictions on guns.

I'd just like to re-highlight this because I think there will be a few laughs.

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"Guns are awful. We need to get rid of them! More regulations and restrictions!!! Wait, what? Oh, s***! We're in danger! We need to hire security for protection....security with guns!"




The New York City-area newspaper that incited controversy in publishing an interactive map of gun permit holders while advocating for strict gun control laws has absorbed the backlash with a touch of irony: it reportedly hired armed security guards at its office due to thousands of angry emails and phone calls.
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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jan 2, 2013 -> 01:31 PM)
I'd just like to re-highlight this because I think there will be a few laughs.


Laugh all you want. Apparently this party is all talk and no bite. Months and months about cutting spending and they didn't cut anything. If they continue to negotiate like that, they'll happily give up gun rights.

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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Jan 2, 2013 -> 02:33 PM)
Laugh all you want. Apparently this party is all talk and no bite. Months and months about cutting spending and they didn't cut anything. If they continue to negotiate like that, they'll happily give up gun rights.

They don't care about spending, they care about tax cuts, and they cut something in the range of $4 trillion dollars in taxes over the next 10 years yesterday.

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jan 2, 2013 -> 01:37 PM)
yeah that's just insane.


What exactly did Obama NOT get in this negotiation? A measly 200K income gap between his original 250k threshold which he later backed off of like a month after the election? The estate tax affecting slightly bigger estates than he wanted?


Obama gave an inch, the GOP gave up a mile.

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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Jan 2, 2013 -> 02:40 PM)
What exactly did Obama NOT get in this negotiation? A measly 200K income gap between his original 250k threshold which he later backed off of like a month after the election? The estate tax affecting slightly bigger estates than he wanted?

An increase in the debt ceiling, to prevent a default caused by this deal.

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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Jan 2, 2013 -> 01:40 PM)
What exactly did Obama NOT get in this negotiation? A measly 200K income gap between his original 250k threshold which he later backed off of like a month after the election? The estate tax affecting slightly bigger estates than he wanted?


Obama gave an inch, the GOP gave up a mile.


He gave up his "hard line" of 250k, which resulted in significantly less revenue. He got no extension on the debt ceiling, which was a major early "must-have" for him.


But, more importantly, you can't look at this in isolation. He gave up his biggest negotiating leverage and will be in a much weaker position for the debt ceiling.

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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Jan 2, 2013 -> 02:40 PM)
What exactly did Obama NOT get in this negotiation? A measly 200K income gap between his original 250k threshold which he later backed off of like a month after the election? The estate tax affecting slightly bigger estates than he wanted?


Obama gave an inch, the GOP gave up a mile.

as they SHOULD seeing as how they lost the election........... lol

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It's not like he lost the debt ceiling issue. They kicked it down the road. He got basically his entire tax deal and what he gave up was continued negotiations on the debt ceiling. Big whoop. He's still in the driver seat for that because if there's not an agreement the Republicans get blamed for it.

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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Jan 2, 2013 -> 01:47 PM)
You've made this terrible point before. Losing an election doesn't mean you give up on your ideologies.

Reddy would've become pro-red meat, pro-guns, and anti-P90x if Romney won.

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The Buckeye Firearms Foundation will be providing free firearms training to teachers and school administrative staff. This announcement following the devastating shooting that left 27 dead at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, CT in December.


As of Wednesday, the Armed Teacher Training Program has attracted more than 600 applicants from several states including Ohio, Arizona, California, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Nevada, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Washington and West Virginia.


"We knew this would be popular, but the response has exceeded out expectations," said Jim Irvine, Chairman of the Buckeye Firearms Foundation. "People doubted if we would fill the first class. That happened in hours. This is something many in our schools have been asking about for a long time."


While the state of Ohio generally prohibits firearms at school, the law includes a provision that allows teachers and staff to carry firearms if approved by the school board.

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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Jan 2, 2013 -> 02:47 PM)
You've made this terrible point before. Losing an election doesn't mean you give up on your ideologies.

haha no it doesnt, but it means the PEOPLE support that person's platform over yours, and you should respect that.

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QUOTE (Reddy @ Jan 2, 2013 -> 02:03 PM)
haha no it doesnt, but it means the PEOPLE support that person's platform over yours, and you should respect that.


So again, to the point you never responded to the first time you made this argument -- 2 years ago Obama should have laid down and signed any Tea Party bill that crossed his desk, right? Meaning we shouldn't have Obamacare as law right now.

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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Jan 2, 2013 -> 03:51 PM)
So, 600 out of the ~7.2 million teachers. Again, might as well build that bunker to stay out of the cross fire.

Wow...so 600 is all they'll ever sign up? 2 weeks go by, they register 600, at a random site in Ohio, and then shut down? Well, that sounds like a pretty silly program on their parts, but thank God you informed me that they're shutting it down so rapidly and no one else following the lead, because I wouldn't want one of those 600 around anyone in my family. At least it's only 600 and no other fools will try to think it's a good idea to bring a gun into a classroom.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jan 2, 2013 -> 02:53 PM)
Wow...so 600 is all they'll ever sign up? 2 weeks go by, they register 600, at a random site in Ohio, and then shut down? Well, that sounds like a pretty silly program on their parts, but thank God you informed me that they're shutting it down so rapidly and no one else following the lead, because I wouldn't want one of those 600 around anyone in my family. At least it's only 600 and no other fools will try to think it's a good idea to bring a gun into a classroom.


It's firearms training. It's not a license to kill. Jesus.

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jan 2, 2013 -> 03:06 PM)
It's firearms training in support of arming teachers in the classroom.


And to what degree we don't know. Maybe the school will keep a single gun locked in a safe only to be used in emergencies. It's up to the individual school districts. All this is doing is providing people with police-level training (the same test administered to police officers) in the use of firearms.

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