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QUOTE (iamshack @ Aug 13, 2013 -> 12:55 PM)
Yeah, the 12's suck. Everytime I hit it I bust and every time I stand the next card is like an 8.


I can understand splitting 9's, but I wouldn't split 10's unless I was absolutely on fire and the dealer was busting like a mother.


Living in vegas, I can play basically everyday if I want, but it's just not worth the stress for me...I usually play once a month or every couple months if I am out with the guys, but even then, I just try and hit them hard and get out of there. No patience to sit there for hours.

Maryland Live is not far from me and they just started table games this year, and I was really rusty and I'm getting it back, so hopefully I don't go there more than once a month, lol.

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QUOTE (lostfan @ Aug 13, 2013 -> 10:01 AM)
Maryland Live is not far from me and they just started table games this year, and I was really rusty and I'm getting it back, so hopefully I don't go there more than once a month, lol.

I prefer to waste my money on the NFL for the most part these days :)

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Aug 12, 2013 -> 09:23 AM)
I had a similar diagnosis several years back. Even if you don't go the medication route, just learning some of the behavioral/routine tools ("Stop, don't switch tasks" is a good one for me) and being self-aware can make a huge difference. It also helped my wife (then-gf) understand to not take it personally when I'd forget things.


There has definitely been a boost of self-esteem, just understanding where some things come from (like forgetting things, some of my pet peeves, difficulty with certain tasks, etc). I'm hiring an ADD coach and am at least going to try out some medication, but I'd love to not need it forever.

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When I was on a cruise this past weekend we were all in the pool with our kids and this woman comes to the pool, she had enormous implants and her bikini top could barely hold her, probably the only reason she didn't bust completely out is b/c implants hold up mostly on their own. Anyway we are all trying not to stare and act normal although this is pretty typical for Miami, and I noticed she had a teenage son and thought "this has to be so awkward"

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1 teen arrested, 1 at large in beating death of WWII Vet


Delbert Belton was in the parking lot outside the Eagles Lodge in Spokane on Wednesday night, waiting for a friend to pick him to go bowling, when the two teens robbed and assaulted him, leading to his death, police Chief Frank Straub Jr. said.


Everyone is probably desensitized to idiotry like this at the rate it's being reported by your favorite news source, but this one in particular really irked me. Dude was a World War II Vet who took a bullet for his country only to have two s*** birds repay him by beating him for a few bucks and leaving him to die in a parking lot at night. Really makes it seem like that the pain and sacrifice he made went for naught.



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So I had a pretty f***ed up weekend. Rented a lake house in Wisconsin with about 24 other friends. Partied our asses off Friday night and had a great time. Saturday afternoon I went golfing with some buddies and got a call that another friend of mine hurt his neck in the lake and couldn't feel his legs. Didn't really think anything of it as he tends to always get injured (not seriously) doing something on these trips. An hour later I got a text saying he was being airlifted to the Univ. of Madison hospital for emergency surgery. Find out later that night he broke his C7 and severely damaged his spinal cord. He'll most likely never walk again. He was "lucky" in that he broke the C7 and not anything above that. He can breathe on his own, use his arms and seems to be able to use his hands ok. But he's basically paralyzed from the chest down with little hope of recovery. Anything higher and he'd most likely be a quad, if not dead.


All because he tried to surface dive from the edge of the water into thigh high water (not off a dock). Not the smartest thing to do, but I've done it before, as has everyone else probably at some point in their life. The worst part was he and his wife had just bought their dream home - 2 floors of a brand new 2 flat - and moved in 2 weeks ago. Now they'll have to find something more wheelchair accessible. And they were days away from trying to start having kids.


Definitely put my "problems" in life into perspective (i.e., they're not really problems at all) and made me very appreciative of what kind of life I have.

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Wow, that is terrible. And yeah, puts some things in perspective like you said.


We've all done some stupid/risky stuff in our lives, most haven't had any major injuries to show for it. Just shows you that things can, and do, in fact happen, and I'm sure you realize that now more than ever.


For me, I've been done taking any physical "risks" for years. Well, at least the ones I can control. Playing hockey is a risk, and something could happen. But I'm not running around without a helmet on or a facemask on, etc.


But jumping off things/climbing things etc, things that just aren't necessary at all, are a thing of the past. For example, honeymoon in Hawaii a couple years ago - there's quite a few places you can jump off cliffs, go to the edge by the ocean and take crazy photos, etc. I told my wife I'm not trying to win a Darwin award, taking the picture here instead of 100 feet further is fine. Same things with the guys jumping off cliffs - I'm sure it's great, but not for me.


I'm not saying what your friend did is equivalent to jumping off a cliff into water, but it's something we all know carries some seemingly unnecessary risk. For me, just not worth it at this point, and it's a definite transformation. High School me thought I was invincible. Anyone else do things along these lines?


I hope your friend recovers as well as he can.

