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Will the latest tragedy, coupled with the movie theatre massacre, influence your decision whether or not to bring children into this world?


Do you believe your children will have a fighting chance to have a career in which they can make a good living? do they have a fighting chance to enjoy a better lifestyle than their parents? Or are you afraid you are bringing them into a world where they will not be able to find a good job? The economy has been bad for so long it's hard to envision it getting much better, it's hard to imagine prosperity again.


Do you think the dangers within our own country (our citizens murdering each other) and the international threat (China, others who may want to blow us to smitheeens) are so scary and real you would not want a child to have to face these dangers?


Do you believe the polluting of our country by our own citizens will increase the natural disasters and droughts and assure a land that has horrible living conditions? Do you want to bring children into a new age of horrible weather and atrocities?

Just curious.


I personally think most parents will want one child, two at the very most because of the scary world we live in today.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Dec 16, 2012 -> 01:52 AM)
Will the latest tragedy, coupled with the movie theatre massacre, influence your decision whether or not to bring children into this world?


Do you believe your children will have a fighting chance to have a career in which they can make a good living? do they have a fighting chance to enjoy a better lifestyle than their parents? Or are you afraid you are bringing them into a world where they will not be able to find a good job? The economy has been bad for so long it's hard to envision it getting much better, it's hard to imagine prosperity again.


Do you think the dangers within our own country (our citizens murdering each other) and the international threat (China, others who may want to blow us to smitheeens) are so scary and real you would not want a child to have to face these dangers?


Do you believe the polluting of our country by our own citizens will increase the natural disasters and droughts and assure a land that has horrible living conditions? Do you want to bring children into a new age of horrible weather and atrocities?

Just curious.


I personally think most parents will want one child, two at the very most because of the scary world we live in today.


You can always view the world in a negative light and try to hide away from all the evil of the world, but histoically, there have always been such issues in different packaging, be it famine, plagues, disease or school shootings. But through all of them, life went on. The sensationalist media makes it appear as if nothing but crime and death are what occurs out there, but the reality is that it's the minority of what's happening...it's simply magnified to the point that we think of such events as the norm...it's not the norm.


Life is ultimatly doomed on this planet anyway, but that's not really the point of living in the first place...in the grand scheme of things we live a very short amount of time in this form of life. Don't hide from it, because there are things in this world so beautiful that can bring tears to your eyes, things that aren't sad or tragic, but awesome to be a part of.


People always have a chance and these same questions are always asked, generation after generation. Will they have a chance at a better life than us? Not sure...because life won't be the same for them as it is for us...the world is changing and they will change with it. We endure. We always have.


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the world has always been scary, but that doesn't mean we worry about that when it comes to making our small, personal choices in life.


you can be scared of all the bad things going on, or you can live your life and enjoy the hell out of every moment. I prefer the latter.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Dec 16, 2012 -> 02:51 PM)
Although the rate of these type of mass killings in this country is shooting upwards...the country as a whole is actually getting saver (strangely well correlated with getting lead out of children's brains, btw).


I read somewhere that mass shootings peaked in the USA in 1929. I'll try to track down a link.


I think the USA is getting better and better, even if we are more efficient at finding and reporting on the bad things.

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I'm just not going to send my kids to public school. Teachers are spoiled rotten by their unions, they're f***ing terrible at their jobs and they clearly aren't safe. Besides, all public schools really are anymore is indoctrination centers to send kids for a life in the Democratic party (sure as hell dont teach math or science worth a damn anymore).


Just forsake our broken public school system and you'll be fine.

Edited by DukeNukeEm
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QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Dec 16, 2012 -> 03:16 PM)
I'm just not going to send my kids to public school. Teachers are spoiled rotten by their unions, they're f***ing terrible at their jobs and they clearly aren't safe. Besides, all public schools really are anymore is indoctrination centers to send kids for a life in the Democratic party (sure as hell dont teach math or science worth a damn anymore).


Just forsake our broken public school system and you'll be fine.


lol, my public school routinely made me participate in prayer, told me how much trouble we were in because of Obama, how lucky we were to have Bush as President, etc. I can't believe I made it out alive.