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Jenks, I am not trying to trivialize what happened to your friend at all...but this sounds like a bit of a freak accident.


Obviously, there is no need to be throwing ourselves off of cliffs or anything, but at the same time, we have to live our lives. I guess the tough part is finding a balance.

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QUOTE (IlliniKrush @ Aug 26, 2013 -> 04:54 PM)
Wow, that is terrible. And yeah, puts some things in perspective like you said.


We've all done some stupid/risky stuff in our lives, most haven't had any major injuries to show for it. Just shows you that things can, and do, in fact happen, and I'm sure you realize that now more than ever.


For me, I've been done taking any physical "risks" for years. Well, at least the ones I can control. Playing hockey is a risk, and something could happen. But I'm not running around without a helmet on or a facemask on, etc.


But jumping off things/climbing things etc, things that just aren't necessary at all, are a thing of the past. For example, honeymoon in Hawaii a couple years ago - there's quite a few places you can jump off cliffs, go to the edge by the ocean and take crazy photos, etc. I told my wife I'm not trying to win a Darwin award, taking the picture here instead of 100 feet further is fine. Same things with the guys jumping off cliffs - I'm sure it's great, but not for me.


I'm not saying what your friend did is equivalent to jumping off a cliff into water, but it's something we all know carries some seemingly unnecessary risk. For me, just not worth it at this point, and it's a definite transformation. High School me thought I was invincible. Anyone else do things along these lines?


I hope your friend recovers as well as he can.


He was that guy that jumped off clips, sky dived; all the crazy stuff, and he never was seriously hurt. That's what makes it so odd that he was hurt in 3 feet of water. But yeah, i'm hoping at the very least he'll be able to regain some control of his abdomen so he can be that much more independent. But I dunno, scrolling through the internet for the last day and a half I just don't read as many positive stories as I would have liked. Spinal cords injuries are sort of "it is what it is" injuries.


But yeah, I'm with you. I never did anything super crazy before, but I did a lot of dumb things in my day. I certainly stay away from it now that I'm a dad. This whole thing really put his life in perspective for me. He's 14 months so he's been walking and trying to climb on things the last couple of weeks. Had you asked me Friday i would have told you that i was semi-ok with him falling because that's how he learns. Now I watch him like a hawk thinking that he might hit his head just right and end up really hurting himself.

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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Aug 26, 2013 -> 01:17 PM)
So I had a pretty f***ed up weekend. Rented a lake house in Wisconsin with about 24 other friends. Partied our asses off Friday night and had a great time. Saturday afternoon I went golfing with some buddies and got a call that another friend of mine hurt his neck in the lake and couldn't feel his legs. Didn't really think anything of it as he tends to always get injured (not seriously) doing something on these trips. An hour later I got a text saying he was being airlifted to the Univ. of Madison hospital for emergency surgery. Find out later that night he broke his C7 and severely damaged his spinal cord. He'll most likely never walk again. He was "lucky" in that he broke the C7 and not anything above that. He can breathe on his own, use his arms and seems to be able to use his hands ok. But he's basically paralyzed from the chest down with little hope of recovery. Anything higher and he'd most likely be a quad, if not dead.


All because he tried to surface dive from the edge of the water into thigh high water (not off a dock). Not the smartest thing to do, but I've done it before, as has everyone else probably at some point in their life. The worst part was he and his wife had just bought their dream home - 2 floors of a brand new 2 flat - and moved in 2 weeks ago. Now they'll have to find something more wheelchair accessible. And they were days away from trying to start having kids.


Definitely put my "problems" in life into perspective (i.e., they're not really problems at all) and made me very appreciative of what kind of life I have.


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QUOTE (IlliniKrush @ Aug 26, 2013 -> 04:54 PM)
For me, I've been done taking any physical "risks" for years. Well, at least the ones I can control. Playing hockey is a risk, and something could happen. But I'm not running around without a helmet on or a facemask on, etc.

I don't wear a facemask, just the visor. Likely stupid as having teeth is a good thing, but I keep dodging bullets every Wednesday and Friday night.

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QUOTE (GoodAsGould @ Aug 26, 2013 -> 07:50 PM)
He dived head first into 3 feet of water or just jumped in? Sorry wasn't clear on it but if the later is true now I'm going to think about it every time I debate jumping into water.


No, he tried to surface dive from a somewhat level position at the edge of the water on the beach. I guess he just put his head down farther than he should have because his arms were apparently out in front of him. I know i've down the same thing a thousand times, but maybe i just never dip my head down as far, or do more of a dive/belly flop style jump on the top of the water. In either case, he clearly f***ed up.


I spoke to his wife last night and he was able to feel a little more of his stomach/abdomen than he did before his surgery. He was also able to feel a little in one of his feet. That's all a really good sign as things might continue to get better as the swelling goes down. I'm sure it's still a 99% chance he never controls anything below his chest again, but at least there are a few positive signs.

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