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QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Dec 16, 2012 -> 03:16 PM)
I'm just not going to send my kids to public school. Teachers are spoiled rotten by their unions, they're f***ing terrible at their jobs and they clearly aren't safe. Besides, all public schools really are anymore is indoctrination centers to send kids for a life in the Democratic party (sure as hell dont teach math or science worth a damn anymore).


Just forsake our broken public school system and you'll be fine.

Really depends where you are. If you're in the New Trier district, you're an idiot not to use the public system. But for probably >95% of districts, it's definitely a decision that requires a lot of serious thought.

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QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Dec 16, 2012 -> 03:16 PM)
I'm just not going to send my kids to public school. Teachers are spoiled rotten by their unions, they're f***ing terrible at their jobs and they clearly aren't safe. Besides, all public schools really are anymore is indoctrination centers to send kids for a life in the Democratic party (sure as hell dont teach math or science worth a damn anymore).


Just forsake our broken public school system and you'll be fine.


I know my math and science just fine and less scandals and such happened at my school than the local private school.

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QUOTE (farmteam @ Dec 16, 2012 -> 09:33 PM)
Really depends where you are. If you're in the New Trier district, you're an idiot not to use the public system. But for probably >95% of districts, it's definitely a decision that requires a lot of serious thought.




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QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Dec 16, 2012 -> 04:16 PM)
I'm just not going to send my kids to public school. Teachers are spoiled rotten by their unions, they're f***ing terrible at their jobs and they clearly aren't safe. Besides, all public schools really are anymore is indoctrination centers to send kids for a life in the Democratic party (sure as hell dont teach math or science worth a damn anymore).


Just forsake our broken public school system and you'll be fine.



yeah you are right that good schooling leads people to think more liberally. i really do understand why all you neo-cons are scared of it. :)

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We live in one of the safest times in world history. We have no worries of polio, scarlett fever, etc. Though the western world has had a poor decade, it has been prosperous in poverty-stricken regions. 150 years ago, half your children would die because illness, and your wife would be risking her life each time. There's no question.


As for duke, he claimed that Bush was a great president because he kept the country safe. A bar so low, that greatness was achieved by nearly every president (except Bush, who technically didn't).

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QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Dec 16, 2012 -> 03:16 PM)
I'm just not going to send my kids to public school. Teachers are spoiled rotten by their unions, they're f***ing terrible at their jobs and they clearly aren't safe. Besides, all public schools really are anymore is indoctrination centers to send kids for a life in the Democratic party (sure as hell dont teach math or science worth a damn anymore).


Just forsake our broken public school system and you'll be fine.

LOL, just horrible.

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QUOTE (farmteam @ Dec 16, 2012 -> 03:33 PM)
Really depends where you are. If you're in the New Trier district, you're an idiot not to use the public system. But for probably >95% of districts, it's definitely a decision that requires a lot of serious thought.

Maybe in other states, but Illinois has a very solid public school system.

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QUOTE (Y2HH @ Dec 17, 2012 -> 12:46 PM)
Unless you include Chicago in that. ;)

Urban areas in general tend to have better private schools than public so I never include that. If you want to raise your children in the city you send them to private schools 99% of the time. But our surrounding areas and even around the state have very good public schools in fact I think Illinois lags in quality and quantity of private institutions.

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QUOTE (RockRaines @ Dec 17, 2012 -> 12:51 PM)
Urban areas in general tend to have better private schools than public so I never include that. If you want to raise your children in the city you send them to private schools 99% of the time. But our surrounding areas and even around the state have very good public schools in fact I think Illinois lags in quality and quantity of private institutions.


Sure, because the poor kids can't afford good schools.

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QUOTE (bmags @ Dec 17, 2012 -> 02:50 PM)
Chicago schools lag behind the improvements seen in other big cities. BUt they still have been improving (as has the country as a whole).


And there are some very good public schools in Chicago.

Chicago public schools also have the highest %age of kids in povery that I could find out of any major city (more than DC, LA, NY, etc.)

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